PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

I’ve just become completely apathetic about it all after that interview tbh, that was depression-given-form to read.

Yep we have no plans, yep we just make everything up, yep we just make every error into canon lore so what.

What hope is there when Metzen arrives to an already burned-down building.


I should wish to be a writer for blizzard
I can just inject my own headcannon with no fear or regard for the world, no one will fact check my work, because its just the ‘unreliable narrator’

I argue to have an unreliable narrator you need a reliable core story from which the lies can be spun.

Warhammer is famous for its unreliable narrator, but certain events DID happen even if the details are muddy.

I cherish my limited edition Liber Chaotica, as no matter how unreliable the narrator (author) is, it’s still a work of passion and love

Unlike anything on current day Warcraft


What’s our resident Nelfposters thoughts on Teldrassil having mysteriously reconstructed itself alongside Darnassus circa Exploring Pandaria? It seems the Nelves will be getting 2x free World Trees now.

You honestly can’t make this up.


This is factual correct, though since the Goblins contaminated the water sources of Orgrimmar in cataclysm, I think? I vaguely remeber something like that!

Don’t shoot me behind the barn if I got it wrong from the unreliable narrator D:

We deserve it. We deserve 2 new world tree’s and 2 capital cities, with it. 1 tree to empower the Dragons, another to empower us(we resident NElfposters need a power-up to tear these forums apart) again. But we also must still be able to solo the Horde into damnation and plant new World tree’s ontop of Orgrimmar and Lordaeron(NElf fans deserve to see the Horde literally deleted ingame) :smirk:

On a more serious note, Exploring EK was fun: I did not read a single one of those books after that one. Nor did I read anything more then Chronicles 1. I used to love reading WoW books, but they sucked the fun out of it.

I’m not feeling anything anymore when I hear about a new book. And interviews like these just make me take a (small) break from WoW to focus on other games with more focus on story and character progression, games that respect their lore. I get that telling a story in a mmo isn’t ideal and never will be, but by god does Blizzard keep dropping the ball. I mean, they dropped it and can’t even bother to pick it up again at this point😩


The two trees should kiss and make a new tree that we plant in Orgrimmar. :evergreen_tree:


All WoW books are cursed, at this point.


I don’t know if you meant this as a pithy comment or a passing thought, but it’s ironically an accurate and useful summary.

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ehhhhhhh most of 'em, sure.

Lord of the Clans, The Last Guardian, Shadow of the Horde are all fine/good novels.
The Ashbringer and Curse of the Worgen comics are also pretty decent.
The Legends manga series and the Death Knight manga I’ll also recommend.

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Honestly, I found quite a few of the books pretty okay, namely War of the Ancients trilogy, Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, and Tides of Darkness and Beyond the Dark Portal novels, next to the ones you mentioned.


If Shadows Rising (and honestly, the Sylvanas novel itself) hadn’t been shackled by Jailer-chains to the Shadowlands plot they’d probably be fine too. Alas, tainted by association.

Before the Storm I’d even say is fine. Not good, but not as bad as ‘cursed’. Still a bit too Anduin heavy for my liking but oh well, it is what it is.

The Shattering book is fine if you don’t mind every single character having daddy issues.

The maga/shaman mangas are…eh, not cursed, just not particularly interesting to me.

Vaguely related but I’ll always be peeved that the StarCraft Ghost Academy comic/‘graphic novel’/manga series got canned after 3 books. Nova and Tosh in Ghost training together but it got sniped halfway through due to Tokyopop folding. RIP.

They didn’t. The book mentions that Orgrimmar has NO water sources and that the Southfury, the river very much outside of Orgrimmar, is the one contaminated by the Goblins, and thus all water comes from Mulgore.

Both of these things are literally not true, nor do they really make a lot of sense on a fundamental level, such as Bilgewater Harbor literally being connected to the ocean, not the Southfury River, and Orgrimmar having several waterfalls and an entire district’s floor being covered with water.


I don’t know what you mean by “cursed” here, but the Traveler series is great.

War of the Ancients trilogy is great, and I won’t hear any different in here. I know there’s a lot of Knaak detractors about.

But Last Guardian is peak WoW fiction.


Wolfheart (another Knaak novel) is also a legit read.

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I haven’t read a WoW novel in a long old time. The last one I attempted was another dragon one that Knaak dropped around Cataclysm time.

Back when I first started enjoying the game though I was devouring them. My thirst for lore could not be sated.

Establishing pre-fall Arthas as an egotistical, abusive narcissist is good writing.

That’s an old issue, the swampy part canonically contaminated by the goblins and water in general being scant to the point where Garrosh was impressed at how far his people had come but appalled at their living conditions as imposed by thrall in “penance”.

My condolences. Mine was before the storm which interestingly humanised the forsaken for good or ill.

As for the horrifying state of the writing treating lore failures as inconsistencies of narration and storytelling potential rather than mistakes just reeks of internal cope.


Now I’m going to read it just to pick it apart and spite you!

(Not really, but it’s Knaak. I don’t expect wonders.)

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It’s great in the context of pre-sundering world building. But in terms of actual writing it’s fairly mediocre and the time travel element is a bit unnecessary.

Malfurion going into the dream and obliterating Xavius from stealth will never not be cool though.


Partially pith, but also a general comment on my belief that “If it’s a Core Lore Aspect, it should be in the damn game!”

Things like Cairne, a cornerstone character since WC3 and a racial leader, being killed offscreen is, for me, a cardinal writing sin.