PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

I think the Drogbar are actually a very good and timeless addition, when you put it like that; every WoW related Discord has a specific zone to it where those hang out, too, so it makes a lot of sense

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I will die on the hill that Zaralek Caverns should’ve focused on the Drogbar, instead of making up the Sniffer-fetish people.

It could also have played into the whole Neltharion’s Liar and the Drogbar in Highmountain, explaining how those Drogbar ended up there.



People will never remember the Niffen once past DF.


I’d do the true pirate’s move and vote for myself.

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Hate the one off race additions every expac seems to have.

Or how the Centaur of the DI are apparently an entire different species from the Kalimdor ones.

Whats wrong with reusing kobolds, snobolds, jinyu, ankoan, vrykul, furbolg, dryads, gilgoblins, giants, giants, earthen etc.

Not every expac on Azeroth needs to introduce whole new species of animal or entire hidden races, could just add a variation of an existing species if you really wanted to make them different.

Horses, zebras and donkeys exist too!
African and Asian elephants.

For Outlands etc it’d obvious make sense, but somehow Argus and Outlands had alot of overlap in creatures such as warp stalkers, nether rays and talbuks. :thinking:

If I am making any sense :sweat:


Me too bro, me too.

I’d like to know which son of Cenarius banged an elemental before Zaetar and how his coupling completely fell into silence, you’d think there’d be mass warning about “Do not couple with elemental people! M’kay?”

They could facelift and engage new stories about these groups, granted they have done so for a couple of them so I cannot be too harsh. The one offs are really what gets me. Some of these have really great lore too and are sufficiently organized and stable to go on and form their own adventures or colonies showing that it ain’t just the Alliance and Horde capable of doing so.

A new race or species is nice here and there of course but they’re gonna run out of themes and flavours at some point… The nomad race, the blood race, the gimmick race, the violent berserker race, the technology race, the ancient race, the noble savage race, etc. All have been used at some point or another with 3-6 races under those umbrella terms so adding to them would go a long than invent another one.

I’m sorry if people get Peeved by my constant “What could be and could have been.” but it’s one of the few things I still enjoy formulating.

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Giants twice?
And all of these have appeared in many places in more than one expansion.

You also have the nyphms in Northrend who are weird dryads.

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drogbar are in fact extremely lit and a cool race.

How can you not love a culture of Ronnie Coleman’s and Deep Rock Galactic enthusiasts?

Even if so, the hozen got a nifty amount of lore in Pandaria, explaining why they are like they are and that there’s more to them than killing and plundering. And despite their childish and often brutish attitude they can still live along with other Pandaria races. If only the same could be said about smaller races added after.


For me, one of the worst offenders is the Tortollans and their “my sole personality trait is that I’m old” attitude, which stops being funny after five minutes and stops making sense after ten minutes, when you realise that at the time, there were six playable races that could live for several thousand years with ever getting a wrinkle.


They weren’t given enough screen time aside from that and Torga’s demise. A race of traders and historians with a respectful inscription tradition and a loa of stories to worship could be useful allies. Especially for Pandaren, especially for the isle ones, because I won’t believe they won’t take Shen-zin Su as Torga’s kin, be it true or not.


The Tortollans, imo, would have worked better if they’d leant more on the ‘Perpetual hoarder at heart’ thing, with the twist of “You hold onto a thing for a thousand years and it eventually comes in hand” coming true more often than not.

The ‘Im old’ bit did indeed get a little tiring.

I was lucky I didn’t explore before doing that particular Nazmir questline. Because, holy heck… there’s not many arcs that hit with weight in WoW, but that one did.

Still a genuinely, deeply unsettling bit of world design, that area. (In a ‘this is good and fits the area and feel’ way, tbf)


If I am not mistaken
The Dreanei didn’t just exit stage left every time they were found by the legion.
They also saved animals from the planets they been on.

In fact part of Azuremist island is YOU dealing with some escaped creatures that crash landed with the Exodar and is now causing havoc on the eco-system.


:point_up_2: This is a perfectly cut and dry case of this :point_down:

I personally cannot stand the mechagnomes.
Their entire personality is just, “you need an upgrade” and I speak in sci-fi terms.
easily the worst addition to the race roaster.
Regular gnomes are somewhat diverse, but the mechagnome is just copy pasted clones of each other.

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They removed renown from the Pathfinder achievement.

Lmao, poor sods who went through the sniff-fetish people to be able to unlock it😩


Oh come on!!!

I was almost there with the sniffen >:(

L + sniffers

I just don’t get what locking standard flying behind achievements is supposed to do.

The majority of people seem to consider dragonriding to be vastly superior to normal flying, to the point where I think most people will continue to use dragonriding.
The people who actually have issues with dragonriding, whether it’s due to personal taste or genuine difficulties with the system, will probably not have played the expansion enough to unlock the achievements.
At this point, why not just enable normal flying without having to unlock it? The only people who would want to use it are the ones who don’t want to - or can’t - play through the expansion as intended.


Honestly the only reason I can think of wishing for normal flight in the Dragon Isles is for RP purposes, its nice if you can portray a dragon or a villain riding a dragon or other flying mount that’s hovering in the air, allows a DM to do DM things while being able to keep an oversight from the air.


I just got it today as well haha.
Kinda glad though, but I want drake helmets so I’ll keep going.

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