PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

“Heh, just you wait, any day now he’s gonna do the big heel turn™ and you’re gonna look silly”

The amount of people who went absolutely insane over that shot was funny.
Couldn’t be because they didn’t want to make a new model for Derek for a single shot, no no.


I think it was more so born out of the hope that Derek Proudmoore’s character would be even the slightest bit more active than Baine in Shadowlands. Instead, we got, well.



Curb your enthusiasm.

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And yet here she is, sucking up to a Forsaken of all things

Nathanos’ problem was being Danuser’s favourite Shadow the Heh-edgehog who was shoved into all main questlines with the Horde, taking much desired screentime away from the likes of Rokhan (why does Nathanos have a bigger role than him in Battle for Dazar’alor?), Rexxar and others.

Just overstayed his welcome.


why you lying bro

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Kinda want the demon hunter one NGL.

Maybe i should grind this month’s coins that I’m missing.

cause i frigging love using hyperboles

Yes. Blizzard absolutely overcorrects, virtually every expansion.

TBC to Wrath: Illidan had such a minor presence in 2.0 that players had no idea why we were going after him in 2.1. So throughout Wrath, you keep encountering the Lich King in every zone, with him going “I’ll get you next time, Gadget”, just so the writers can be absolutely sure the players understand who he is and why he’s a bad guy.

Wrath to Cata: Players used to the smooth flow of Northrend questing complained about the subpar and haphazard nature of preceding 1-60 questing that they had to do to get to the good stuff, so now every zone has a completely linear storyline. Players liked phasing? Now there’s phasing in every zone, making group questing (and RP) a nightmare. Northrend was too grim? Everything is a Saturday morning cartoon now.

Cata to MoP: Players complained about Garrosh’s inconsistent characterization? Now he has a consistent characterization… as a racist warmonger with the intelligence of a brick. Complaints about questlines having you gleefully commit war crimes? Have a whole expansion of War Bad.

MoP to WoD: Players were sick of the Vale of Eternal Dailies? Let’s rip dailies out of the game… and leave nothing to do in their place. Oh, they liked the farm? Let’s make an uberfarm where everyone has a personal phase and can be self-sufficient without the need to interact with other players in the world or trade raw materials… oops.

WoD to Legion: Everyone’s sick of orcs? Fine, no orcs whatsoever this expansion (even though it would make perfect sense for them to continue the themes of WC3 and finish off their former demonic masters). Let’s make everyone sick of elves instead.

Legion to BfA: …Okay, I got nothing. It feels like the BfA developers learned nothing from Legion (or rather, learned all the wrong lessons) and just made everything worse.

BfA to Shadowlands: Players were angry at Sylvanas being cartoonishly evil? She suddenly turns good now, because reasons. Dazar’alor was too spacious and too inconvenient to navigate? Hope you like your new capital city, a small grey circle where every room looks the same!

Shadowlands to Dragonflight: The stakes got too cosmic and the players are sick of being a super-special chosen one? You’re now an adventurer helping walrus people make soup. The faction war in BfA was reviled? Shadowlands reached the level of “too bleak, stopped caring”? Everything is peace and love, clean and sanitized, every conflict ends with the opponents talking things through and coming to an understanding (unless they’re irredeemable villains in which case go kill them). The Maw was all shades of brown and grey? Everything is bright, colorful and lively now. Ardenweald was one of the saving graces of this trash tier expansion? Let’s make a whole patch about the Emerald Dream!


“Where is the old school faction conflict, we want more than pvp areas”


Friendly reminder that cinematic was how they chose to kick off an expansion about the factions reaching a lasting peace, lmao.

That should’ve launched us into eternal war territory.

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This feels worryingly accurate.

I hate it, and I wish it wasn’t like that, but it feels accurate…


No hair.

The NElf+Worgen refugees have disappeared.

I can only assume Turalyon has finally implemented his “clean streets” laws and had the the vagrants executed for the crime of befouling his city with their presence.


He took “no loitering” further than the goblins ever could.

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I suggested in discord that perhaps he used them as parts for a mystery stew to help feed Westfall, until someone pointed out that they would never aid an area that wasn’t Stormwind or Elwynn.


The World revamp needs to happen, and it needs to happen yesterday.
Just… ugh.


Would be pretty cool to see them return to their homelands ngl.

Why would the Gilneans (humans) leave a human city for the Emerald Dream??? Or are they not in the Emerald Dream and where are they now???

Plenty of them are Worgen (not humans any more) who are cursed by druidic magic and were offered salvation and sanctuary by the Night Elves who now dwell in the Emerald Dream, and who felt no love for other human nations long before they were driven out of Gilneas. Remember that they are led by Genn “FYIGM” Greymane, who responded to the Third War by building a wall and hiding behind it while everywhere else north of the Thandol Span was consumed by chaos.

Though it’s purely speculation on my part, I wouldn’t be surprised if proximity to the Emerald Dream makes the curse more bearable. Even if it doesn’t, I’d say that the majority of living Worgen (and possibly even still-human Gilneans) feel a stronger bond to the Night Elves than the rest of humanity.