PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

And suddenly it all makes sense.

I miss the times Blizzard chased trends while trying to keep their dadrock core themes and aesthetics instead of aping Marvel schlock wholesale at the expense of everything I enjoyed in the franchise


I confess when I looked it up I had a momentary panic my book was wavering into squeecore but turns out I’m intensely humourless and there’s not a single pop culture reference
unless arthurian myths count
they probably don’t

You’re writing a book?

63k words so far, started in mid-march :blush:


For Chromie I wouldn’t go that deep, though, you can see influences from other media seeping into Warcraft (such as GoT Season 8’s time period for media of 'woah bet u didn’t expect that!!! = good storytelling).

Chromie is a character that has always been silly. The Bronze Dragonflight in itself and its antics have been zany and far-fetched even as far as Late Vanilla and TBC, but Chromie is the pinnacle of it all.

She’s a comedy relief character or side-character at best, and they essentially made her one of the main faces of the Bronze Dragonflight, which makes the writing team’s attempts at making the story have any degree of seriousness completely fall flat on its face because they’ve backed themselves into a very particular corner:

They either re-frame Chromie as this totally serious character, or they do what they’ve done right now - keep her as she is, and still place her in a storyline of importance.

So no, it’s not like the MCU. It’s more like seeing Mickey Mouse in Kingdom Hearts begin freestyling about the metaphysics of dark magic.

Started in mid-March and already 63k words?

What is your secret weapon against procrastination, Elenthas-sensei? I can’t find the willpower to focus on a single project for that long.

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Not bad my friend! I hope to write one too but I admit, im stuck in world-building phase as im never sure if I should build the world first or just start writing and try build from there…

Indeed, tell me your secret, Master…

Foreman Magrok was the good guy.

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500 words a day, every day, without fail. No matter what. No exceptions, no excuses. Sometimes gotta stay up late to do so if other stuff gets in the way. I’m actually ahead (by about 7k) because inevitably you’ll get to 500 and then want to finish the thought/paragraph/etc. or you get a burst of inspiration at the weekend and get down 1k instead of 500.

I’m going to be away from my PC for a few days at the end of August so I’m going to stack up some extra words ahead of time to make sure that I don’t “fall behind” the 500/day, but otherwise you should treat it as a minimum. If you do 550 one day, you don’t do 450 the next, it’s 500, every day.

It’s no real surprise but my original sketch/idea has seen pretty major deviations in the process of actually putting it onto digital paper.

The other advice which may/may not work: Don’t edit. If you write something down and decide you don’t like it/want to add something/think something needs changing, note it down somewhere separately and move on. More than once on previous attempts I got stuck in an editing cycle of write a chapter->edit->edit->edit->drop the work. This time I’ve got a notepad file with things I didn’t like/want to change which I’m only going to touch once I’ve reached the end and it’s definitely helped.


Thank you! And did you start world-building first or did you start with your story right off the bat? As I get stuck on trying to invent the history of even the main country I intend to start my story at, aswell as figure how the rest of the world will look.

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It’s an AU reality so in-depth worldbuilding wasn’t really a requirement for me. I had the base premise/inciting ‘difference’ to Earth in mind alongside the protags and built it from there. Expanding on the differences definitely came further as I got further in though; it might be difference when building a world from scratch but I’d probably start character first and rewrite the world as needed?

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Aah, that explains! Yes, in that case I got more work ahead of me as I intend to build my world from scratch. Still, thank you for the tips, they’ve been pretty helpful!

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I just wish we saw more of Anachronoss… Or Tick could’ve been a cleanslate to work with as the main Bronze guy this expansion😩

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Man, I wish we saw more of bloody anyone in the Bronze Dragonflight other than Chromie and Nozdormu. The Blue Dragonflight questline is an example of a very simple storyline being enhanced by having characters with different personalities in it, and that was just as a filler story resolving thing.

10.1.5 is an entire mini content patch, and the story of this patch is essentially two characters without counting the villains or the player.


Thanks, I hate it (but that 100% checks out, honestly).

I really don’t care if he wasn’t perfect or great or whatever, this might be naivety or wishful thinking at this point, but just bring back Metzen for the story stuff. It cannot possibly be any worse than this trend…

I can now die a little easier knowing this is an actual thing because that’s basically how 100% of FF13 is constructed and that horrid game predates almost all of the MCU. It’s like someone trying to force catharsis without wanting to put any effort into actually experiencing catharsis.

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Chris metzen


Chris metzen


I wish we saw more of anyone in any particular grouping.

more characters, so it’s not the same characters doing everything all the time and you run into Big Problems when one of them are taken out of commission.