PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

All the long lived creatures in WoW lock into one personality trait and cling to it like a tick. It’s a safe metal anchor when you’ve been around longer than agriculture.

Night elves are allowed to have awkward accents since tyrande’s VA has a lot of portuguese going on.

Call whatever they do a regional thing. The real question is what region of Kalimdor is bri’ish. The norf?

Lilian being in the political camp of “kill all humans for their hubris and being icked by death” during BfA. Indistinguishable from Nathanos.

But she had her own reasons or something and is cool with everyone now. The forsaken are her family.


Darkshore, it’s a crap heap.

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Whichever region the Worgen settle at.

The island just off the continental coast that’s now a heap of ashes, yeah, I see the analogy.

Worgen should be settling in Feralas because it seems like the rainiest zone that NElves have.
Darkshore would’ve been the second best because it’s bleak and depressing but post-BfA it’s a bit too close to Birmingham to be settled properly.

At this point they should just go to surwich.

Ah jes the unforgivable sin

I wonder what are they going to announce in Blizzcon.

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Jeweled Copper Scarab
Description: The rulers of desert kingdoms would attune crystals to their personal mounts for quick summoning.

This have some nice RP implications
I mean in RP the mounts were treated like… well… mounts, in stables etc
As far as I know at least or encountered in RP
But this crystal-summoning have a very interesting angle regarding RP and mounts
What do you think?

I think the problem with Dragonflight is that it´s trying to be something while instead it´s something completely else.

It tries to be a low stakes story, but instead it keeps mentioning Titans, Void, Order and whatever else, reminding us of cosmic chart and the familiarity with these grand forces.

It also tries to be classic WoW adventure story, but instead of focusing on Alliance and Horde going to new lands to either claim them (MoP, BfA) or defend Azeroth against great evil located there (everything else), it´s told through lenses of wacky zany explorers who brought their kids with them while Alliance and Horde for some inexplicable reason stayed out of the fight against Primalists.

On top of that, as has been mentioned here earlier, it´s also extremely sanitized, like a Disney animated movie where the writers looked at the fairy tale where princess gets her hands chopped off and jumps off a cliff and said “Yeah, we´re not doing that, here´s happy ending”. Which is fine if you´re making a movie for kids, but I don´t think WoW fans would like a story where Arthas, Uther and Jaina talked about their feelings, hugged and solved the problem of plagued grain at Stratholme as much as they do the original story.


I think it was spoke about in another thread, but i commented on there simply being the potential for conflict or tension, which is what i feel people are wanting over another faction conflict.

It doesn’t have to be orcs and humans duking it out with Mcguffins and blowing up cities. It could simply be a bit of agitation or tomfoolery in the vein of the Alliance supporting the Scarlet Crusade for a while in Vanilla.


To me, it’s genuinely far less about it being grim and dark ‘again’, and more about this expansion’s strangely amnesiac approach to grim and dark themes that are presented like an unused Chekhov’s Gun that will remain just as unused as Derek Proudmoore’s belt knife shot in that one BFA cinematic.

An example that comes to mind is the way they handle the Void corrupting the minds of the Black Dragonflight in Aberrus’ storyline, and the strange way these effects jumped between senseless bouts of violence to frankly childish bickering. An amnesia which is then dropped the moment they reach the end of Aberrus’ post-raid completion questline, with them acting all “As it turns out, you were right all along, Ebonhorn! Haha!” as they are standing in front of an open tear into the horrors that lay beyond the Twisting Nether and the utterly broken body of a dracthyr who tried to meddle with it.

I can only hope that this utter feeling of amnesiac passiveness that emanates from every character present at a scene drops the moment that the Emerald Dream itself is in danger, given how we’ve seen character of all mortal stripes being datamined and shown in the PTR actively taking part in the defense of it.

On another note, there’s also the weirdly fickle way in which the story switches from a Only You Can Save Us, Chosen One followed by a complete 180º where they make you sit down and watch other characters take the spotlight without you really doing anything of importance whatsoever. Of course, stories like these can coexist with one another, but in the same questline? Smackdab in the middle of it?

It’s less about Dragonflight being utterly devoid of opportunities to portray these kind of themes, or even an underlying presence of them, and more so the missed opportunity to capitalize on them and make actual stories out of them because they seem to be allergic to make the protagonist face a single moment of hardship that isn’t instantly followed by said hardship getting styled on so hard you could play Ed Edd ‘n’ Eddy sound effects over their final moments, if they don’t straight up do a peace sign and disappear like Fyrakk and Iridikron did.


Ugh. I hate it.

Really? :thinking:

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Oh, Humar the Pridelord.

Used to have him on my now-dwarf.

Absolutely not reminded of the child hunter telling me how he was going to kill Skoll so I couldn’t tame him but had to log around 9 for school and Skoll spawned after.

Yeah, comradery has barely existed in this game.

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I’ve personally had more comradery in recent WoW/modern than I ever did back when I first began in Wrath or Classic.

Whenever I quested in Legion and onwards, I often ended up having minor interactions with people or getting buffs from random classes running past.

My leveling experience in Classic consisted of several occurrences where someone(usually a druid, warrior, hunter or a paladin) would rush past to tag as many mobs as possible and when I asked to group up, either no response or just “no”. (Three times I also got slurs for asking).

I also got repeatedly ganked by high level Horde players(so like a lvl 50+ when I was 24-25) who would literally spawn camp and when I asked for help in general chat, most of the responses were just various insults or “lol get good”.

General chat was also as a whole across most zones even more toxic than trade chat is in today’s servers. Most of it was “edgy” jokes or political discussions(usually towards a certain demographic).

While I enjoyed aspects of Classic when I played it, as I have said before, I’ve always found WoW as a general game community to be really toxic. And from my own experiences the Classic community both before and after its release(Nostalrius supporters before Classic released was some of the most unpleasant people I’ve ever interacted with) has been as a whole easily the worst part in terms of toxicity.

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So I finally did the Tyr’s Guard Questline, with his 4 new members…

And all I am wondering is why didn’t they just make a new tabard for them?

We now have The Knights of the Silver Hand(Alliance), the Silver Hand(Neutral) and Tyr’s Guard all using the same tabard. And I felt it detracted from the original Knights of the Silver Hand(an Alliance organisation turned neutral akin to multiple others) and it still does.

Just like the Order Hall should’ve been the Argent Crusade, I think, even if its minor, the Tyr’s Guard could’ve done with a different tabard to show its difference from the KoTSH and the Silver Hand… Alas :weary:

a reskinned sons of Hodir depicting Tyr’s face or something would’ve sufficed…

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I got just the video for this situation.

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Incredibly accurate video.

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Man Shandris is so disappointing.

It feels like the writers just see her as their token “sensible” elf. Less a character and more a mouthpiece for the writers vision of the Night Elves, and boy is it an uninteresting one. Meek and forgiving vassals of the Alliance.


There’s an alarming number of such characters in this expansion, Wrathion being a prime example.