PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Like Alexstrasza I forgot they exist and are people too.


Your honor, clearly only one of the dogs is doing the hugging.

Oh I almost forgot I do like something about DF.

The fact that they depicted DW as an omega edgy, narcissistic megalomaniac, rather than the noble atlas titan that became corrupted by his task.

Also the fact that he literally wrote Galakrond as a soyjak and himself as a gigachad is very cool.

Razsageth also remains the coolest villain since possibly BFA’s G’huun, even if her appearance was short.

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What about now?!

Dogs can hug.

Dragons can’t hug.

Not racist, just don’t like it.

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They can embrace eachother mid-air- As is shown in the cinematic fight between Alexstraza and DW.

Not a very kind cuddle but an embrace all the same.

Their limbs are essentially the same.
The dogs have shown the power of hugging.

I think that’s the best way of doing it, in my opinion. A shapeshifting species should ideally have body language that functions in all of the forms that it can assume.

For example, Alexstrasza pressing her cheek to Vyranoth’s. I think that’s a good way of expressing affection when in a draconic form and I think it would be good if dragons also express themselves in that sort of way in their visage forms. It implies a lack of familiarity with the humanoid form and clearly inhuman body language, it makes them feel a little more alien and strange.

Hugging dragons feels bad to me because it’s the opposite, because it’s the projection of very human body language onto very inhuman bodies. It makes them feel more like normal people and less like ancient reptiles of unfathomable power.


Vyranoth leaning over a battle map exactly like Varian in the MoP intro cutscenes hurts my soul in that regard, yes.

So it’s either a pretty elaborate fake or pretty safe as far as bets go.

Aren’t those lamplight thingies kinda present in Un’goro crater or generally any titan facility?

Also, one of my main concerns about a dwarf-focused expansion is that it might lead to the second coming of dwarf roleplayers who look to Warhammer for guidance regarding how they should play their characters.

Expect lots of grumbling about grudges going in the book and manlings and knife-earred elves and slayer oaths and blatant usage of the Khazalid language.

I’m strongly reminded of some Wrath of the Lich King assets found in any Titan-centric region in Northrend.

They could be new assets that are inspired by those, or they could be altered versions of those mounted on pillars. The resolution is too low to clearly tell.

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Wait seriously? I know I’ve been out of the RP scene for a while, especially the Alliance, but is it really that substancial in the Dwarf RP scene?

I believe that it was, once upon a time. I think it was one of the primary complaints about the dwarf RP scene during BFA.

I doubt it’s a significant issue at this moment in time, but I recall it being a problem in the past - and it might be a problem again, if there’s a resurgence in popularity for dwarves.

Good points. Could be a Wrath Classic thing as well as something else, similarly Titan oriented.

WoW Dwarf lore is easily digestable and still contains depth and sufficient intrigue… Kinda sad that people aren’t willing to learn about them and would rather emulate Warhammer Dwarves instead.

I’d be willing to entirely believe this to be doctored but the new species using the Direhorn mount skeleton is making me go “Hmmm, maybe?” and nothing on those pictures are biomes that don’t already exist, can’t exactly reinvent the wheel ad eternum.

New screenshots:

The Avaloren leak seems more and more legit. A pity. It feels so… generic.

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This is what I was thinking of.

The more I compare them, the more it looks like it could be a new asset heavily inspired by this old one.

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Dwarves being portrayed as gigachad instead of the pests and nuisance to everyone that they are must be some long-term propaganda by IRL shorties who loathe never attaining the glorious 6ft tall height.