PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

What happened to you? Except for the head your entire body is black. Have you finally given in to the void fully?

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They’re about to present an innovation in technology


Blizzard not breaking FemPanda model challenge : Impossible

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That’s our fate, I suppose. The price we pay for having hand size fitting the overgrown weapons from the last several expansions.

Storm/thunder stuff?

It’s just squiggly dragon script we’ve seen elsewhere.


I used to look forward to new expansion reveals for the promise of something new and cool that they would bring.

Now I dread for what they might bring about :skull:


Come explore the ancient homeland of the stunties dwarves on the far side of azeroth previously obscured by time and falsehoods.

These people have, in the absence of outsider interference, adapted and furthered the technologies of the ancient Eternal Engine at the heart of the great World Pillar that makes up their home, turning even inert stone into compliant and eager allies with city-sized golems patrolling the ocean floor to tear down any ships on the approach.

In keeping with the age-old dwarven wisdom of “keep your feet on the ground”, any flying mounts are swiftly cut down by artillery set into the World Pillar, encouraging you to explore the land on foot. Especially the dracthyr.


I missed all of the dragonflight datamining and its initial release due to work. When i started playing again i was relatively surprised*. I think the amount of datamining and seeing things out of context is a double edged sword.

*still think dracthyr are the goofiest :poop:


Ah shiet, my bad btw, didn’t have to post here. I missed the leak thread by Skrauhg.

Anyway, dwarves are cool, qiraji are cool, nerubians are cool. Underground sounds cool.

For the love of Elune’s armpits, no more current writing team dragons (read: humans/elves pretending to be dragons). If I hear one more Alexstrasza dialogue with her…slow…speech…break…after…every…word…like…this. I’m gonna throw myself into a volcano.

C’mon Levey, from the PoV of the Old God aligned creatures, surely puny beings who thrive on love, companionship, good food from farming or harvesting in nature are obviously inferior and barbaric beings. Not like the mighty C’thraxxi who’s magnificent chitinous plate with protruding spikes who with a psychic scream alone can reshape reality. You see, sacrifices are an efficient methods of recycling too all while providing power all while terraforming the environement to suit the species best!

Oh, Fyrakk needed some fire-druid runes to literally cut a portal into the Dream…

Thats stupid😩

Supoose it could be worse, but I wonder why nobody ever did that before, like Ragnaros, when the Kaldorei invaded the Firelands, for example


That’s just standard Blizzard writing. It’s not unique to Alexstrasza, or Dragons, or whoever.

The cinematic feels like a rehash of Cataclysm’s intro too, with the ‘wahh my pain and agony burns waah’ lines. When it ended I just thought ‘wait, that was it?’.

Pretty whelmed I gotta say. Not sure if I like the looks of the new tree either, the Ardenweald tree bark looked weird in Shadowlands and still does now.


The fact its linked to Ardenweald and the Shadowlands is reason enough for me, to dislike it.

But I could write a whole essay about what I dislike about the new tree and how they’re handling it in the current story😩


which afterlife do you think Razsageth went to

With the noble Kyrian of Bastion


Could have even gotten yeeted to Skywall.

G’hanir, within the Emerald Dream, where all winged creatures that died go to!

Skywall is a good, second, contender… Are there any more choices for a winged, storm-infused, creature??? :weary:

Why do we not get a Nightmarish Emerald Drake??? Instead we get a reskinned Venthyr stone mount called Moonbeast and some random link to the Night Elves(so it does not even fit most races for use?)

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Judging by that cinematic it seems Fyrakk is snorting even more of that Shadowflamecaine. In earlier cinematics when he didnt take it yet, there was no purple glow on him whatsoever, later on you occasionally saw it in his eyes. But now it’s an ever-present part of him as you can see the flames on his horns and shoulders having taken on a purple hue too. Small detail, but nice I think.


We really got a discount Deathwing didn’t we… Better in many aspects so he’s more of an upgrade but the juxtaposition with DW really is poor optics overall. Oh no, another fire dragon having succumbed to Shadow magic and intending on burning everything in his wake, how original.

Man, I would like one day for someone to make the Ice Dragon the one to succumb to a dark powers (don’t mention Sindragosa I swear to god!)… Imagine that with the aesthetics of Blackfrost Anivia from LoL. Void and Ice is a banger mix and could be done without appearing too Scourge like if they borrowed that aesthetic. Switch a bit! Having the Ice Dragon with supposed deep bond with Alex having given into the Shadow Magic while Fyrakk being the ideal counter and embodying a more wholesome view of fire with associating it with warmth in the dark, embers of hope and resilience before the storm, enkindling people and so on. It even seemed to be going this way with that alternate reality thing where everything is frozen all over and the primalist Drakonid frost guy we fought against in the renown unlocked quest.