PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Horde catapult technology remains unmatched. If we can demolisher Teldrassil from Darkshore, we can catapult Fenris Isle from the Silverpine shores.

Scarlets must’ve co-opted some of the same technology - probably stole it, like the dirty thieves that the living are.

Yeah even with the NPC ‘restrictions’ (holding back on Shandris/Tyrande/Malf) they could’ve made it more expansive. It takes place basically entirely in a small demon-controlled area without touching on the NElf settlements in Felwood, never mind other zones.


And then at the end you portal back home - to Stormwind!!! All the more reason to believe that they’ll have the Night Elves migrate off of Kalimdor to the new tree, for the most part

I don’t think they needed to include the ‘big names’ necessarily, but having one + a vanilla npc + one new npc be literally every single one involved just feels painfully little compared to something such as Orcfest™!


Where do you get that from? Lysander isn’t a sentinel.


You get a letter after the questline from Tyrande where she states she’s reaching out personally to invite him to become a Sentinel if he wants to

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Oh, I missed that part. I’m not sure if I like it, but there you go.

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I’m rather disappointed at the warglaives being one-handed swords in terms of transmog. Contrary to the devs’ words of all nelves getting able to use them, priests and druids are out of it entirely, and hunters can’t use them while doing content. Three most iconic classes for the race, once more robbed their most iconic weapon. Better than having them only for DHs, but it still sucks.


Eh, no hard feelings on this one. Glaives are a melee weapon, at best a short-range thrown weapon (as used by WC3 huntresses). It would have made no sense to use it as a long-range weapon (and they’d have to make them a custom weapon type for that, with completely custom animations, because shooting arrows or bullets from a glaive wouldn’t make sense). Bows are the iconic night elf ranged weapon, and it makes sense for them to remain so.

I agree with pretty much everything else said in this thread, though. Too short, too inconsequential, too forgettable.


Survival is melee.


Imagine putting some effort into Heritage Weapons, and having custom throwing glaive animations?

Which, before anyone complains, also then opens up the way for other races, like Troll javelins/throwing axes which are also pretty iconic.

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But hey! Atleast my NElf Mage and Warlock can now use those Glaives!

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The only thing in the Night Elf heritage questline that felt like it touched on the night elven culture as a whole was when the dreadlord claimed that night elves’ main ability was to drop like flies.

I mean, he’s not entirely wrong.


It was my favorite part; it felt like some actual Blizzard storytelling!

nothing to make me more inspired to play my character of choice

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At least the face painting part was something…
I didn’t realise you could tickle a nelf into being a satyr either.

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Patch 10.2 reveal tomorrow btw, ‘Guardians of the Dream’ with a new zone (golly, I wonder what!)

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Also while I’m here I thought the Nozdormu quest was kinda fine but didn’t really address the Infinites en masse.

Like, yes, in Eternus’ case it was lucky that her sister died doing something noble (protecting a whelp) but…that’s not gonna always be the case. It’s not gonna be the case for a bunch of them. Nozdormu lucked out that the sister chose to sacrifice herself*, but what about all those where their deaths were just straight up tragedies? Do their tragedies get fixed now or are they still in the wrong for trying to change the past and fight against time’s flow?

They didn’t really answer it, so Nozdormu kinda got off without having to make a real decision. He gets the best of both worlds because as luck would have it the one infinite they spoke to instead of killing had an appropriately framed tragedy for him.

*but also why couldn’t we save both?? do you know who we are?? come on bro, lemme grab four equally murderhobo friends and we’ve got this no problem, what’s a dragon gonna do? breathe fire on us? I’ve stood in the fire before

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Well, had we been in a pre-BFA era, I would’ve been excited for new potentially recurring characters to be introduced in this way, but alas… I got burnt with Delaryn, so I hold no hope for new characters to be introduced at all.

Seriously, Delaryn was such a nice character to build up to become one of the newer leaders or prominent faces for Night Elves, and they just flushed her down the toilet. It’s like Blizz is afraid of making new characters that’d go on to become the iconic characters.

Here’s to hoping the twins won’t become anything more than just the heritage quest only because they’d 100% fall dead in the next patch cycle then.


The Bronze Flight and their goals might as well be a joke as there isn’t a patch in DF where they aren’t contradicting each other.

Must preserve true time-line but also Chromie here is about to throw that out for saccharine reasons

Nozdormu fully restored and overcame his depression but his visions can’t see some guy in the outer cosmos

Apparently Soridormi assures you that you cannot help or meddle an alternate time-line but you have these guys in the sister location facilitating Magh’ar armies getting over Azeroth… Twice

Chromie and Soridormi once again will affirm straight to your face that some lore events must happen such as meddling with a love triangle and making a specific horse trip fall and die this causing untold suffering and death but we all know that ain’t true anymore

It’s heading in a place I don’t want any of us to see folks.


The blue tint of the heritage armour is on the official wow page for NElves, a decent indicator that it will get added in at some point. Possibly 10.2 with the world tree stuff? idk

Or dev oversight/forgetfullness.
I’ll believe it when I see it :pensive:

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Love that this patch broke the night elf model, its skin colours and also “updated” their tattoos to a worse, more pixelated version. Is this company even trying anymore?