It is though. Because it very blatantly says that the joke is that they are called a girl/woman and that is funny. With no other reason because its funny.
Which means that funny in it lies with femininity itself. How are you not seeing this?
I’m reminded of when the movie came out, one of our newspapers had a really bad review of it. Not because of the normal reasons, but because the reviewer stated that it was A) just a boring copy of Lotr with elves and councils. And B) it was used as a cashgrab to also cash in on the immigration situations at the time, saying that the orcs being potrayed as brutish invaders from another world was direct references to that.
Yes because the worgen male flirts were grossly inappropriate.
oh wait.
Stop being moronic.
Yes. But that is literally the joke.
D&D had this very same issue happening where creators associated Orcs with black people.
For some inexplicable reason.
It isn’t.
Because it’s a joke and not meant to be taken seriously. I know drag queens who regularly take the piss out of themselves on a far grander scale than “hah this elf looks girlish because he has long blonde hair”
Yeah well it’s a dumb argument that anybody with half-a-braincell knows how to refute.
They had a much more legit case of trying to copyright greenskins back in the 90’s when Blizzard was at it’s infancy- But no, instead now, when the business is a multi-billion company and even the best lawsuits can barely dink it’s profit margins by a promille, they choose to pounce?
Not to mention that the whole fantasy franchise very liberally uses it. The case has lost merit. If they went to court about it, they would 100% lose.
As for the racial connotations, as said, if you are for it, you horseshoe right into being a racist yourself because, in order to support that notion, you have to accept that you are equating an IRL race to a fantasy one, lol.
On a different tack from this endless waltz around people getting overly sensitive about some inoffensive jokes:
I wish we had a release date for this so I could properly prepare for the Mage Tower and Legion M+
I also wish they’d not go through with making timewalking be the way it currently is. It doesn’t make a lot of sense that it’s on a monthly cycle with vast troughs of ennui between timewalking events. Why not make it weekly instead of monthly?
Or just make it available all the time. It’s not like it’s bad content. Hell in some cases it’s better content than Shadowlands right now. Legion M+, content I didn’t do at the time, feels far more fresh and interesting ( to me ) than doing Plaguefall 15 again.
Mage Tower is pretty much perfect for eternal content, because it really is evergreen content. 12 classes, 36 specs. That’s a ton of challenging stuff to do for one player, even casually.
More stuff like that, less content drought.
Please. I’ll trade my harmless jokes and flirts away if it meant we got more content.
dad humour being inoffensive bad jokes vs dad humour being ‘lol haha gay!!!’ bad jokes
you can make bad jokes/puns but not make them bad jokes
keyword: most
some of the changes are questionable, or inconsistent. many of them are completely understandable
no, by your definition patches should not remove content. therefore bugs should be here to stay and so should be inappropriate and offensive jokes, references, flirts, etcetera in the game honestly why do you even call those content lmao
Which is why it was removed.
I don’t think you actually have an understanding of when the joke is a joke and when the joke is offensive, and why offensive jokes are bad.
Drag queens making those jokes are fine because they’re making those jokes about themselves, let me know if I need to spell it out for you further.
Just because someone you know can make fun of it amongst themselves or with friends doesn’t make it acceptable to have it as a joke in a game to a wider audience. I can joke with my friends to about girly things, but it doesn’t make it okay to build one joke all around how its funny that someone is called a girl because “haha its a joke funny”. Especially when its not for a group of friends but for again, a wider audience and a general “for everyone” thing.
What, because I don’t find any of the removed /silly and /flirt, or puns and references, to actually be offensive?
Uh huh
It didn’t need to be, quite simply. It was cringe, yes, but nobody was going up in arms over it. It’s only now after it was removed that it becomes a topic of discussion.
And you’re making a strawman out of my position. It’s quite handsome I must admit, but bugs aren’t content, they’re bugs.
I’m glad we can agree that they should stay.
Because I suppose characterization and flavour of the playable races is nice to have, and removing them drains some of that out. Now I suppose Lightforged are eternally grim and dull zealots with no sense of humour, or Worgen are unable to make fun of themselves anymore.
We must be super serious and inoffensive 100% of the time now. Now go collect 10 piles of poo in Grizzly Hills.
If you make whatever kind of joke you like to your friends, no one can stop you or say you can’t.
The difference comes from where it is delivered. A dark joke about an ethnicity might be very funny to you and a group of friends, or even to a friend part of that ethnicity.
It won’t be good to pull on a memorial service for said ethnicity.
Time and place. There is a reason many jokes are often cut when the official standup is put online where it can be seen by anyone, even those who didn’t book the tickets specifically for it.
how to say your sense of humour is the lowest barrel of the bunch without saying it is the lowest barrel of the bunch 101: guide by seaxwulf and atahalni
Clearly alot of people(including those who removed it) did not.
You make claims that its outdated 15 years old, yet it seems so important to you that when someone says that they didn’t like that joke, infact it hurt, you seem to be upset over it’s removal.
Unless the joke matters so much that its crucial to your experience, surely it is harmless to have it gone if people are feeling upset by it? Then everyone is happy.
Especially when you in its defense also claim its outdated and doesn’t matter anymore.