PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

I’m firmly in the “Eredar shouldn’t be in the Alliance” camp actually. It won’t be good for the RP Community, it won’t be good for the faction and it won’t be good for the setting and lore.

Only ones who will benefit from this are the Second Life RPers and the ones gooning in garrisons and Goldshire.


I 'member that Alleria, she was fun to fight!

Poor Turalyon, tho, his last words were him asking us to save Arator :cry:

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Fel cracks for Eredar skin, Light cracks for (Lightforged) Draenei!

Put the LFD tattoos on eredar but green


I mean, that’s been par for the course for how long now? ._.

There’s a stark difference between roleplayers doing some weird stuff you can easily block out of your mind and the actual official setting itself going “yeah actually this is awesome”.


Hey, no disagreement here.
I kinda lost faith around the time the devs went “Hey, this totally isn’t the MoP story arc again!” while doing the MoP story arc again, only worse, and then slapping multiple Main NPC characters with the Idiot, Villain or other miscellaneous bats.

Going “Oh hey, have Eredar customisation options now!” is even worse, lore wise, than the utter cluster of a non-explanation they had for the Night Warrior eyes, because we know the Legion have been a Universe Ending Threat for thousands of years, but… uh… uhhhhh Reasons, hey look over there something new and shiny!

The Eredar felt like one of those cornerstones in the great cosmos who are irredeemably evil.

Nope, can’t have that in the Danuser & Golden gravy train, everything must be a shade of morally grey or a clone of Anduin.

There has never been a forgiving Man’ari NPC in this game’s history except Kil’Jaeden at the end maybe admitting Sargeras could’ve been stopped but even that was just him realising he wasn’t as overpowered as he thought he was. Hell, not even Velen’s son is remotely apologetic. So this just looks utterly ridiculous.

Now, if there was CREDENCE for it, a SINGULAR NPC, people might be more forgiving of a group who decided to join this NPC post-Sargeras’ fall, but this has never even once been shown to be the case. Keeping in mind the Illidari Demons don’t count because Illidan did some magic deus ex machina to cure them of their addictions and afflictions and they swore allegiance to him for that.


There’s Val’zuun who helps with the Subtlety rogue quest in Dalaran.

That’s about it though.

The issue is he’s not apologetic either, he’s just a goofy goober npc who shows up for one questline then disappears forever afterwards.

Oh boy.

A thing named after Sylvanas? In a forsaken heritage quest? No way

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Sylvanas returns as Malfurion decides to stay in the Shadowlands and finish her penance or something, wanna bet? :weary:

Couldn’t keep het out for literally more then one expansion

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Hopefully she only comes back to stab Calia and then returns.

One can hope right?

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She does that, use her cannibalize ability and turns into the Kerrigan rip-off she was always meant to be.

See how the monkey paw is dangerous?

you missed the; “then returns”

She’s already a Kerrigan ripoff, may as well go whole hog just to get rid of Calia.

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I cast Sylvanas, granting immunity to consequences of my poor choices until a particularly contrived dramatic movement!

This sort of thing could be done well. Not by these writers in a fast paced squeecore setting but it could theoretically be done.


Forsaken and Night Elves once again hand in hand praying please dear god stop focusing on us


I was reading up on lore characters and stumbled upon a night elf called Princess
Aszune. Who is she? Is she related to Azshara, perhaps a daughter.

So many questions I have :thinking: