PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 1)

having an actual opinion on anything might jeopardise the last remaining group of subscribers, people who don’t believe in anything

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These people think Zereth Mortis is some sort of Alien location, something never seen before, WATER YOU CAN FREAKIN’ WALK ON!

Meanwhile, the entire TBC expansion and WoD and the Draenei have successfully nailed the feeling of being alien whilst keeping a degree of fantasy elements.

They’re not writing/directing for the player, but for themselves. Fan-service is dead… Look to the man of the east for that now.

Not really. I can’t really elaborate without spoilers, but I will insist on what I said and point to the second part of your sentence.

None of it is about exploring space really.

(That comes later…)

Edit: Ignore me. I am tired and confused cosmology with astronomy.

Nothing is wrong with cosmology though. Tolkien did it. Blizzard just sucks.


Didn’t WoD have walkable water too? I distinctly remember some spots with walkable water.

those duckers may destroy my game and favorite characters but they will never destroy the memories i have of them while they were good

And Tolkien’s cosmology for Arda is still, I think, one of the most beautiful creations in the fantasy genre ever — and one of the saddest.

You absolutely can explore your setting’s cosmology, but you need to be diligent and either plan it all beforehand, or grow it bit by bit, making sure your later writings meld thematically with your earlier ones. Some writers take the former approach, making up in advance how their universe works and then revealing it piecemeal. Tolkien did the latter — he didn’t plan everything beforehand, but kept working on his cosmology all his life.

When you don’t have the patience and will to design everything in advance (because “continuity exists to enhance a story, not to tie the hands of creators”) but also aren’t diligent enough to decide what your themes are, stick to them and avoid contradicting yourself… that’s when you get the incoherent hodgepodge that modern WoW cosmology is.


What’s the scoop on the newest story leaks then? TLDR me daddies

Datamined Sylv voice lines talking about her breaking free of Arthas and not forgiving him.

“Many interesting voice over lines”


I do kinda like that Jaina wants to immolate her and Bolvar is just being practical not forgiving, but I doubt that’ll be the consistent trend.


jaina just mad sylv stole “her” screen time

Don’t worry give jaina half a patch and her opinion will have changed 5 times over.


The comments are saying that it’s Uther, not Bolvar.

I’m just curious of how many household names jump ship once their contracts are up. I guess that’s part of the end of the cycle; out with the old. Retiring the cast of wc3 and focusing on new characters in a new, exciting adventure that totally isn’t a panicked scramble to replace talent.

You say this as if they’re capable of grabbing our attention unless it involves a household name.

The household names are all they have left so that’s the question. What do without Thrall, Jaina and the rest? Contract another actor that hasn’t found work since GoT burned to the ground? Will it take off? Marketing says we have to maximize meme potential and community engagement.

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Oh, well, my sentiment remains the same, just swap out the names I guess

“The Jailer For millenia, Zovaal manipulated forces throughout the universe to place him in this position of power. At this final step, the heroes of Azeroth rally to fight a cosmic being who has never known defeat.

Someone on Reddit pointed out that this is what the dungeon journal says for the Jailer fight, but isn’t defeat exactly how he became the jailer in the first place? Who is writing this?


nooooo it doesn’t count as defeat if he just gets sealed away for countless eternities (the most anime way to pull a villain out of the fridge)


Just please put us out of our collective misery.

“getting owned is all part of my master plan,” says the Jailer, “eventually you will get tired from stomping your boot into my face, and that’s when I will strike.”

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