PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

The argument is that they were a massive faction on equal footing with horde and alliance, the dominant force in Kalimdor, now culled into a humiliated handful.

In five years we get a line about how it’s tripled in size or something; a massive place existing vaugely in its own canon state apart from the game iteration, like 1920’s turf war gadgetzan.


This is the part where I give another lecture on Tolkien and how it’s practically mandatory for major places in his world to have at least three names in different languages, all of which have a clear and historically justified meaning.

For him, the languages came first, then he invented a world for them to be spoken in.


I am of the opinion Gnomeregan is a lost cause
since both hightinker (and high king) of the all gnomanity resides in Mechagon, a city of great gnomish importance (apparently) which was the ancestral home of gnomes (if I recall), they really don’t have any need to reclaim gnomeregan anymore.
That the great new city of both gnome races is copy past of the dungeon layout with a couple of random mecha and regular gnome npcs, is an insult, having it open to horde as well is just adding salt to the wound.

Honestly a banger list of Night elf character motivations and guild goals.


Night Elves should just sail to the West move into the Dream and go away forever.

That’s Malfurion’s default move.


We blessed few, born from blood, with tired hands do toil to shape this verdant land of ours and build a home for all.


Tell me about it, I´m trying to do it with the world I´m creating, while also figuring out how to approach the whole issue of place names having meaning which will be obvious to the person that belongs to the group that named it.

As an example, look at Constantinople. To us, Konstantinoupolis is a very complicated sounding word that wouldn´t be out of place in some fantasy novel, but for Greeks who lived there, it was just Constantine´s city, which sounds far less glamorous. But, it wouldn´t make sense to use the name Konstantinoupolis in a novel written from a point of view of a Greek since if their thoughts and speech are automatically translated from Greek, the names of their cities should be translated too.


That’s an assumption. It was a genuine question meant to be searching.

I am a night elf fan too, I’ve played druids since start, and played no class more than a night elf druid, of which I have several… so clearly both the race and the class is my most preferred.

And I’ve not just played with night elves in the games, I’ve read the books, observe them across multiple games, and I tell you, the civilization side, and arcane wing is awesome and a beautiful counter balance. This is not a caomplaint about Bel’Ameth itself

I’m not even sure Bel Ameth should have stone structures… it’s so picturesque as it is, I feel like the city should be up in the tree, or in the surrounding islands. When you look in the emerald dream, the greenlight structures look cool ( not as nice as the night elven marble ones) but they aren’t in the main zone of the tree, but still make a beautiful marbled addition to the overall ambience and look - you can see a night elf city on the edges. but they should have an awesome kaldorei city - even better than Suramar.

I also like the idea of exploring at the top of the trees, like amongst the stars. think of the top of the Arden Weald trees, with their amognst the stars ambience, in a close to the heavens, night ambience =- and stars… fitting for the night elves, children of the stars too.

hen you could bring in that star culture of theirs, and there have the civilization bits, arcane wonders, Elune power pulsating and breathtaking, yet not interfering with the ambience oft he night.

I loved the idea of during the day Amirdrassil looks as it is now, but at night it’ sort phasing in an Ardenweald vibe, and takes on the appearance of a great tree in the Ardneweald, because it is present in both world and the city lies at a sort of nexus point gateway, that allows entry at any time to either -

I’m just running wild with the concepts they have for night elven civilization, with a night themed forest and a night city.

Can you imagine if during the night, they properly recolour the zone, to match ardenwealds’ colour, we get the denizens of Arddenweald now present as those zone shifts bringing the Ardenweald in to Azeroth then… I think it would be awesome

There are many words I would use to describe the idea to tie night elves even more to the absolute garbage that was the Shadowlands story and setting. Awesome isn´t one of them.


Shadowtwili, this is your moment!

Speedwagone, you have been summoned!

Vixi, will you answer the call?


I do agree with him that Ardenweald’s tree’s looked pretty darn awesome.

