PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 1)

“All part of the plan” whispers the Jailer as he slams a tiny Arthas figurine into a tiny Mal’Ganis figurine repeatedly, like a child. “I am a genius.”


I wonder how this would have looked with visible dislikes still around.

They should just have let the credits roll right after Baine said “maybe she shouldn’t” imho.

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imagines that dolls scene from Spaceballs

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Shadowlands Writing: Or How We Know Danuser Used An Everything-Proof Shield All The Time

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So I checked their Tw*tter and it seems like they’re having a group malding session over Preach saying Sylvanas should be crucified.

“Him stating she should be publicly crucified was really disgusting.”

Brooooo you can’t just say you want a fictional character who is not real and will never be real to die… you can’t do that think of their feelings waaaaaah…

If you replace infected in L4D2 with Sylvanas are they going to cry?



Make sure the sound’s on fellas.


More likes than I anticipated, really. A note however is that there is an ongoing dropoff of people liking and disliking in general due to it being fairly pointless.

We can still dredge up the dislikes until the 13:th of December when youtube officially disables that particular datastream for outside mining.

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I’m sure the people saying this have a totally clean track record regarding this sort of thing when it’s about Tyrande instead!


So… Community Council status is public. Like, it’s tagged onto your forum name/title/thing.

This isn’t going to be an Utter Train Wreck at all! Just like RealID, right guys? Haha… g-guys…?


Most of the Dark Ranger fan accounts are absolutely tragic. Politely disagreeing with them is enough for a bunch of raving Sylvanas fans to label you a misogynist (even when you’re lobbying for Tyrande to receive better pay-off, makes total sense) or worse, they’re actively tagging Da’nuser and thanking him for his hard work :face_vomiting:


Remember when they wanted to make everyone use it? Publicly? Fortunately I was a champ making my account so my real ID was a Yugioh character but still.

It’s like entering the Twilight Zone. A twilight zone where they’re also really, REALLY mad about Baine saying not to wake her up.

“broooo you can’t just say you want sylvanas to die also **** BAINE I WANT HIM DEAD AND SKINNED ALIVE!!!”

wtf i love baine now.


Baine making sure Dark Ranger twitter fans are having a meltdown absolutely makes him an hero now.

Might have nothing to do in the game, but outside of it, he’s making sure people are malding​:ok_hand:t2::ox:


We were expecting a sylvanas redemption arc.
Nobody predicted a Baine redemption arc.


What’s the bet there isn’t any RPers on le Council de Blizz?

Here is my non-canon ending for the Shadowlands.

Baine hoofstomps Sylvanas.
The jailer is impressed by the action, seeing value in the universe much like Algalon or Ra-den, and simply heads back to the maw, content with his change in perspective.

The next expansion begins and none of this is ever mentioned again.



so is it like the RealID situation or like just MVPs but… uh, not MVPs?

Just remembered beneath all this soul nonsense that Blizzard made had me almost forget all this new lore is retconning the actual events that took place in WC3. Arthas ripped out Sylvanas’s soul and turned it into a banshee. There were no soul fragment splitting’s – it was a deliberate act to raise her into undeath while not choosing the same for Uther (instead, keeping his power within Frostmourne).

So this whole idea goes against Blizzard’s concept of Necromancy whereas if you want to raise a competent creature into undeath, you must tether it’s soul to the corpse, or twist the soul into a corporeal creature. You couldn’t just split a soul up into portions, more so, imply these portions are good or evil aspects. A soul is a soul – it’s not locked in time or something to be divided up into different characters.

Why did they turn Frostmourne into such a ineffectual weapon? It can’t even suck up souls properly.

Stoop I’m already wheezing like that toothless meme guy.

Since it will not be explored nor explained, the whole metaphysical game of musical chairs and implications of life and dying being in the hands of people who just want to finish a story, I’m not inclined to speculate beyond actually thought out headcanon posts.

Pay me already. I’m demonstrably more capable and passionate than staff on-hand.

Like MVPs. So only a trashcan fire, not the entire dumpster :upside_down_face: