PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 1)

With the Old Gods gone, there’s no one to corrupt Moruzond, so this will be how the Infinite dragonflight is created.

Honestly, at this point I’m just like… freck it.

Just give almost all the normal customisations of the thalassian elves to eachother (with a few exceptions like red hair and green eyes for blood elves).

Then they should go totally ham on making void customisations for void elves and fel/Light customisations for blood elves.

Fel horns? Tattoo’s? Eyes? Skin colours? Fel-dripping hair? Blazing Light eyes? etccetc

Yogg mouth for void elves, old goddy eyes for, etc.

Just my two cents anyway.


Fel up my boy :weary: :ok_hand:

This… this is the Better answer. Yes. Agreed.

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Skinny human males for Kul Tirans!


I know there are races in way more dire need of customisations…

But I still hold out hope for emerald eyes, antlers, malfurion-esque beards for Night Elves! Alongside more tattoo’s aswell!

And perhaps some more Arcane-orientated customisations for the Highborne RPers!


I doubt that’d look good, tbh.

Purple, silver, dark blue maybe. Amber meh.

Maybe, but among the Kaldoire?
Unlike his brother, Illidan was born with amber eyes, at the time a sign of a great destiny — however, this actually indicated inherent druidic potential - Warcraft encyclopedia
I don’t know it is still a thing or not
Amber eyes… maybe like the Nightwarrior’s jetblack UFO eyes, just… amber?
Could work

Use the trope without being a helf HMP. Do not make your helfoid pale as heck with their blond hair.
Step 2: Profit

Granted, if there’s no blond, I’ll cackle my stupid little face off like everyone else.

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Blonde, pale elves are cringe.

It’s just people sub-consciously thinking that Blonde Pale Elves are just cooler Withered Elves.

… Blonde, tanned elves are fine though… right? :pleading_face:


How about very tanned but Blonde?

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Imagine not being pasty and growing out your tentacles.


I mean kaldorei already have that option. Nightborne don’t and I doubt they’d look good on them.


Also fine.


Black skin, platinum white hair… like a discount Ororo Munroe
I could live with that
But that nice Drow look is lovely too

I was going to say “Indeed” and then I realised that hood hide entirely the character’s face and hair. So I guess “source: trust me bro”?

Thank you.