PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 1)

Chromie dies, then another version of her becomes the Aspect of Time.

And some people will be angry about there being something to get hyped about because they’ve fried their brains due to existing in a constant state of rage where they can’t allow themselves to enjoy things anymore, even if they’re literally not an issue “because Blizzard”


Countdown has started…

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See you on the other side, brothers and sisters! :wave:

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Lol, Mr 35 Anima cell theme be playing… Everyone is memeing on it.

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Its been an Honor hyping with you all.

Forum Lurkers, Roll Out!

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comeon gnome paladins

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The music is bringing back good memories. To a better WoW.

And now the music of the expansion where it all went downhill.

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In ten.


At least the music itself was S tier in every expac.

Uuuuuh… I’m not so sure about Shadowslands, however since it’s subjective…

I think it was good too personally. Maybe nothing exactly standing out as much as in previous expansions, but still.

eh, WoD is the worst expac imo. sure it had some good tunes, but overall it was terrible and spelled disaster for upcoming expacs with their overbearingly annoying focus on EPIC!!! orchestral music

don’t need to hear WAAABAADOOOROOOOAAA explosions big bangs with extremely annoying melodic progressions when picking herbs or mining

Yeah, except for that Maldraxxus guitar moment and some bits of Ardenweald I never managed to find the name, everything else is pretty forgettable.

Fite me!

I rather liked the Bolvar theme.

You fool, I am unbeatable in this.

Here we go folks.

pls blizzard im begging you

don’t let me down

my youtube captions are in german?

why are they in german?

Clearly your flower picking isn’t anywhere near as dramatic as mine is!