PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 1)

I actually, unironically, hope that they block off all datamining going forwards.
And get rid of PTRs.


it works really well for ff14 for keeping suspension in the story, and what difference is it going to make to wow when they don’t implement feedback from ptr anyway


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Literally nobody deserves the punishment of remebering the Shadowlands…

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It had some good moments.

What… you want me to name them? Sorry I can’t right now I have to go and do a thing.


I can name a good Shadowlands moment:

Garrosh coming back and being like “I’ll do it again!” and then blowing up.


yeah to be fair that was pretty hype


Superficial things, like some zone looks, were good. Revendreth has to be my favorite zone in its entirety both from visual design and from the layout (yes, before flying). I do like Bastion too. Ardenweald would have been great too if it wasn’t just so blue everywhere (legit was giving me a headache). Maldraxxus, while not something you’d call pretty, was an interesting idea. I think the Maw would have been OK too if you didn’t have to spend so much time in it. All of the above I liked in isolation, divorced from the context the zones are in.

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I quite liked Kael’thas’ arc and basically any time Denathrius was on screen.

Ardenweald is a nice zone to do chill fishing while listening to a podcast. Bastion is ok for that too.

would be giga funny if the expansion turns out to be anything else than the dragon thing

esp since close to shadowlands reveal we had a ton of different leaks, one of them (and my least favourite) being shadowlands/bastion

but there’s like, no other leaks right? only dragonflight


there were a bunch of my uncle works for nintendo style “leaks” until someone found the dragonflight references in the website but after that all the air was sucked out of anything that wasn’t dragons dragons dragons.

i wish the uncle working at nintendo was a leak itself so that we’d get a blizzard x nintendo crossover and i can ride bowser in game

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there was two a while back, one was about Yrel and the light but it had no proof, the other was about Azshara but just like the Yrel one, it had no proof.

isn’t Naoki Yoshida on record wanting to do an FF/WoW crossover?
I definitely want to see that because it would be amazing even if it’s absolutely mindbogglingly terrible

He wants to do a Diablo crossover, but otherwise yes.

thrall turning up in ff14 is not something that would surprise me at this point

Got 5 discords opened… 1 streamer on. Don’t have enough screens.

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Well to qoute Akama:

“The Time has come, the Moment is at hand!”

The streams are up in a few minutes

Any last minute predictions? Bets?

there will be something to get people hyped about

there will also be something very stupid

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