I’d argue using a generalized term like “devs” for what is the top one percent in leadership positions that have any sway over what does and doesn’t make it into the game kind of damaging to this whole conversation. While it might be semantics, and I realize that tensions are extremely high right now, based on my personal takes it just feels very careless.
The lawsuit has brought enough horror stories seen to how the actual developers, writers and artists working on the floors have been treated to light; and it is blatantly obvious the vast majority have no voice what so ever.
From testimonies on Twitter, patch 9.1.5 seems contain various things that the broader development team themselves have pushed for for a very long time; judging by statements from quest designers to artists. Even the most critical voices throughout this whole lawsuit ordeal are showing their support and excitement for what—at least appears to be—a massive internal shift. I wouldn’t be surprised if 9.1.5 and its content is as much to appease the players as well as those working on the title.
However, there are so many out of the roughly ~300 people working on World of Warcraft that want nothing but the absolute best experience for us. Would it be too much to ask that we take the time to differentiate those that are in power and seemingly refuse to listen/don’t care, to those that are giving this game every ounce of everything they have to make it the best it can be? Who are the overwhelming majority of workers?
That is a lot of speculation. Most expansions have had a ‘quality of life’ mini patch partway through, so to assume that this is a sign that things have changed is wishful thinking. Most people are wise to this this kind of damage control from Blizzard (and again, the changes do not go far enough).
Furthermore, I’m sorry but this leadership vs devs false dichotomy you are drawing rings hollow. It isn’t beyond the realms of possibility that arbitrary job titles do not predicate a capacity for misogyny and sexual harassment.
1) It is very much an opinion and speculation. However, it is based on that several of the so far most critical voices publicly regarding the ABK-situation have been heralding it as a big shift internally, with statements such as “it’s just the beginning”.
This is coming from people that have been put in harm’s way before.
For that reason, I choose to be at least optimistic that there—as I said—might be a shift, considering they’ve no reason what so ever to show any support currently. And there are plenty that still aren’t that have been publicly critical of the studio.
2) I wasn’t speaking of misogyny or sexual harassment.
The lawsuit and this entire debacle has uncovered far more than just that. It has revealed abuse in all facets of the company. The stories I referred to are the ones about how several developers have testified to the notion that nobody has the courage to speak up against leads or present ideas of their own since many of them have faced abuse for it. With leads and team members laughing or mocking ideas frequently.
Now, some of those same people with those stories are presenting much of what’s in 9.1.5. as changes and ideas being from the broader development team and their sheer excitement regarding finally pushing these out.
Edit: I’ll see if I can’t find a link to a tweet by one dev in particular that was very vocal about this very fact. Their pride for their coworkers, as an example, for pushing so hard regarding the changes they wanted to see as they seized an opportunity to push on the leads amidst the chaos of the past month.
And in the same breath they’re telling us that you can’t transfer your Anima to alts unless sanctum is fully upgraded and that in itself is a dreadfully long endeavor.
There’s something to be said for acknowledging overdue improvements for what they are. Improvements. That said, I agree that openly thanking Blizzard for implementing them at so late a junction feels thoroughly undeserved on their part.
You don’t thank your flatmate for cleaning out their moldy leftovers from the kitchen after a year is passed, and after having told them repeatedly that the smell is spoiling any enjoyment you might otherwise find in the house.
It’s been a while since I played the game for the game, WoW has become a digital equivalent of an increasingly run down bar that I go to with my friends because it offers things other places to go don’t (regularly released large group raiding/M+/various RP tools). I’m not going to bow ten thousand times to the bar owners for cleaning some toxic mould off the seats, but I feel a bit of relief that I no longer have to sit in it.
They can’t help turning what’s supposed to a hobby and fun activity into a job.
This ain’t something I’ve never seen anywhere else. Can’t imagine a place like a Theme Park asking me to grind tickets located randomly around the place, upgrade the Theme Park attractions and then, only then, I am allowed to experience the ride in its full glory after 120H of doing that grind.
It’s just that these latter days of WoW have brought out all the worst parts of it as a function of cold corporate calculation for the max amount of profit in the next few months with no concern for longevity, customer satisfaction or even fun.
Big line did indeed go up and beelzebob got his bonus. Everything else is irrelevant.
I hope these items be moggable and not white, soulbound items. I would collect them for my main. Alternatively, they could update the vendor in Old Hillsbrad instance and let us to purchase them for our mains.
I’m really curious about the weather changes now. I hope it’s something new and not just importing the old vanilla rain effects. A proper weather system is something I’ve wanted for years, along with new skyboxes ofc.