PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 1)

New Class: Magic The Gathering


I think that’s the sin of these Drakthyrs.

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So they give the dragon class the charge spells from Lost Ark

What? Really?

I felt only fear when that one quest lady looked like she could barely contain her glee about the bronze dragonflight time travel quests.

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New race looking sick.


haven’t posted in months and akamito immediately has my back. love you big man, hope your new kid (i think?) is well

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I do not like the human form dragons.


Will they have orcform for Horde, though?

Human form dragons in Orgrimmar confirmed.

Danuser said the centaurs on the Dragon Isles are completely different from the ones we’ve encountered before and have a different origin, but in true Blizzard writing fashion one of the level designers 5 minutes later said they were just normal centaur that were guided to the dragon isles long ago.


Ah so she fixed his mistake and their still grandchildren of Cenarius(how else would they’ve come to be!?!?)

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The dragon mounts looked nice, but I honestly have a dragon fatigue since Cata. Hard to be impressed.

Every chat being mature in this part. Truly a Gamer™ moment.

Man you know how I was saying about them adding addons into the base game? They listened. Good on them.

No, Belf, because of Course its Elves… AGAIN!


I’m so tired of it always being Elves, there are so many more interesting creatures in Warcraft ALONE then stupid Elves, Why is it always Elves? I wanted Ogres because they weren’t “Attractive”. I wanted Hozen because they had an interesting look with their semi Bi-pedal stature, but no, more Elves. Beccause the 4 we already have were not enough.

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On one hand I’m like, Blizzard’s trying new things, that’s good.

On the other… I’d rather just have them give us class skins and more customization options and other things we’ve actually been asking for.

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Elves? Stay winning.

On one hand the having a customizable ui is objectively good. On the other hand (unless it is just a wip), it looks like BDO or Terra ui to me.