PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

She’s just another under-utilised piece of lore. No real reason to dig into it.

It’s not like she could’ve been woven into the Azsuna storyline or anything anyway. No, no - that’d be silly.


Afaik, while Azshara was top dawg of the Night Elf society, there were Princes and Princesses as well. There’s some random lore tidbit that they only wore their crowns/tiaras to social events.

I tend to go off of the assumption that the title of Princes/Princess in old NE society was just a higher noble rank.


I think the only thing they did there was a nod to it with some “the Oracle” npc rare or whatever you could kill referencing to the WC3 mission

also yeah, this

Aszuna’s named after her pretty obviously, but that’s about it. Who knows, maybe she inspired Azshara’s brand of vanity a bit, or other way around!

The thing with Aszune specifically, that makes me believe she is related to Azshara is the similaritiy between both names.

another theory is the fact so many places are named after her, like 1. Aszuna and 2. pillars of Aszune in the broken shore.

like Azshara who was heavily loved by the night elf people and named many zones after her, we also have Aszune. i dont know… maybe im thinking too much into this.

It’s fun to speculate but yes, you probably are.

…although I could totally see her being the result of a fling between Azshara and Varo’then.

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the woman had many lovers, including demons. Its safe to assume she had at least one child.

i just hope this doesnt turn into a voldemort’s daughter kinda situation.

If Azsuna is her daughter, thats fine because shes dead.

Woah now, hold your horses. You’re treading headcanon territory.

perhaps i am. appologies. i havent read her lore in a long long time, and when i do read lore its usually watching youtube videos speaking about it, rather than reading it physically.

She believed everyone beneath her, with the exception of a literal Dark God (Sargeras), and his chosen Champion (Illidan). Even Lord-Councilor Xavius, who was by far more powerfull then any other Highborne, except the Queen herself, was beneath her station.

But almost every Night Elf and Highborne, male or female, was infatuated with the Light of Lights, Queen Azshara!


her story and personality reminds me of two things. Cleopatra, and to some extent, this song.

This, she didn’t have any lovers afaik because no one was worthy of Her.

Even if her demon bodyguards were in love with her, and thus were more loyal to her then Sargyboi, none were her lovers!


I can fix her.


look at the video below, specifically 8:08 and afterwards.

this is the night elves we miss.


I could make her worse.

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I could accept her for who she is


I wish Azshara’d step on me and look down on me with disgust :sweat_drops:


same fr fr


As a proper Highborne RPer, I take offense to the fact you guys(and gals) think Azshara would even think 1 second about her being: “accepted”, “fixed” “make her worse” or being “stepped upon(by a Gnome, lol)” by her.

Ya’ll lack the proper (racial) appearances for her to even consider you…

Unlike N’zoth with his many tentacles. Or the proper Godlike and fiery bearded Sargeras!

I guess bieng the most beautiful and powerful and richest women on Azeroth gives one weird tastes.

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I think you’re underestimating just how poor the hygiene of some WoW players is here

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