PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 1)

Oh yeah I forgot the other instances he’s been in. Either way, devs also use him to make queerphobic jokes so *eh’.

I find it funny that most of Kalimdor (to my knowledge), at least the main Night Elven zones did not get any of the funny meme reference!!! jokes in them. The only W we’ve gotten :pensive: :fist:.


haha what if instead of this piece-by-piece arbitrary filtering they instead did a massive world overhaul to actually make Azeroth remotely interesting and up to date again which would allow them to remove stuff like this but in a way that isn’t just ‘please stop paying attention to our weird office culture please please’

:point_right: :point_left:

I’m afraid that you, the night elves, are the meme.

I’m sorry :pensive:



.’ - the blizz dev team’s response to this probably, so that it looks like they actually have some engagement on forums

now i don’t feel bad for laughing at u above


I’d happily take a laidback expansion(no big cosmic villain etc) about just going back to Azeroth and dealing with Azeroth problems. No need for a grand overarching narrative either since Blizzard has been bad at those nearly always.

Just make it about bringing the world up to date, update all of the Azeroth zones to the current date/time. Remove all the meme questlines. If they wish to have a reference, do it like most(good games) do. Have something just have a name inspired by a thing.

Also no more dev references, keep removing all of those.


god bless, absolutely.

I can only think of 1x single dev reference i’m okay with keeping and that’s solely because it’s a work of love rather than… rampant narcissism, i guess?

The Shrine of the Fallen Warrior can stay.


Oh yeah. Having a dev reference like that to someone in the team who passed is perfectly acceptable and is a nice thing.

Sleezebag lead dev who creeped on co-workers putting in 50 characters named directly after themselves+cities, and a couple of questlines and one or two OC’s, yeah that needs to go.

I think you said this before as well, no other franchise or even company does this, atleast not to the excessive way Blizzard has.

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Wait where’s the downside to this trade offer


No clickbait Youtube speculation videos.

I think FF14 has like… a once-yearly event where you do a questline and enter a wacky vision and talk to the lead guy in charge of the game for a minute, in an esoteric way looking back at how far the game has come.

It’s neat. It’s out of the way, it’s just once a year, and it’s heartfelt.

And as far as I’m aware, it’s literally the only dev cameo in the game.


i would gladly simply not look at bellular’s 23492357th vid about a revamped zone and whatever if we got a revamped and retouched (you could say, remastered!) Azeroth brought up to date, with a much more grounded villain or no larger overarching narrative


or perhaps, reforged…

no, i said remastered

Always felt like this was so super weird

Name a single inconsequential NPC after yourself as an easter egg/way to immortalize yourself as part of the game you’ve lovingly worked for on ages? Sure why not.

But to do this for a dozen npcs and some items and even a whole freaking zone? Can’t help but wonder what kind of person would push to do that (and what kind of people it takes to say “sure why not lol”).

Then again I guess both those questions got answered.


Many of the big names(alot of the old ones) at WoW/Blizzard has over the years acted & seemed alot of the time like proper full on that they used to be nerdy kids(many admitted that they were) that then grew up to be jock bullies.

It’s like a bad villain backstory.

It rly do be like that.

I honestly wouldn’t have even known about the dev name references unless they had pointed them out- lol.

As for all the changes re: Johny Awesome, Ace Venture and so forth, it’s moronic. They have wallowed so deep into their victim mentality that they’ve horseshoed right back into complete ad. absurdum. But, what can you expect from a bunch of

California living, commie loving, starbucks drinking and greenskins = an IRL racial slur equating morons. You’re completely right though, they rather do these things than actually try and improve the game itself because they god damn can’t.

I hope Bobby Kotick rips another golden parachute off of their hard work just to spite them even more at this point lol. They truly deserve eachother.

For some reason the comments are also disabled. I wonder why that could be the case?


Yes, but bad ones are funnier.

Nothing in this patch that is being removed is remotely justifiable.

Patches are meant to add content, not remove it.

Because he’s a blood elf. That’s literally the joke.

It’s never been a problem.

That requires effort on Blizzard’s end and they clearly cannot be bothered if Shadowlands is any indication.

Blizzard would be the ones making it and forget their premise one patch in in favour of some massive spectacle threat that leaves everyone bored to tears.


It’s also quite a BRUH moment when you realize these devs are trying to, without any cognitive dissonance whatsoever, argue that “greenskins” should be removed because it carries racial connotations to a certain IRL racial slur- Which, by proxy, means that they think that x race represents orcs. Which is quite ??? wtf

The mental gymnastics are simply next level.


no? lol what

Most of the actually inappropriate stuff is justifiably removable and in line with what they said in their latest post about changes to the game. And I hope to see more of it just to see more Boush-level meltdowns to spite him.

So I guess any sort of bug should be here to stay too, yes? It’s content!

Blood Elf males being continuously delegitimized and made the butt of the jokes because ‘haha looool only female blood elves exist!!’ is a very cringecore joke and has always been a problem, only now people actually say it. It has rotted many of the players’ brains to a queerphobic level.

honestly the theory that it’s to do with warhammer sounds the most likely for this, especially with how inconsistent they tend to be with the changes to ‘greenskins’.

It’s a mega weak argument because if GW wanted to press that claim they would have done it already in the 90’s. If they went on war with it vs Blizzard chances are very good they’d lose too, especially since the term has become very common term across many fantasy franchises. GW is known to be insane but even they aren’t that insane.

It’s just wowheaders trying to make an excuse for the people that pay them, simple as.


Isn’t that one quest in Icecrown also one of those references?

I have the umbrella from that last event.

Also the Wandering Minstrel and Minstrelling Wanderer are references to him as well (basically the same character)