PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

You will live in a tent shanty town on the edge of known reality and like it.


Thunderbluff, you boob!

It’s more pronounced these days since they moved away from magicing stone structures.

Keep on huffing. There is still hope.
Although we may end up having the Raventusk absorbing one of the cities in the Hinterlands instead.

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I don’t understand… Sorry…

I think, lorewise, Jintha’alor was annexed by the Revantusk tribe and Horde!

I know many just want to forget SL - lore wise, but the zones looked amazing, well Ardenweald and Bastion looked really nice. Ardenweald felt like what a fantastical night forest would looklike.

It’s something almost alien seeming I would have expected of a night elf forest. I’m ofc not commenting on the concept, but the only way to employ bringing that ambience over or one of the easiest way is to make #amirdrassil some sort of link or exist in both places and at night shift between the two, or maybe shift at random…or maybe not shift, but the arden weald comes tot he tree’s zone

Yep, my only interest was the forest itself, the trees in particular and the colouring.

Yes, it was beautiful, and it also did not feel like a night elf place. If you want to get a good feel of what a place that has the usual Kaldorei theme but in more modern style looks like, go to Val´sharah.
Just because a place has night theme does not make it night elven.

Have you perhaps considered that people actually don´t want new night elf capital to look like Ardenweald? Especially when added to the rest of your demands for night elves, which, as far as I remember, includes some epic stone structures showing the heritage of Kaldorei empire, powerful show of magic prowess of night elf race, and an area that shows the Fel affinity of demon hunters?

There’s a cultural aspect behind Darkspear sticking to huts made of sticks and sleeping on hard beds. Darkspear culture is characterised by asceticism and enduring hardship to become stronger as a people to get closer to their gods. There’s a whole short story with Vol’jin’s trials with a primordial Loa so old its name has been forgotten by trollkind who offers Vol’jin the power to forge a new empire of trolls to eclipse all others - and Vol’jin senses that if he accepted the bargain, the Loa would have struck him dead there on the spot for his vanity.

It’s the destiny of troll empires to wither according to Shadow of the Horde as they all inevitably stop seeing themselves as faithfuls of the Loa, believing the great empires they built wasn’t done without the help of the Loa, and soon begin having aspirations of godhood themselves. One by one, every troll empire reached that same critical mass followed by a quick collapse.

The empires lose their way and get struck down by the Loa for their hubris, and a Shadow Hunter leads his people away to start over and worship the Loa they were meant to be. The novel claims that this has happened time and time again, and is a repeating motif in troll history. The Darkspear are the most latest iteration of the cycle.

In short, Darkspear aren’t supposed to build great temple cities. It goes against their history, culture, and identity.


It’s true only for the Gurubashi. The Amani were losing a war after war with humans and high elves until two leader-killing raids in Zul’Aman happened in quick succession, throwing them ages back in terms of power. The Drakkari didn’t aspire for godhood until the Scourge proved to be too much for them to handle, so they did all they could simply to survive even if it meant killing their own loa. The Farraki… not sure about those, but since vanilla they too have been beaten by the heroes time after time. And the Zandalari seem to have been doing rather well until the Cataclysm, and later BfA, where the kingdom almost fell to the Old Gods. But for the millenia before they don’t strike me as someone eager to get over the loa.

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So I finally got around to doing the first part of the ED patch…

And… They added updated Barrow Dens!? Lay-out is pretty spot on, and it looks 100% more nice! Its weird seeing Moonwells in the Emerald Dream, but eh!


Some truths have been kept from you.


Obviously since we now have a Dryad Wild God now…!

Because in the quest to recruit Wild Gods, we are also send to recruit Elder Cassaphine! I think… This is the first time we hear of an Dryad being considered a Wild God(equal to their father, Cenarius)?

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Now we just need to know why the bloody things look like night elves. Or is it the other way around?!


Its obvious, Elune shaped the Kaldorei in her image(hence why they are her favorite children) and since Cenarius is her son, and the Dryads and Keepers of the Grove are her grandchildren, they all look alike!

Its a family-trait to look alike!

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I’m pretty sure it’s not implied she’s a wild god? Like, at all? Aren’t dryads a natural part of the dream/able to cross over, same as the Keepers?

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The Emerald Dream is the home of nature’s Wild Gods. We will need their strenght and their power to counteract the damage that Fyrakk has brought to this realm.

The first to seek out is Goldrinn. The ancient wolf has a fondness for Azeroth and mortals, so he is sure to aid us.

Others may need more convincing.

I will meet you nearby in the Fields of Reverie, where dryads and keepers reside.

Seek out the Wild Gods and allies within the Emerald Dream

  • Goldrinn’s aid requested
  • Q’onzu’s aid requested
  • Elder Cassaphine’s aid requested
  • Meet Cenarius at the Fields of Reverie.

Oke fine, I missed the “and allies within the Emerald Dream.” part, ngl.

I was just happy to see a Dryad rise to equal status with Cenarius :frowning:


“My friends - and zoidberg” moment, so that’s why that happened.


Wrong, only because what the complaint should’ve been is Night Elves to build on the roots and the tree similar to like this:

But yeah, expecting stone structures is a little silly given it came to the real world like… not even a month ago so to speak.

I think the ‘village people’ criticism could be alleviated by having more buildings next to eachother ala Darnassus, but idk, at this point I’m afraid to complain more now that bullying Blizzard finally paid somewhat off with a ‘wait this isn’t completely terrible?’ something in the game.

Big agree - always preferred the more nature-y Night Elves as opposed to marble structures. It’s okay if it’s like, one temple and the juxtaposition of nature with marble will also make the temple really stand out. Full marble cities is kinda bleh.


For what it’s worth, I like how the replacement temple is called Terrace of the Moon.

As beautiful and soothing as the Darnassus temple was, it never made much sense to me to worship the moon goddess indoors.


I would love to see those buildings again, to be honest. They were quite unique.

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Don’t worry night elves, come Midnight the night elves will get their marble city fill with neutral Quel’thalas and the Eldre’thalas/Highborne/Night elf quarter.

Next to the Void Elf Quarter, opposite the Nightborne Quarter, north-west the Blood Elf quarter :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: