PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

What bothers me is how they seem to subtly change the narrative around Deathwing’s corruption. At first we knew he was corrupted because the Old Gods, mostly N’zoth, had a hand in it. But now they’re trying to make it appear as if he just went evil because he messed with Shadowflame.

I’ve had the feeling that during Dragonflight they’ve made several references to the Old gods and their presence, but they seem oddly determined -not- to mention them by name… if that makes sense.


Mmm, Tyrande is buff

(Always was, but her model from BfA onwards particularly emphasizes her muscles)


Abit late, but I found these interviews, for those interested!

Last one is on german, should any of our German friends want to act as a interpreter(is what its called?)

Ever since her Night Warrior-clothing upgrade, all I ever wanted from Tyrande was for her to step on me😩

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It’s the shoulders and back. Hummina hummina awooga


I still find it absurd that the final fight against Fyrakk is going to involve him fighting in his visage form with an enchanted axe, instead of using his natural scaly-weapon-of-mass-destruction form.

It really makes it apparent that the narrative team doesn’t want to depict the dragons as actual dragons, but as ancient humanoids who just so happen to transform into dragons when the plot calls for it. There must still be someone at Blizzard who has an undying hatred for dragons and is trying to downplay them as much as possible, even in the dragon expansion.


Is this satire?


From the article, it instead looks like a large plate of Nothing Burger, with a side helping of Waffle :unamused:

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Looking at any article of writers writing in a setting they don’t personally own to their name is always going to be the same. “We have our hiccups, and (briefly mentions and downplays the issues their writing has), but at the end of the day we have a very complex story and we are glad the readers are enjoying it!”

They’re basically just leaving an Uber 5 star rating on themselves in hopes that the company hires them again because of it.


Most importantly, we see Tyrande become the leader of the Green Dragonflight.

I laughed when I read this in the third article(on “Tyrande’s new role”)…

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I am going to be an optimist and assume that it is only for the duration of the effort of defending Amirdrassil…


It’s probably a mistake, but it shows how interchangeable the characters are to the writing team.


I am assuming its just a mistake written by the writer of the article, but I would not put it past Blizzard to actually forget Tyrande is not a Green Dragon and Mirithria has taken over the mantle of leadership from her mother, Ysera.

Especially since I feel as if the writers have no connection to the characters at all, which imho I see in the way they are handled.

Lmao, Blizzard really selling 4 new hair colours as the next big thing of BElf customisations :man_facepalming:t3:


Remember when they killed of Voljin after doing nothing, so they could make Sylvanas the warchief for… one expansion?

I give it a 50/50 chance they’ll do the same to Merithria.

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A bunch of snippets of the upcoming War of the Scaleborn novel on this thread, they’re not in a contiguous order and if you want commentary you’re gonna have to check it direct. Below are just the images.

Vyranoth x Alexstrasza sapphic moments:-

Fyrakk is the cousin of Alex+Ysera (not mentioned anywhere at all previously?)

Neltharion apparently the most pro-Titan, alongside his boyfriend Malygos;-

Tyr ordering Alex to kidnap dragon eggs:-

Twitter thread commentary:-

By the way, if you dislike the use of “Order magic” as much as I do, do not get this book lmao

The capitalized ‘Order’ is used 32 times in the first two chapters, it’s really on the nose.

Vyranoth being weirded out by civilisation (decent characterisation honestly):-

Also unconfirmed but taken from a comment on the twitter thread is that there’s apparently some cringe/poor handling of trolls which…I mean…no surprise there I guess.

Get Stackpole back please.

Going all in on the Order/Titans bad bandwagon, huh?

Next book will be about how free, and nice, and great the Void is.

Also, from what I’m reading is that the dragons spend alot of time in their Visage forms, instead of as dragons?

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Tyr: Actually, these Old God maligned new races on Azeroth are pretty lit and chill, I think I vibe with them.

Every other Keeper: Same.

Tyr in this book and Dragonflight for some reason: 1940’s Earth Nation and Eugenics




This comes back to what I quoted earlier from the Dragonflight Codex about “new information might shed different light on our heroes” but that scholars should always strive for the truth.

This is “new light” shed on the heroic Titanforged Tyr, the enslaver of Dragons.

Ah, I posted that five days ago.

As with any detailed account, this book should be taken with a grain of salt–or should I say sand? Although every effort was made to consult primary sources, such weighty matters as the ordering of the cosmos or the motivations of a titan remain, at best, a theory.
As life goes on, our understanding of these events will evolve. New perspectives may emerge that have the power to change everything we once knew about beloved champions and reviled villains. As scholars, however, we must always strive to seek the truth, no matter where or however long it takes.

Also, they definetly gonna make Tyr, the Keepers and the Light Evil :tm: and the Void as misunderstood.

The characterisation of Vyranoth is neat and I honestly haven’t had a problem with her depiction throughout Dragonflight so far, outside of her turning against the Primalists a little too quickly.

The depiction of the Aspects in all of those screenshots seems pretty compelling to me and honestly, it seems like a pretty interesting story.

The fact that “Order magic” is used as a phrase so frequently is pretty off-putting. The passages that have been posted make it clear that the influence of the Titans does bring order and civilisation to the worlds that they touch, but boiling it down to the two words “Order magic” makes it feel like it’s just another colour of magic, it makes an important metaphysical concept in the setting seem like a particular flavour of ice cream.

While it seems pretty odd that Blizzard has chosen to make the until-now nicest-Keeper-of-the-bunch into a morally ambiguous Lawful Neutral bringer of order and stability, that’s not out of character compared to how other Titanic characters have been depicted. But I’ve always been open to the prospect of the Titans or the Light being negatively framed, while some of the other posters here seem violently opposed to the idea whenever it comes up, despite prior instances of it throughout WoW’s history.

10.2 still looks like it might narratively be the weakest major content patch of Dragonflight, though it could turn out “okay” and tie with 10.0. But this book seems pretty neat, complaints about Order magic aside.

A cute leak that’s making the rounds, it’s sort of believable, if only because of how generic it is. It could also be a bunch of assets thrown together on a private server, too.

Ah yes, the war of the scalies.

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