PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 1)

but that would mean having to go and fly over there

timewalking takes about as much time since it’s all brainless anyway, but you can just queue for it

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Is it Nov 2nd yet.

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Todd howard…He’s done it again!!!


Yeah that’s in the name. I more meant the bosses. Does one have a turret?

Yes, one does have a turret.

That’s about most I can remember.

Would rather have ZA or ZG in the Cata pool, instead of Blackrock.


Just waiting for Vanilla TWin myself to add ZG…

ZA can be added to TBC TWing :wink:

They were dungeons in Cataclysm though.

They were also raids where you want to add them.

The dungeon versions came out in cataclysm.


I stand corrected then… I was only a wee lad back then :frowning:
Perhaps the Cataclysm-pool would be a better suggestion then! :stuck_out_tongue:

tbh ZG would be so good as a TW dungeon, the troll dungeon patch in Cata doubled down on the difficulty in spite of the ‘waagh the dungeons are so hard im a wrath baby ; ((( unsub!’ cries everywhere

they’re just mega fun simple as :sunglasses:

2 Likes Thank Khadgar they’re finally addressing this. A victory for roleplayers, a loss for auction house fiends and still bad for anyone who doesn’t want homogenised human looking gear, but at least it looks nice. Here’s hoping it’s a prelude to all racial starting gear receiving HD versions.


yeah i’ll believe it when anything of the sort actually makes it to the live game.


We’ve been burned too many times.


Just add them to a vendor at the starting zones for a couple of silver/copper.

Poof done.

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looks at the absolute copious heaps of unused NPC only recolors and weapons

haha… .yeah… sure… they’ll do it !


The Exile’s Reach gear vendor is a perfect spot.

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“Following the negative reception to our 12.1 storyline, we want to say we listen to the fans. To show this we have decided now is a good time to bring back the old starting gear!”

“Each piece of equipment can be bought directly from the shop, starting at 10$. To keep the experience as authentic as possible, they are not moggable and cant be traded. They are also all race and class restricted to their original purpose.”