PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 1)

Why do we care about weather again? I mean it doesn’t work with inky black potion anyway.

(Also, make it night on Kalimdor during the days on EK!)

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Was just about to post about that :eyes: Nice.


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I can hopefully get the nelf shield from Darkshore!


I just want the slutmog armors from the nelf sentinels, you know the one.

My grandpa elf needs one!

(Oh, and glaives as swords for nelfoids everywhere)

I don’t get why the PvP gearing changes are still so poor. By increasing the gear gap they only further worsen the booster problem, and climbing rating becomes more and more of an uphill battle.

Outside of that, most of the changes seem much needed: the addition of weather is good, UI changes are good, and the removal of the AoE cap is good, too.

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hey ion slam some new skyboxes in the old world and you’ll secure my resub

make it happen


  • Players now only need to complete the achievement Breaching the Tomb on one character per account to begin the Legion class mount quests on the Broken Shore. Each character must still complete their class hall campaign, complete quests, and recruit their final order hall champion



upgrade stuff is boring and nasty.
why they do not cancel it.

a hit of the copium tank and the loss of the willingness to keep going as pvp changes are bland and uninteresting

maybe the next expansion…

costumizations are pog though

Luckily I only do Brawls for those coins to buy old pvp gear.

Also, while I dislike the elitism of most PvPers (they get alot of unique stuff but also demand to be viable for PvE), I do think they deserve their feedback to be listened to too!


Cool but putting in new hair colours is literally just implementing a light tweak to RGB values; something I could do with an hour to spare.

I don’t feel like treating this like some gracious gift from on high but rather a demonstration of bare minimum effort that should have been there all along. It wouldn’t even be complicated to give players complete control over hair colour values in the barber shop if they’re so genuine about player expression.

But that is of course not the case. Just more resub bait.


I am incredibly jaded and negative regarding blizzard, which isn’t hard to discern from many of my posts, however the changes being implemented are a good thing, no matter the fact that they only happen because of the horrible pr blizzard had recently + mass exodus.

I mentioned before that I’m sincerely happy that these changes are being made and I hope those that still play or plan to return soon will be pleased with them. That said, the important thing is not what blizzard does right now, while they are in hot water, but what they will do after the dust had settled. I doubt these changes to be a sign of shifting attitude at blizzard, rather an attempt to placate the masses. So I will only commend them if they show they have changed and will keep improving the game not because they had to.


This x100000 (and a lot more zeros)

I’ve seen plenty of fan-made examples of new skyboxes in old zones, and while we frankly need nothing short of every zone being updated entirely, these skyboxes make a world of difference. If Blizzard want some extra good boy points in their quest to reclaim the people’s adoration, this is what I’d suggest to them


Everytime I look at old world clouds, part of my soul leaves.


Boy, am I lucky that I never look up, it seems.

It’s baffling that they still haven’t done it, especially when some of the skyboxes that already exist in newer areas would suit for most of the old world.

There’s been plenty of heavily upvoted posts on Reddit, which Blizzard watch, showing how much of a difference it would make. It’s a relatively easy but substantial graphical bump for zones that are looking tired.

I’d never noticed that weather didn’t happen in Stormwind to be honest but glad it’s being added.

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I do feel like some of the mock-ups people have made for old zones don’t necessarily fit, especially for areas which might not want big fluffy clouds …

… so Blizz could totally design those wispy cirrus cloud skyboxes instead, right??

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:crossed_fingers: For a similar treatment for Balance of Power :crossed_fingers:

You can drink the Stormy Saison from Brewfest to get nice HD modern cloudy skyboxes in any zone. Bit of a cheat to simply override the old skybox maybe, but it changes the environment too and it’s frequently used in questing so it seems to me the assets and tech is there, but not the willpower.


So I was just looking through the updates, and I must say:

  • The Runecarver will now offer to destroy an existing legendary item and return all of the Soul Ash or Soul Cinders that were spent to create the item. (This feature will be available in a later PTR build)

This part is quite convenient. Should’ve been in the game earlier, and as , I believe it was Elenthas, mentioned earlier, the Scrap-O-Matic from BFA could’ve fulfilled this role, but… better than nothing I guess.

But yes, all the changes so far still feel like “Quick, stop them from leaving, whatever it takes!”, and we’ll just have to see if they finally learnt their lesson or not. We’ve seen Blizzard can be pretty stubborn even when they shouldn’t be…


We still have to wait for it to go through the PTR, it’s still going to be a while…
Too slow!

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