PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

What’d you mean, elves are native to Azeroth.

Also, anyone knows if Alexstrasza’s visage form in Valdrakken is still a high elf? Since… you know they don’t exist yet.

Wouldn’t mind touching Alex’s soft skin :sweat_drops:

Tall dwarves just sounds like short Kul Tiran to me.

Please don’t drag us into this, we sold it to you (the Americans, I mean) fairly and we’re like a tiny country with a tiny population.

Working on the assumption of the ancient visage also being elf/titan looking. It’s suspicious with these five fingered giants coming and turning your roomie into another bipedal freak.

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visages were a mistake


Unironically This

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Visages are cool imo.
But the whole softer skin thing is a bit of a shudder.


It invokes… Sinful imagery that goes beyond the mild kiss and skin to skin contact like hugs and stuff.

I hate them.

Dragons are supposed to inspire awe, fear and awesome power. Maybe sleep on hoards of gold and/or smoke a hookah.

Not walk among us as normal folk like celebrities that mingle and merge with the mortal races.


Playing Owlcat Pathfinder games is a joy because despite the vast diversity and ability for Dragons to indeed take on a humanoid form of all kinds even lowly Kobolds, they don’t do it much and you’re more likely to stumble upon them indeed on a huge pile of gold and in their lair.

Don’t insult Aivu in my presence, ever.

Me too.

How convenient that this leak came right on the heels of the four-screenshot leak. Everything else sounds like fanfiction (though worryingly plausible with the current team; the INFINITE DRAGON PIRATE was Danuser’s personal idea, after all).


Dragons are supposed to whatever they’re written to do.
They’ve been written as allies and sympathetic characters for most of wow.
They can still inspire fear and awe, it entirely depends what’s happening and why.


unfortunately they only inspire a lukewarm afternoon at starbucks in modern wow

The current writing team just isn’t interested or capable of writing good stuff. It’s the same with Nelves, I don’t think they hate them, they really just aren’t interested in doing great stuff with them that fits with their history, culture and would please their fans and no I ain’t talking the most rabbid of nelfposter, Christ.


You’d say that about anything in modern wow, so it averages out fine.

Class design is broadly speaking good- Not MoP, but not far from WoD.
Reward structures are good.
Customization of talents is good. Way better than I expected, anyway.
Art and music is good.
RP is good.
Pvp is great after 8+ years.

I don’t know, I always did like the idea of dragons hiding or working in secret among mortals from time to time, influencing them to some degree ( Like Deathwing and Onyxia who hid amongst the nobility and nearly brought the Alliance/Stormwind to ruin).

I suppose I do get the sentiment though, in an expansion about dragons you would expect to see them in their dragonforms more often. Heck, you’d think we’d atleast see Fyrakk as the flying fireball he is rather than a small guy with an axe who’s on fire during his final bossfight.

Edit: I am ashamed for almost forgetting my man Korialstrasz who even went as far as to join the Council of Six, a ruling body of a sovereign nation to help the Alliance win the war against the Horde to save Alexstrasza and his kin.

I think that when you read an average excerpt about two dragons interacting in WoW and you have no idea if they are in humanoid form or not something has gone terrible awry.

sneak edit: I am once again reminded of the Visage Day short story where two dragons hug, somehow, in dragon form.

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I find it strange that a lot of Valdrakken is designed with visage in mind. Sure you see some dragons in buildings but it’s largely impractical.
Visages remain cool imo. But the fact in their own homes they’re still in them? Madness.


Yes, it’s fine when they were interacting with us in the wider Azeroth.

This is the DRAGON Isles. Their home turf. Having a humanoid form makes sense when everything is humanoid scaled and so as not to intimidate the new friends you’re working with.

It’s us who should be adapting to everything being scaled up, here.

Also, Fyrakk’s non-visage form is SO darn cool? What an utter waste not fighting that :unamused:


The only reason I can think of is that they also tried to accomodate the drakonid and other smaller members of the Flights, aswell as potential Titan-servants. Maybe it’s also due to game-constraints, as Valdrakken could very well be its own zone if everything had to be dragon-sized. Or maybe they just wanted to make things more familiar to players.

No argument from me there.

Big agree.