PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Thrall abandoned his adopted son Garrosh and ignored him while he had a complete mental breakdown and turned into orc hitler. Then killed him for it.

So really just Cairne.


I liked this because I agree that is their relationship dynamic but as a reminder, Garrosh is canonically older than Thrall by like 5-6 years or so.

Dezco technically isn’t deadbeat but he did use his son as baby armour so I would say that was worse.

Genn is probably not deadbeat. I forget how much of his relationship with Tess is canon or fanon at this point but I definitely view them as having a strained family relationship due to Liam’s death and him treating Anduin as a surrogate replacement for Liam, even though Tess - the actual heir to the throne - is still there.


Until she showed up in Legion I didnt even know if she had died or not in the Gilneas evacuations x.x

Would varian count as deadbeat, he was technically indisposed against his will but came back

He was a neglectful dad before going missing due to the super grief over Tiffin getting rock’d in the head and only really started fixing the relationship after his two disparate soul halves got merged together and man is Varian such a stupid character.

So he was deadbeat at one point and slowly got better.

grief makes fools of us all. better a redemption arc than nothing.

still, leaves cairne the undisputed dad of azeroth.

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Gods really do be like that sometimes.

A lot of times, actually.

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He’s trying to play matchmaker to unite the kingdoms when he croaks and to have a son (in-law) again but Tess is an uncrowned anti-royalist and Anduin fixates on dwarf and draenei booty when not moping over Wrathion.

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Lately eyed a nice dark (or olive?) skinned woman in the novel :eyes:

After too much time spent with the Horde, he goes after green women!


so what your saying is he’s chris redfield


I ment the pigmentation people have in the Middle East, parts of the Mediterranean and Southern Europe, Romani people, parts of Africa, Latin America, and the South Asian subcontinent :sweat_smile:

Furiously fanfics about Tyrande going full Shinji on morrowgrained Malfurion who wakes up to twins he’s never raised and one strangely inducing Illidan PTSD in him to the point of wanting to kill the kid in his sleep who was being distantly mentored by the Demon Hunter in matters of sorcery and being a surrogate dad. I’ll call it The Last Kaldorei Archdruid.

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But that’s not half as funny.


Jesse what the frick are you talking about


One of the funnier things about Genn is that people mostly assume his entire family is dead because of how much time he spends with Anduin contrasted to how little we ever see or hear of them (and how much he freaks out whenever something happens to Anduin, insert genn screaming “sylvanas” gif here).

Dude has a wife and a daughter, I think at this point it might just be canonical dementia on his part.

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i have an easier explanation of it all and i beleive it ties into the actual reason why anduin has been laying low since shadowlands


If we go by the notion of orcs being physical adults by the time they are 13 years old, Garrosh is probably closer to 10 years older than Thrall. He was of fighting age, so at least 12 years old, during the Alliance Expedition’s invasion of Draenor.


I want 3 cats, cats are awesome.

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Thought I’d go through some of my old wow tcg cards for :poop: and giggles.

they were among us all along, primalists came from the draenei…

What was once Calm is now X.

This Thrall art is cool
I know Vindicators don’t need to be paladins necessarily but nevertheless always nice to point to a shaman being one.


“Lilnas the Calm”


The rules seem pretty harsh.