PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 1)

Remove Ion…

get off my screen ion you absolute gnome

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Feedback you ignored for very long.

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Lol thanking for the feedback.

i hate when they open with this spiel. hit me with the announcement first and then throw your corporate jibber jabber at me

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Guys really, don’t look into Ion’s eyes for too long.

Ion realises they need to do a better job lul

for a second i thought this was the announcement lmao

stop blueballing thanks

literally nobody cares. announce the expansion

Ion is putting to good use his PR skills. Community every sentence you gotta, make sure you sau community a lot.

Isn’t season of mastery pretty much dead? What are they taking about

gives very Bolin in season 2 of Korra vibes

‘every time i get lost i just say Republic City, or fans, and everybody cheers!’

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My Hype dies every second these guys talk.

I saw someone make a comment in the chat that their interest is receding faster than Ion’s hairline.

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What is this.

I hate it.

What the heck.

Funny how Ion reframes the conversation around the crossfacrion groups. It’s so that friends could play together, not because the game is dying lol. Just get the the announcement and big changes.

Ok cinematic time.

Ra Den 2.0 folks.

Looks like we’re back to Titans.