PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 1)

From what I can see for Nightborne: Jewellery, jewellery colours, skin-tones, hair styles, hair colours, eyebrows, tattoos, and most importantly the slanted eyes.

Lightforged are harder to identify since it’s a view from the back, but: Plating colour, tail size, skin colour, hair colour, hair styles, skin-tones and horn styles.

(Welcome back!)

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something something they sure managed to get those done fast :eyes:


Highlight easily being the true Nightborne eyes imo.

Welcome back :beers:

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Three years or three weeks of dev time? You be the judge.

Three hours.


Yeah, but squinty eyes!!!

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Reading wowhead comments has become a form of self-harm for me.

I think adopting such masochistic tendencies is a form of preservation at this point. You hate to see what it has all become, so making the pain your own, Bladefist Clan style is just another form of coping.

Could have stopped here tbh

Wowhead news comments come in 3 categories:

Extremely toxic gamer comments(homophobic, sexists, racist etc, just the very typical gamer stuff)
Blizzard shills putting even old Bellular and Taliesin to shame.
Comments disabled by Wowhead(Mostly during the news about stuff Blizzard did bad)


MMOchampion is terrible too. Gamers really are the worst.


can’t believe it took them 3 years to add a customisation option that should have been the baseline for nightborne

i’m glad they’re being added because i really wanted to main a nightborne, but it’s way too late in the day.


and they did it in a couple of days too, essentially proving the people who said it didnt take much time at all completely right.

so like, basically they are fully aware of how much people wanted them and how much time it would take and went “nah lol we dont care” for years anyway. i guess it’s true that the people in charge genuinely dont give a darn about things like lore and customization and whatever and just see everything in their own game as fancy packaging for their treasured endgame activities, m+ and raids.

wouldn’t be surprised if things like adding more glyphs or updating world holidays or whatever straight-up haven’t even crossed their mind.

i main an LFD and Nightborne are one of my fav other races and though i appreciate the new options and am definitely going to make use of them once (if?) i resub, my trust in blizz is lower than ever rn.


Yeah weird how they can do these things instantly when a gun is pointed at their head. Blizzards lack of work ethic is so tiring to see, they behave like students procrastinating for that essay due tomorrow morning. The bare minimum seems like utter effort to them and it takes so long for that to go through. Worse, there has to be a lawsuit to get them motivated.

But considering they’re all underpaid and apparently overworked (I’m not sure working on what exactly tbh, as there is very little to show of it and they even lionized not working during the lawsuit period) you can understand why they don’t really want to do anything other than the bare requirements, which won’t actually be worked on properly and players will be used as beta testers to tweak and fix things until the end of the expansion where those features become useless.

I mean why was it so difficult for them to add these Nightborne options? And why is it only Lightforged and Nightborne? What about all the other allied races? I know Void Elves are getting some new hair and something is being done about Highmountain but why do people have to scream at Blizzard and organize mass protests to get anything done? At least those High Elf fanboys know how to use the whip on Blizzard and get what they want. Why does everything have to be filled with such controversy and discontent to get these guys to add more basic options some private server monkey can add in a day?

When are Mag’har getting regular Orc hair btw? Do we have to make a mass riot thread about that as well?


I keep reading from both sides of the lawsuit (as well as fence-sitters like the story and narrative department) how these people are, and have been, so passionate about the product they develop and how that’s the reason they stayed at ActiBlizzard instead of moving on.

Now here’s the million-dollar question, where the hell are these mysterious passion projects then? If what we got in 9.1 is the result of their passionate work they are woefully inadequate or are we yet to see the results of their labor?

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You forgot the part where the vendor azerite was only really available if you were playing m+, which gave you a high rate of azerite armour pieces to turn into currency to buy the good armour pieces.

If you raided or pvp’d, you simply never used the azerite armour vendor. Or heaven forbid you were a casual player, good luck with the absurdly high costs!

Wasted by middle and upper management not allocating resources properly. I can imagine, for example, instead of scheduling one or two artists to create meshes for hairstyles they were allocated to making twenty different types of rock in Korthia. The prop artist who recently quit seems to have only managed to convince her bosses to implement the recent transmog glasses because she did the groundwork on them in her free time.


While sad, its probably true.

urgh, its such a mess.

gross, and yet not surprising that one of the things that people wanted for so long only got done due to unpaid labour.