PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Something something balance.

At least Cairne was in it.

Main issue with NE heritage… Wheres the other bloody tint?

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I think that the funniest thing about the forsaken heritage quest is that it pretty much confirms that the Exploring Eastern Kingdoms book should be disregarded. Those feral worgen sure are stealthy, with how they’re nowhere to be seen!

That, and the Pirates of the Caribbean walk. That was pretty cool.


They don’t communicate, they don’t have a lore bible, they’re too big for information to be easily mainstreamed in such a large workforce.

It’s sad but it is what it is.

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I mean, I’m not complaining. I feel like Exploring Eastern Kingdoms was just a collection of bad additions to the lore, so, stuff from it being replaced with something more meaningful and more in line with everything else is pretty good in my opinion.

Still, pretty funny in hindsight, considering all the debates in the roleplay community I’ve seen for these last few years where people argued with one another over just how much people could rely on the book’s lore to be canon. As it turns out, the real lore was the friends we made along the way.


The double backing on themselves, retcons and doing what they said they wouldn’t do doesn’t even annoy me any more. It’s just an exasperated “of course”.

Continuity something something stop bullying our writers.


They also made existing markings flat shaded, making them look like body paint.

Blizzard giveth and Blizzard taketh away.

Also, Maiev is the most easily convinced traditionalist ever.

“Mages are a blight upon our society, so I’m killing them!”
(one mage helps her in a fight)
“I see the error of my ways! Also, hooray markings for men.”

Lintian when she learns of this: “So, uh… who do I culturally rebel against now? My life is pointless.”


It feels like the OG Orc heritage quest was a fluke at this point. The Human, Forsaken and Night Elf ones are just bad in comparison (and by themselves too tbh)


Tauren one wasn’t good either tbqh. Armour pretty good, quest awful.


The main person behind that is also no longer with Blizzard :slight_smile:

I think the Forsaken one was pretty fine tbh, not blowout like the Orc one but still one of the better ones.


Night Elves Mages can be Sentinels now to, which is pretty dope!

Also I am not sure what they mean with Ama’sha??

Glaive appearances are the 3 different colored warfront ones, which is pretty dope!

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Everyone who doesn’t/can’t use 1H swords: “… Oh. Ok?”

So Priestess’ can’t use bows, but they also can’t use glaives, because Priest only gives access to 1H maces? Smdh :pensive:

Jokes aside, Lintian is actually a devoted worshiper of Elune — if anything, more devoted since she settled in Dalaran. It’s the Sisterhood and particularly Tyrande that she doesn’t like, not her Goddess.

Time for Lintian to get introduced to some Nightborne Elunite reading materials about how Tyrande is a false Priestess who abused Elune’s trust and is now actively in opposition to the Goddess’ wishes, using ancient rituals to drain her powers for herself.

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Nightborne? There’s a chance Lintian wrote them, because that’s exactly her view!

ah yes my favourite lunar naaru, e’luun

the night elf heritage manages to not be short, but also ridiculously bugged, so cool

The NElf heritage feels less akin to a heritage quest and more akin to Baine’s 10.7 quest (except with Maiev instead of Baine).

Part of me wonders if the lack of additional characters is because Shandris, Tyrande, and Malf are being saved for main story stuff (Shandris already showed up in the main story stuff herself) since it’s going to be so world-tree focused but…if so it feels kinda weird to have a heritage quest if the main story is going to hamstring it so hard.

I guess they couldn’t wait (because can you imagine the screeching if Forsaken got a heritage but NElves didn’t?), but idk there’s gotta be another option, and there were still more NElf characters than just Maiev/Shandris/Tyrande/Malf.

Not many, admittedly, but you could’ve still had Jarod, Mordent, and Broll. With Maiev they actually cover most of the areas of the NElves - Wardens, Warriors (Jarod is basically a Sentinel), Highborne and Druids - between them. Maybe toss in Altruis for the Demon Hunters too.

Ultimately while I wouldn’t call it offensive (in the way the Tauren one was - used as a way to foreshadow Shadowlands of all things, or the Worgen was by saying “Being a worgen is bad, actually”) it’s just…not adequate.


having a total of 3 named night elves be present and everything else be unnamed dead night elves while some demon smugly talks about how much night elves die fills me love and pride in my choice of character

I think this would have been a fine questchain for a part of any zone, say, if they were to revamp kalimdor and the eastern kingdoms…

It being a very short questline with very little new things we learn (men can now have face markings, like was added with Shadowlands, and like Malfurion has always had, hooray), the Night Elves once again being a refugee population in Stormwind, still (Hyjal has been forgotten about I guess?), the rewards are a title (cool I guess), a nice armor set but only one of the two made, and an update to face markings to make them look worse

For a heritage quest it’s very poor; it’s done the exact opposite of making me play my night elf characters and inspiring me to write about/with them


I finished the Forsaken heritage and I liked it. Small and compact.

But the start didn’t make much sense. Lordamere Lake is suppose to be quite big lorewise and Fenris Isle is in the middle of it. So seeing them catapult each other felt a bit weird.

During the siege of Undercity the Alliance cannon towers had to get up real close to even be able to breach the walls yet the Forsaken are worried now that the Scarlet can tear down those walls from miles away, from an island in the middle of a giant lake.