do not kill the part of you that is cringe
kill the part that cringes . . .
do not kill the part of you that is cringe
kill the part that cringes . . .
This took far too long tbf. But good on you Blizzard, keep going for the easy wins like that…
Now make Tmog runs to be infinitely farmable because this feels arbitrary now.
Allow us to solo Legion raids.
All NM modes in Legion are soloable, HC as well if you are decently geared on a certain class. Mythic is just not doable when you go Tomb and beyond, also Sisters in Antorus cannot be solo-ed unless you’re a pet class, don’t even get me started on KJ Mythic.
So yeah, I get you. The scaling is whack, we should be able to solo all Legion raids.
its been over an expansion.
We should be able to solo all legion content by now.
What angered me was the; "you’re not supposed to be able to solo legion now " response.
“You’re not supposed to be able to Solo the last piece of content that had very original and unique armor sets for each classes.”
It’s always about keeping you going on that treadmill for as long as they can possibly get away with, them keeping personal loot despite BfA releasing was proof enough of that.
I mean, they didn’t for me.
I quit early.
But i am just one person who is very unhappy with the current state of the game.
Aren’t we all? I’d like to say I miss it but truly it’s not the case, I just don’t know what to fill in that time WoW consumed in my free time. Slowly working on it though.
I mean, yes, we are.
It was more; there are too few quitting because of the state of the game hence why Blizz is getting away with stringing it out.
“Hot take”, but the last expansion’s content (BfA, in this case) should now be soloable up to and including mythic n’zoth.
You’d think they’d be all about that since it’d give players more of a thing to grind every week.
I know tastes and preferences are numerous, but BfA didn’t had the best looking gear tbf, you could convince me to do Uldir and maybe, just maybe Dazar’alor but N’yalotha, not a chance.
I want the Dazar’alor sets NGL.
well yeah that’s just the dwemer gear from skyrim.
it just works.
Ny’alotha plate I like, even if I don’t have a plate VElf to make use of it.
Either way should still be soloable though.
Same here.
Yeah I have no idea why people would want to settle for Legion only.
It didn’t take long into MoP for me to start soloing Dragon Soul.
meanwhile im not touching my velf warrior solely because im waiting on the mythic plate set to become obtainable (in a reasonable way i mean)
edit: oh right and because im unsubbed, still getting used to that again
Once Ny’alotha Mythic is soloable, I might consider subbing again. I much desire the cloth set (sans tentacle hood because oh god that thing haunts my dreams)
The leather robe. I just want the leather robe!
Oh and the mythic mail set (specifically the robe and gloves.)
I play neither of these races, but I see new skintones, jewelry and long/short tails?
Am I missing something?
(Also, finally unbanned after a week, yay)