PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 1)

Reading comments speculating that the cat heralds a Dragon Isles expansion because “the saddle looks kinda night elven and the fur is red like red dragons” over my morning tea.

Never change, reddit.


imagine thinking that mount represents literally anything other than easy cash for blizzard.


I’m the absolute paypig that doesn’t usually care about store mounts and I’m pretty sure I own all of them anyways.

But the design of it feels intensely uninspired. Compare this and the hearthstone rat to the phoenix mount we had few months ago and you can see a drastic drop in quality + aesthetics.

the rat was little bit better done I guess…

A few (a rare few) have foretold of the coming expansion though.

This, however, offends my very soul and sincerely hope it’s one of the meaningless cosmetic many as any expansion with that would be a horror show. Urgh. :face_vomiting:

More likely to herald a move back to Silithus. Azeroth’s great litter tray.


It’s got a jewel on it’s head to represent the sin’dorei, a race that Blizzard often portrays as vain and power hungry.

This design desicision is representative of Blizzard themselves.

Okay no not really but given the timing of releasing it after claiming they’re fixing issues is just…

It’s just very Blizz of them.

I’ve seen people predicting this will lead us into an Elune vs An’she expansion

I’m worried about the copium reserves at this point

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My stonks keep rising.

Copium users in full force on the WoWhead comments.

Bunch of people still living in 2008, some of them even talk like it.

Must huff to live!

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You wouldn’t believe some of the stuff I read there, my favorite being

“You’ll be back. Final Fantasy fans keep buying expansions that are always the same!”

Meanwhile, them next expansion release






I hated it from its inception. Everyone liked it for free (rubbish) epics and for unrestricted pvp I guess, but I for the life of me can not comprehend why people like later iterations.

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Blizzard: “We are listening.”
Also Blizzard:


I mean, Timeless Isle in its inception was great IMO. As with almost every other system (adding failsafes so someone can’t bring up something I’ve forgotten so I can’t be wrong :sunglasses: ), when Blizzard decides to ‘improve’ on them, it gets immediately worse.

It was a nice, sandbox-like content you could just pop in for a short time and do whatever, or be there for longer times (and go slightly insane) to camp for specific rares / do specific content. It also had a lot of B-side game mechanics in them like the Celestial Tournament.

No other Timeless Isle-esque thing did it so well as the original. I think the setting also added for a cozy time, since the scenery was just peak comf. WoD had the…Tanaan Isle? And like, WoD took the #savage theme a bit too seriously and it just got overbearingly tedious, while everything else was also just more annoying, cumbersome, or just otherwise unfun.

I guess for Legion it might’ve been any sort of patch area, but both Broken Isles and Argus were very one-tone and followed the WoD-trend of messing it up. Same continued for BfA, and now with Korthia.

Perhaps it was that Timeless Isle was introduced late in the expansion and the content in it did not become obsolete until the new expansion would launch, whereas the following iterations quite literally weren’t timeless (in its expansion).


The thing that made it work initially for most people was that it was(atleast within its own bubble) just freedom. You could go and do whatever you wanted on the isle at basically anytime without much restriction other than respawn(which were mostly short) and still progress.

The issue with all the later iterations is that they made it so you basically have to do everything to keep up, and even then there are so many little bits and pieces that gates things off. Timegating, various grinds and restrictions etc. Also just very boring. Timeless Isle was atleast colourful and varied.

Things like Tanaan and the Maw are not.


“Here’s a store mount for 25 euro. It’s what you wanted right?”


Idk if u remember a few years back when they hosted the Football world championships in Brazil and the people were so angry all that money went to building and arranging the games while normal people starved to death in favelas.

They had this picture about the police trying to throw a football into thw crowd to make them less agitated but they just tore it to shreds and the other policeman turns to the other one and asks him “what do we do now? Even the ball isn’t working anymore!”

Same vibes with this.

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It’s just zero self-awareness to the point that it would belong in a comedy.

Except no one is laughing, it’s all real.

Reminds me of a big cope I saw on Wowhead’s comments.

“If this were on the FFXIV store you’d have to pay for it with real money, I can just buy a few WoW tokens and get it.”

That’s still someone paying for it.

I hate how people act like the WoW token is some sort of free Blizzbux generator. Someone’s still paying for the mount if you buy it with tokens, it’s just not you.

Hate the WoW token.

Simple as.


I almost died laughing yesterday

It’s like you’re watching a poorly drawn comedy series with a bunch of headless chickens. All these hypocrites going 'raaaughr blizzard evil company muh workers rights evil captalism!!!

then fast forward half a year after and after many culled emotes, paintings, references, etc. etc. the whales and pay piggies are the first to get their credit cards out, support the evil capitalist society they apparently hate and immediately spend €25 to buy a cat purely because ‘‘omggg cute cat lol XD so random i love cats hahah cats omg so cute Soyjak.png’’

These people are a joke and I hope to God they will stay in WoW forever.

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