PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

the most important part of the Pandaria book is that Li-Li got some grown up art, confirming that she is not eternally a child

now just gotta hope the devs remember that next time she shows up in-game.


Shouldn’t she be like, 16-18 years old by now?

Not that it’s a major deal when guys like Eitrigg are alive and kicking, despite they were deemed very old before Warcraft 3.

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Li-Li was 10-12 in Wrath, which meant she was ~15-17 in Legion (her last in-game appearance) and is now 23-25 as of Dragonflight.


That art… is not of a 25 years old.

The more you know. She was basically my age and still gets to remain a child. I also want to be like that, always young and free!

(also a wasted opportunity to make a character grow alongside the audience but oh, well)

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They oughta put some weight real quick on Li-Li otherwise this might get too close to Pandawa humanoid Pandas from Dofus.

That’s one lanky pandaren. Now we can expect other pandaren to make fun of her for that — no wait, that’s bullying, and everything is peace and love now, so I expect it to never be commented on.

But yes, thanks for that, at least.

Eh, good enough. The important thing is that she’s clearly depicted as an adult now. Seeing a pandaren with a child model (but she’s totally a teenager we pinky swear) drink beer was just weird.

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Too busy wandering to eat.

Isn’t that cuz the people behind it have moved on and are in the process of making a new one?

Not “in the process”.

Wowpedia has moved to Warcraft Wiki, which is up and operational. The old site is left on Fandom to rot, unattended.


BfA didn´t really have the whole cosmic stuff, so I´m not including it. The most egregious issues with unreliable narrator in WoW are connected to cosmic forces.

But yes, BfA IIRC had the issue of separate teams for Horde and Alliance, which resulted in scenarios such as Stormsong Valley where Horde is just pure villain faction slaughtering civilians on specific orders of Sylvanas and only Alliance gets to see that.
Although, I feel like this is a problem that has existed in one way or another since Vanilla, because you tend to play a hero, so you tend to witness the factions at their worst while playing the other faction.
Then there are Forsaken, who just openly embrace it and have you do evil stuff for them.

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The first half is factually correct followed up by what I can only describe as toddler talk and that they somehow can’t find a way to tell a serious story. Warhammer 3, as others have pointed out, is pretty serious through and through but has beats in its story both mechanically and narratively.

“How do you tell the serious from the very, very serious” jesus christ lady, that’s your job.


It’s not even just writing. These people have animation and sound/music to emphasize this.

It’s like these people haven’t read a comic, manga or novel in their lives.

I wish both factions had embraced these scenarios and treated them as necessary rather than used as talking points for the WAR BAD, PEACE GOOD narrative.


Personally I put some of the blame on people like Pyromancer too, who tried to do some huge speculations about the lore, making this tinfoil hat stuff more popular. The whole “Chronicle is written from the point of view of the Titans” was something I heard from his fans first, and I don´t think it´s a coincidence that this was the exact same example provided by Danuser few years ago.
They gave Blizzard a blank cheque for doing retcons without admitting they were retcons and shockingly, when Blizzard started doing it, they hated it because unreliable narrator doesn´t work when it´s applied to a story that wasn´t created as such in the first place!

I think the audience doesn´t necessarily have to know it´s an unreliable narrator, but it has to be something that the audience can figure out without the author telling them through analyzing the work. It can have varying levels of subtlety, but even if it takes a 6-part essay by some nerd on the internet, it has to be observable purely from the work itself.

Alternatively, you can use unreliable narrator as something that is revealed at the end with hints all the way throughout the work, allowing people to easily notice it on rewatch/reread, to the point where just watching the first scene of a movie or reading first page of the book.

WoW does neither of these, because it can´t, since there is no plan and we don´t learn about the unraliable narrator through narration being different from what we can see, but by one narrator saying the other is wrong + interviews with some French news.


Saw a twitter comment on the Pandaria book (which admittedly did not have picture proof) indicating that it gets the years wrong - stating it’s been both six AND seven ten years since MoP.

Also apparently speaks about Darnassus as if it hadn’t been burned down?

Given the previous Exploring books these errors wouldn’t be surprising, but I’m just couching it in “he said” atm because I’ve not seen any actual evidence.


I am once again floored by the sheer incompetance of the wow CDev department


These are both correct, yes. It switches between six and ten years and does mention Darnassus still standing.

Yeah but that’s because the narrator of the book is unreliable so don’t worry about it.


Wouldn’t this imply there is still an issue with their empress? if I recall they were not supposed to be aggressive until the swarm event every 100 years or so

So the two lovebirds didn’t manage to lessen the family feud at all?

It sounds like another “I flew over the zones and wrote down what I saw” book
and how are they not fact checked prior to releasing these?
the whole jade statue mistake is a pretty big whoopsidaisy.

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worgen-controlled fenris-isle and 1k+ years old dark portal btw
no water sources in orgrimmar btw (the city has 3-4 waterfalls)

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That damned poltergeist has been plagueing the writer room again. Truly his evil ghostly ways know no limit.

In fairness they did get a new Empress relatively quick after we dealt with the one in MoP - they had a new one in BfA, so it’s not totally out of the question for them to have gotten another one between BfA and DF.

Of course maybe it’s not between BfA and DF, since it’s sometimes 6 and sometimes 10 years.

Point still stands though.

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