Rest can go right into the bin, the moment Malfurion is back. :smirk:


If I understand the naked night elf poster relegating the GD forum points above, the night elves should have a metropolis world tree that has absorbed all of Ardenweald into it which it changes into only during night, and also contains districts for arcane, druidic, holy, moon and fel magic all in harmony, built out of wood, marble and hardlight, shielded under a protective dome made out of Elune’s aura, patrolled by a legion of plate-clad sentinels and the entire thing is bigger than Suramar and may in fact cover several islands worth of landmass.

I think that seems pretty reasonable.


Personally, I’m just thankful that nobody so far has tried to force Ardenweald down my throat during 10.2 Emerald Dream RP.

(Visually, Ardenweald is stunning. But it would have worked much better story-wise if Shadowlands was replaced with an Emerald Dream expansion with Ardenweald as one of its areas. Heck, if Ardenweald and the 10.2 island were on the same plane of existence, Ysera could have simply got there for 10.2 story needs without the need for an Ysera/Malfurion swapblaster.)


Sadly, to quote the Big Man Metz himself around 2013:

Building an entire expansion worth of zones around a green lush forest theme would get very boring, so the Emerald Dream would be better used as raid, dungeon, or a subzone, not an entire expansion.

Which is interesting, because I can easily think of four existing aesthetics that are all already tied to the Emerald Dream, which could have easily been made into the now-traditional four zones for an Emerald Dream expansion:

  • The core Emerald Dream aesthetic, swirly green druid’s paradise sort of forest. See 10.2. They could even keep the burned bits and the Druid of the Flame stuff, to break up all of the greenery.
  • The Ardenweald aesthetic, a swirly blue night-time version of the above, full of territorial grove guardians, strange fey tricksters and other elements of Ardenweald, which would fit the Dream perfectly.
  • The Drustvar & Thros aesthetic, a blighted landscape full of gnarled trees and orange leaves, inhabited by malicious witches and cultists, as well as terrifying beasts born of dark magic that unites life and death.
  • The Emerald Nightmare aesthetic, a truly corrupted region that is a black and red mockery of the core Emerald Dream aesthetic, druidic beauty inverted into a twisted landscape full of satyrs and defiled servants of nature.

It’s too late for it now, since all of these have already been fully explored by WoW, but it’s just an example of what they could’ve done.


He easily could have made the Dream as indeed this chaotic neutral place where the four seasons are semi-represented. These guys have been talking about it as a place where mortal hands have had no influence in it… But what about those roaming the place itself? Surely there are pockets of it where a group of people molded this parcel of the Dream to their liking… I could easily see a zone of the Dream that is underwater without having to deal with the 3D difficulties of fighting.


I am still pissed of at people for complaining about Vashj’ir. The zone was awesome and fine and because of their complaints we got this half-baked Nazjatar zone instead🥲


A pandaposter here. Not that we’ve much to complain in the best expansion ever… except for being unable to RP in almost a quarter of Pandaria because of the phasefest and permanently ruined Vale of Eternal Blossoms. And I won’t even start about the legendary cloak.


I get the issue of Locational AoEs not working in 4D space. But there must be a way to have them swap to targetted AoEs or PBAoE powers when flagged as underwater?

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I support this notion.

Heck, they could reuse Titan and Mechagon assets for an updated, usable Gnomeregan…

I just want a gnome capital in Dun Morogh :cry:

The night elves have always intertwined themselves with nature, even going so far that Broxigar didn’t notice he was in the middle of a Imperial night elven town until the night elves showed themselves.


Imagine Thalassian buildings but with void-purple… :drooling_face:

That said, I always imagined the night and high elves would get closer with the return of the Elde’thalas Highborne, y’know?

I hoped the same after the Burning of Teldrassil, with the three smallest elven groups growing closer :grumble:

Thats a bit, I mean the Zandalari troll and not-Zandalari troll architecture is waaaay different, y’know?

The Darkspear could do with better structures tho!

The non-Zandalari still have the ancient cities built in similar, even if different, style with pyramids and temples. The Darkspears don’t have them because they didn’t have ages to have built the stuff, nor do the Echo Isles seem to be big enough for it in-game. Although I too would wish for the non-Zandalari Horde trolls to have their own small Zul’Gurub.

Midnight will bring us Horde-aligned Amani and the resurrected Zul’Aman.

huffs the copium