Bad writing should be free space. Though, fittingly, it’s on the free space square.
Well, ten years from now when Blizzard finally decides to address the Night Elf Incident both Hyjal and Felwood will have been nuked by the Horde and Burning Legion (respectively) so they’ll have no choice but to embrace their old Highborne roots and travel to the recently rediscovered Dire Maul (that’s still occupied by ogres) to settle there.
Coincidentally, this is also the expansion Jarod Shadowsong returns (for the third time) to lead the Night Elves after Tyrande was told she’s unfit to rule because she once tried to kill Sylvanas and Malfurion has fallen asleep again.
Also, one thing is certain, at least…
man I wish
isn’t the Jailer cinematic datamined to be shorter than the n’zoth one? I saw someone say so but didn’t verify it
NA servers are supposed to come up 6pm our time, so once someone beats the Jailer tonight, we’ll have something.
I got my popcorn ready.
I agree. When reading LOTR back in childhood, I pictured various locations of Middle-earth in my mind from text descriptions alone, and LOTRO matched them much better than the Jackson movies did.
The what now?
Oh like that! Yea, deffo agree with you then! Suppose a mix of Darkshore/Val’sharah would fit best!
Apalogies, I meant in the colour-palette of Val’sharah, not Ardenweald! But I like your idea better! Make Night Elven lands look like Ardenweald at night, and during the day it would look like Val’sharah!
Also I really want to see the new cinematic, but I know I will be dissappointed eitherway
Ardenweald at night with wisps causing the blue glow would be nice.
Soulshapes lighting up my forests!? Hellnaw
Kill-slay the surface dwellers, yes yes!
Hell yeah!
Imo it was a missed opportunity adding the HM Tauren as a playable race when they also introduced Drogbar in the same zone. They were hinted to have their own culture, leadership roles, underground/cave based homes etc but it was never fleshed out.
Imagine an expansion in underground lands with them leading the charge.
Science. Sorcery… NYEGH!
Servers are up. The race has begun.
Jailer’s at 50% on this stream
edit: nvm they wiped
Tuned in to another stream and caught the end of the cinematic. Jailer’s last words are “A cosmos divided cannot survive what is to come.” and then the shattered sky over Icecrown mends and cuts to black.
Another stream already beat the boss, cinematic’s up here (timestamp at 1 hour 38 mins), will edit once it’s up on youtube.
EDIT: Pre-fight cinematic:
EDIT 2: Defeat cinematic:
laughable ending, but then again it sums up this expansion.
now to wait another month for the expac reveal to see what he was vagueposting about