PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Given that she seems to be associated with various things from Light/Nature/Arcane and has “Sisters” in both the Titans (Eonar isn’t confirmed I understand, but the god damn subtlety of it is a brick wall) and the Eternal Ones (Winter Queen), I think its more likely Elune isn’t part of a Pantheon and more of an overarching stereotypical fantasy deity of some sort.

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Would be better then her bieng part of a Pantheon of Life.

We attempted to find new slaves, the Netherwing, and the black dragons, but could keep neither.

Reading up on the orc heritage quest.

Does that mean the Dragonmaw have Outlands survivors in their ranks?

I know Morghor took over between TBC and Cata, but he was disposed off!

Given that Mor’ghor was only shown to have two other fel orcs with him in Cata, I feel like that’s just a more generic description of the Dragonmaw’s history - with Blizzard having forgotten the Dragonmaw in Outland and the Dragonmaw in Azeroth might as well have been different entities.

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Still can’t understand that blade why is the Blade of Elune… :roll_eyes:
It should be the blade of Malorne or more likely Cenarius (or foster mom Ysera)
I know, in theory Malorne became Elune’s consort. Elune gave birth to Cenarius from that relationship - before Blizzard demolish the Kaldorei further and retconning this removing Elune from the story because of cosmic mambo jambo reasoning and Pantheon of Life stuff (they totally will dust of the old Ysera had a deep affection and respect for the demigod Malorne and those floating rumors that she and Malorne had a romantic relationship… just sayin’)
But that weak connection not really justifies a blade with this look… :eyes:


Question is what is it with NE aligned deities and demigods and copulating across species.

Who ok’d elune banging a stag or whateverishisname banging Therazane’s daughter (and thus the centaur were created).

I maintain it’s mythical and a misunderstood symbolic relationship and that the Sisterhood made it to be interpreted as literal by treating fact as heresy.

That said, supernatural beings don’t have to respect biology.


Malorne is Zeus.



False, he hasn’t fathered enough children yet. With, uh, “different” mothers.


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This. Even in the mythology it’s probably more of a creative union kind of thing. I don’t think even the Sisterhood is so daft as to maintain that Malorne literally banged Elune.

Besides, it’s an in-universe myth. Chronicle is conspicuously silent on Cenarius’s origins. We don’t know if he ever actually confirmed Malorne was his father or if the night elves just assumed.


I wish the setting was conspicuously silent on the after life. :pensive:


An absolute classic.


Elune and Malorne banging is actually good lore because it helps elevate Elune to be the weird deity status (remember when Loki transformed himself into a horse and got m-preg with Sleipnir??) instead of being boring.

Also because Malorne is actually Nathanos and Elune remains Sylvanas, but that’s neither here nor there.

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It does say the night elves claim Cenarius was born as the son of Elune and Malorne, lending some credibility to the idea they only assumed he was.


At this point he just smiles and bears it, knowing how upset the elves would get if he clarified things. They’ve been through quite enough already.

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For the record, Knaak said this:

Blizzplanet: War of the Ancients Trilogy reveals that Ysera is mother of Cenarius and lover of Malorne. Are Ysera and Elune one and the same?
Knaak: Elune and Ysera are not the same. Here is the explanation, per Blizzard, who did not wish any further elaboration in the novel at the time:
According to the Sundering, it is said that Ysera is Cenarius’s mother. However, Dungard the Earthen says that he thought Elune ‘birthed’ Cenarius.
Elune birthed Cenarius, but gave him up to Malorne because Cenarius was more a creature of the mortal world and could not be with her. Malorne, who had relations with both Elune and Ysera, knew that he could not properly care for his son, but Ysera’s love was so great for Malorne that she took Cenarius as her own. Hence being his mother (or adoptive mother).

So in the absence of it being corrected (which Chronicles doesn’t seem to do), Word of the Writer is still Cenarius is the byproduct of godly loving.

By the by have Cenarius and Ysera ever interacted at all on screen in WoW’s history?

I know Dragonflight is about dragons but if he’s an adopted son you’d think Cenarius + Merithra would have some vibes, along with wanting to see the mother-who-stepped-up for him back from the dead. Kinda.

Maybe they’re saving that for when they plant the new world tree next to Ohn’ara.


What’s so wierd and impossible about the Moon and a Magic 20 metre tall Stag having sex. Then the Moon giving the Magic Stag sole custody because as a transcendant ethereal goddess whose avatar is a planetoid, she physically cannot engage in normal parenting activity. Then the Magic Stag dumping the baby on Ysera’s doorstep, before going out to get some milk for severeal eons because he’s a deadbeat dad.


every blizzard dad except thrall and cairne

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i really want to dispute this but not a single example comes to mind