PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

They look plausible to me. If they’re fake, then sure, but do you have convincing evidence for that?

There are pictures flying around showing all of the pre-existing assets used in the image, some of which are quite iconic like a lot of Heartsbane Coven assets in the harpy desert zone, which makes it look like something someone threw together in a private server.

But people are admitting that even if it’s a fake, it’s one of the most high quality fakes ever and the person who put it together went to an insane amount of effort.

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The “Avaloren” text being partially lit up, as if it was a screenshot from the point of the video when the new zone name appears is a great touch. If it´s fake, it´s not just one of the best new expansion fakes we´ve got, it´s the best by far.

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Worst case scenario, we get something even worse that makes us go “man, I wish that fake leak was real,” despite all of our comments about how bland and generic it is.

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Thank you Telaryn. Very cool.


Pretty much entirely made out of existing assets

This is the state of things in 2023. Trust nothing and ridicule the all too obvious low effort stuff shoved your way by people who think you’re stupid.

See also: most of WoW.

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Yeah pretty much.


Welcome to Generic Expansion!

Explore a legendary new continent that until now has been hidden by (rolls dice) storms. Uncover its ancient and diverse mysteries, in the form of occasionally finding a [Titan Artifact] (stacks up to 200) that you will turn in for reputation.

Traverse the four new zones: Forest, Tundra, Desert, and Jungle!

Befriend our selection of local cultures:

  • the Noble Savages, a race of proud warriors and mystics led by a wise diplomatic elder;
  • the Down-to-Earth Folk, who will teach you to enjoy cooking, storytelling, and other simple pleasures of life;
  • the Comic Reliefs, who make funny noises (pre-order cute plush toys at the Blizzard Store now!);
  • the Meme People, whose entire culture is a joke reference to a real-life trend that will feel really dated three expansions from now.

Join the (rolls dice) Earthen Ring as they travel to the new lands to fight bad guys and disrupt their evil plans that are never elaborated but are totally evil, trust us. It will all make sense later. Wait and see (and pay your sub in the meantime)!

Also introducing new transmogs, quality of life updates, and a monthly FOMO mechanic to keep you subbed.

And I’d still take it over BfA or especially Shadowlands.


I feel called out…


I’m having a hard time remembering who were the last meme people in WoW. Now there are memed on species and races such as my own but I just can’t remember a such blatant example… Maybe the “We are all Akunda.” bunch and Zandalari as a whole at some point (Trolls must always be the biggest losers in Wow)? KTs too maybe because you have “Humans but fatter” and calling it a new playable race. Nightborne were definitely that due to that one line.

Nightborne mostly became a meme due to the “An illusion.” line, no? Something that was not really intended to become a meme but then Blizzard played into it in response to the community.

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Yeah, an unintentional meme that Blizzard leaned on… Surprisingly not making it worse by overdoing it but giving you a chance to vent yourself through a quest where you’re the one dispelling illusions. That was nice if them.

I believe they’re referring to the Zandalar/Wakanda Forever feeling dated by the time BfA came out, though I’d argue Zandalari culture itself is more timeless.

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Oof, I had memory sealed the whole Wakanda/Zandalar Forever memory. That was lame, really lame.

That particular item was an exaggeration. However, we’ve had Schnottz’s goblins (misplaced Nazis in a shallow Indiana Jones parody), pygmies (a disgusting racist caricature named after a real-life anthropological term), and drogbar (who have a “brul” honorific, an NPC named Dudebrul with a fist bump animation, and a quest named “You Lift, Brul?”).


The first two aren’t memes but very bad and unforgivable additions to the game… A bunch of pale and pasty cave dwellers with a gym culture? I confess to be more willing to be lenient towards the Drogbars gym bros but yes, we could do without.

I dunno, I thought the Drogbar gym bros were pretty fun, seeing as they were in their own small section that was not “Hey this is what our entire culture’s about.”

We didn’t have Navarrogg asking Dargul if he even lifts etc.


There are also hozen, who are also not based on any single real-life meme, but their culture is “lol 14-year-old vandals” and consists of poop jokes (because it’s hilarious for monkey people to fling poop, right?) and a language that’s not officially translated, but the meanings of the words are very obvious from context and very obscene.

Yeah I’ll give you this one. Hozen are overly flanderized. Only the monkey king seems alright.

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