PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

There, there. One of these days, in the far future of 2X23 when WoW celebrates it’s latest expansion that will finally unite our solar system with the colony worlds of Alpha Centuari, Neo Blizzard will announce the “Create your own NPC” feature. Can’t wait!

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Blizz doesn’t even realize who terrible this is. With the Bronze Dragons’ original goal of preserving the true timeline having been thrown out the window even if not explicitly, what’s to stop Nozdormu post-non Murozond paradox happening from saving individual lives as he’s shown to be keen on indulging from now on?

He doesn’t even have to change the course of their lives even, just yoink them from the past, transport them into a different point in the future, doesn’t even have to the present and voilà! Moreover, I’ll be generous here in saying that the Bronze can’t see future events anymore because of whatever and still have to ensure that major past events must happen anyway for things to turn out the way they do in the prime timeline, let’s borrow the Dr Strange concept of absolute points. The Purging of Stratholme, the opening of the Dark Portal, Nozdormu knowing all along that his Aspect brothers Malygos and Neltharion were headed for some tragic events… All that must stay.

Just imagine the lines of petitioners who’d come visit the aspect of time asking him to save little Timmy who in the grand scheme of the cosmic balance doesn’t matter much or make it so irreversable damage does get reversed without having lost the lessons of that happening. Truly I would like to see Nozdormu all Xerxes-ed up saying after helping out “I am generous God!”

I know this is goes in the deep end but Blizzard wrote it like this and couldn’t account for the likes of me. I didn’t even went into how is doing this not beneficial to the Shadowlands since they ain’t getting that anima from the dead people Nozzie here could save and once more you could further enhance the insanity with the whole across all timelines → One Shadowlands.


Who knows, it would be quite the plottwist if Eternus just changed the modus operandi from “Force Nozdormu to become Murozond” to “Emotionally manipulate him into becoming Murozond himself”. In the words of Officer Frank Tenpenny, opening Nozdormu’s eyes by dropping:

After all, Murozond, as per the lore, is pretty much inevitable, and it’s always said that Nozdormu himself -chose- to become Murozond. It is the literal hour of his death as we saw in Cataclysm.

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It’ll just end up being a reminder that you cannot compromise with the One True Timeline. He became Murozond the millisecond he decided to tamper at all and show any compassion for Eternus.


I dunno, I saw Aman’thul meddling with time when we fought Argus. And where does ol’ Nozzy get his power? That guy!

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It’s weird, since it’s made to be druid of the flame related, too. This is even reflected in the Feral tier bonus.

  • Feral

(2) Set Bonus: Feral Frenzy grants Smoldering Frenzy, increasing all damage you deal by 20% for 8 seconds.

(4) Set Bonus: Feral Frenzy’s cooldown is reduced by 15 seconds. During Smoldering Frenzy, enemies burn for 10% of damage you deal as Fire over 10 seconds.

They made the druid tier extra yucky so people spend more time in the remodelled cat/bear/moonkin/treant form.

taurenbabes whats wrong you barely touched your cow elf xx

The “none horn with left beef” both made me snort-laugh, and made me realise how Online I am to get the joke/reference :smiling_face_with_tear:

But… why? Why would this be a thing?

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The true end boss of dragonflight is Infinite Aman-thul.

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About that… Titans are multiversal singularities?
Or every reality have their own Aman’Thul who decided HIS timeline would/should/will be the Prime/Sacred Timelne and have his own set of Bronze dragons enforcing his “vision”? :thinking:

We can only assume yes.

Kinda hype for the HD Quel’serrar and with different colors!

The polearm tho’… MMMM.

Dem guns :flushed:

Also, we all get the tink-tink spear!

There’s a reference? It went past me.


The what? Never heard of them.

(inhales copium)

Could be, but I don’t trust the current writers to be this clever. Thematically, Dragonflight so far is the “everyone joins hands and sings kumbaya” expansion, with any even remotely sad developments prevented or overturned.


There’s an implication on the PTR based on NPC interaction that the Emerald Dream is the actual place where your dreaming mind goes when you fall asleep, but few are able to remember what happened upon waking up. Only druids appear to be capable of lucid dreaming there. There’s a child NPC whose dreamform appears in the zone and other NPCs see his lucid dreaming as a sign that he might one day grow up to be a druid.

It’s essentially similar to the Fade from Dragon Age. Also this lines up with old lore from Stormrage where that time when Xavius was able to influence the world for a moment, everyone who fell asleep was trapped in the Emerald Nightmare.

Also doing the /dream emote while in the Emerald Dream zone makes your body lay down on the ground and you gain control of your dreamform to play as!