PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 1)

Do you regret your words, now? Do you wish you could return to ignorance? Do you wish to return to the cave?

I actually can’t blame anyone for thinking those screenshots were fake though. It’s sooooo bad looking. It’s like some pepsi server Argonian race.

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I’m gonna make a sexy black dragon drac’thyr

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Is it as exciting as the awesome water we can walk on tho?!

But like, as far as big poster features go is that it? The main big thing is “dragon”?

Anyways while I’ve been very negative about WoW for a while now, I think this overall comes across as pretty neat - I guess I’ll see how things turn out, travelling to new mystery island and exploring and adventuring sounds like good fun for RP :slight_smile:

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The zones actually look amazing though, seems like a huge step up from the disaster that were Shadowlands zones


no, because walkable water isn’t a duck

Can’t we go back to the days when we thought Deathknight roleplayers were the main cringe


I will say that it’s remarkably far along.

Probably because they cut the effort from Shadowlands.

But still.

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You know full well which breed I’m talking about.

Also Grizzly hills 2.0… I’ll allow it.

Those gnolls look god damn dope, why can’t we play as them


I hope all your age of empire 2 matches will be against fatslob.

For sure, these all look like stuff I’d like to explore

I’ll deck him

How do you WoW-ify Grizzly Hills? It’s literally a zone already in WoW.

But will we have to do the Pathfinder achiv to unlock flying in Dragon Isles though.

Gonna roll a Bronze Dragon dude so I can reverse time to a better Expac.


You cant deck something that starts behind 30 layers of wall

Have you seen those dragon guard dudes with halberds in the hub? Why could that not be the dragon form for the new class?


These new guys are described as less cool Chromatic Dragons.


Zones look halfway decent, no cosmic/time travel shenanigans, at least remotely rooted in existing content and lore, no borrowed power

This is my favourite type of surprise: mild