PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

They helped with fighting the Qiraji and other crud back in the day.


Forgot about that.

I’ve said on multiple occasions that Burning Crusade was my favourite expansion based entirely on it being my most played and engaged with content.

That said, I really didn’t like a lot of the story and visual direction they went with for it and cross developing it with Starcraft 2 was a huge mistake.

Blood Elves were about the only good thing to come out of it in the long term.

If there’s 1 thing I love from that piece it’s the absolute vile hatred that Kalecgos gets from the Blood elves because his dumb :peach: chose to bring a half elf visage to a full elf party.


Kalec was a literal roleplayer.

Just wanted to be special and not recognising the consequences of doing so.


I rather team up with Odyn against Vyranoth, ngl.

Both are equally wrong, but Odyn got a giant magma-beard and Valhalla😩

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Blizzard will give you a choice, where joining Odyn is constantly being told to be the EVIL thing to do. Every quest where you’re helping Odyn you’ll be given a chance to turn coat and join Vyranoth atleast twice.

But once you join Vyranoth you’re with the good guys and you’re not able to rejoin Odyn.


Yeah no, Odyn is S-tier scumbaggery contained in metallic form. His only use would be molten down to ingots.

Cause Vyranoth isn’t, obviously???

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Vyranoth isn’t a heroic figure by any stretch of the imagination, but Odyn has ever been a dangerous combination of arrogance, lust for power, and an indifference towards the needs of others.

If we’re comparing sins and villainous traits, no, I don’t consider the two to be in the same weight class.


Lol; lets not forget that Vyranoth, and the Primal Incarnates, wanted to cleanse the Titanic influence from Azeroth; returning it to a primordial Elemental battleground where nothing could survive and thus she willingly choose to have her hands(claws?) bloodied with the deaths of millions, if not more.

And while that is her goal, she also allowed her followers to forcifully convert the children of her race to be infused with Elemental powers, doing exactly the same as to what she blamed the Aspects and the Titans for doing; and while what Odyn did to Helya was/is horrible, he only did it once, while Vyranoth’s forces did it every other day to whelplings.

At best, Vyranoth and Odyn are on equal footing when it comes to sins and villainous traits, at worse, she surpasses Odyn by a mile.


Has she personally actually done… Anything?
She just seems to have existed.


She wasn’t locked into a titan prison and treated like a terrorist when arriving at Valdrakken just for existing. Unless of course she will get the misunderstood/was coerced into being evil treatment.

stood there and looked vaguely menacing

Well yeah, they “”“rebelled”“” against the Aspects for wanting their kids to be forcibly mutated by titan magic and wanted Tyr kicked off the island, a disagreement that eventually bubbled into war.

Personally is a bit iffy, because we don’t usually see her hand in much of what goes on in the conflict with the Primal Incarnates. The initial impressions of whelpling-infusions were overseen by Razsageth, and the fiery turmoil later seems to be a direct result of Fyrakk’s building madness - as orchestrated by Iridikron and his shadowy allies, no doubt.

We do know that she has an axe to grind with the Titans and their influence however, and that she probably did her part of the killing during the War of the Scaleborn. Until that novel is eventually released however, it’s not clear what actually transpired back then.

Honestly wasn’t my impression. I rather got the impression they intended to do undo Titan magic among dragons (this doesn’t involve killing all dragons as far as Vyranoth is concerned) and return their kind to the status-quo of ancient times.

I mean, I might not have it 100% correct either, but wishing to cleanse the world of titanic influence kinda throws it back into a primordial elemental warscape where nothing fleshy could survive, especially since the Titans and the Keepers forced the elements into their respective planes?

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Only when the Qiraji starting knocking on the door of the Caverns of Time but that might be Bronze specific with the other colors helping much before that event.

I would argue the Primal Incarnates really didn’t do anything themselves regarding the group. No management, no logistics, not even ordering some minions here and there to be a road-bump to the PC. Kurog Grimtotem was honestly more of a leader than them while the incarnates themselves could be seen as symbols just doing their own thing while the Primalists follow in their wake.

Again, I do have a problem with a threat that comes out of nowhere just as much as a threat that just never seems to die out coughs Scarlets coughs. Primalists just really have no personality, identity, future within this elemental real-estate…

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The idea of other races becoming DHs is still something that appeals to my edgy self.

That or a plotline of a non-elf trying to become one and failing, but doing that in RP is kinda hard.

It’s definitely not unheard of - there are canon murloc demon hunters in WoW right now, and in Hearthstone there’s a Worgen DH hero skin (, implied naga DHs (, and an ogre DH (

…just the way they did it in the Warcraft RPG for humans is, as noted, jank, and feels very much like “we just wanted humans to not be excluded from the cool demon hunter guys”.

At least if the Illidari was opening up their training to other races it’d give them something to do other than…uh…nothing.

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My Illidari has a new full-time job staring judgmentally at Man’ari Eredars strolling through Valdrakken.