Tbf I’d prefer if they stuck to a Val’sharah ++. I’m gonna say that the visuals of Ardenweald… Not great. It’s beautifully shaped but the color pallette just doesn’t do it for me.
The colour palette wouldn’t be the same you moob. It’d be normal tree. It’s more the size and shape of the Heart of the Forest I was going for.
Still lame, they’re Nelves, not Na’vis. I think Feralas with Val’sharah graphics is more what I want.
What large tree buildings exist in Val’sharah?
I’m not talking about large trees, just the village buildings and perhaps throw in a Parthenon like temple of Elune with a Feralas sized military side at the base of the tree.
Okay I can get behind that.
Also, update the bloody trees in old regions.
Why would Night Elves leave their 10.000 year old forest/lands behind, to make a capital in Feralas, though?
It already was a weirdflex to make Feralas the HQ of the Sentinel Army when their lands were further north, so moving their capital there would be even weirder.
Personally, I think Mt. Hyjal, Moonglade, Felwood and maybe parts of Ashenvale should, preferable, be made from a combination of Ardenweald and Val’sharah, with a small hint of Moon Guard/Highborne stuff.
Ofcourse all of it would be in the colour-palette of Ardenweald, since thats the closest to the Emerald Dream.
(Really only thing I would use from Ardenweald is kinda like Distantpeak’s idea!)
i mean
the entire world tree in which the emerald nightmare raid is located?
That’s not a building, it’s just a tree.
well technically it’s also an instanced area so it is a building too xx
What even happened to SHaladrassil? Did we cure it? Is it death?
Cut down?
Should we burn it as a offer to appeas the Gods?
- the devs prolly
That’s not what I was saying. Sorry if I wasn’t clear so I’ll state it clearly now.
If Hyjal is to be revamped as an actual Kaldorei capital, what they should do then is use those revamped elements of the Darkshore Warfront (Seriously, I’m still peeved Auberdine ain’t permanent.) and those of Val’sharah, I think they’re ideal for that purpose. As for the military aspect, I’m sure placing a Feralas like military facility in Ashenvale or fully purified Felwood to show the Nelves are still on guard with this garrison regarding their own land.
Remove the Ardenweald part and I’ll wholesomely agree. I’m sorry but the colour palette of Ardenweald really gets visually tiresome and samey. Now if your point is give Val’sharah color palette during day and Ardenweald during night then sure… But a perma Ardenweald visuals would put me off for good.
Not in the sense of having furniture and rooms.
Don’t make me come over there.
They can recolour it but use the assets.
uhh there’s very clearly the free real estate void in the raid u can poop to im pretty sure
so there’s a toilet for sure, the entire moonglade area looks like one!
I hate you right now.
Wasn’t I promised a cutscene today from wow?
Will prolly drop in the early evening or late night.
Where’s the Bingo though?
My prediction however, is Sylvanas throwing more one-liners, something something Shadowlands is free by her or Baine since he’s so hype about the zone. Perhaps an Azeroth apparition, oh an the Jailer telling us he was about to make it better for all of us while looking and doing the most evil stuff to us… Finally, Da’nuser will appear (I honestly think they’re gonna self insert themselves as First ones) or a Cosmically even large map of the universe showing all of the other Zereths.
I hate myself for writing this but it had to be done.