PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Oh neat, I’ll log in to check!


Here are some changes I discovered after flying around:

  • There’s a new map!
  • The harbor is now named Belanaar Harbor instead of Bel’ameth Harbor.
  • The zone has been filled with a lot of detail. New and returning NPCs and creatures abound. There are settlers and travelers walking around, Sentinels patrolling the roads, treants and hippogryphs in the wilds, and so on.
  • Many previously “Unknown” NPCs have been named. There are some familiar faces, too. For example, Sentinel Cordressa Briarbow, who stood in the Temple of the Moon near Tyrande and gave the Darkshore breadcrumb quest, is now in the Arlithrien Lodge and has been promoted to Captain.
  • Arlithrien Lodge also has Myara Nightsong <Lodge Commander>, surrounded by Sentinel Thenysil <Ashenvale Envoy> and Su’ura Swiftarrow <Warsong Gulch Battlemaster>. They currently lack gossip text, but it seems safe to say that Ashenvale is under kaldorei control.
  • The hippogryph mobs match the legacy RAF mount in coloration, but I can’t tame them with feathermane taming unlocked for some reason. They’re classified as exotic rather than feathermanes. Might be a bug — I’ll report it.
  • All the buildings are now sanctuaries.
  • Arko’narin Starshade has gossip text shedding light on what Lysander has been up to since the heritage questline.
  • There’s a draft saber you can pet.
  • Denatharion is now a named wisp. Though you could save him during the Burning of Teldrassil event, sadly, it seems he canonically died.
  • Moon Priestess Lasara now sells a HD Darnassus tabard and cloak, as well as a new shoulder transmog.
  • The portal to Bel’ameth in Stormwind is no longer a placeholder.
  • The formerly inactive druid portal in the Emerald Dreamway is now active and leads to Amirdrassil Island (specifically, Root-Bound Sanctuary).
  • Mordent Evenshade in Bel’ameth talks about how they should establish a more permanent place of arcane learning.
  • Blue Kaldorei Backpack and Blue Kaldorei Bedroll are transmogs that can be picked up simply by looting open world treasures in the new zone.
  • Continuing their history of overcorrection, Blizzard has fixed the issue with two Tyrandes at the Terrace of the Moon by removing them both.

I can’t wait to RP in the new zone. It’s amazingly RP-friendly.


I’d like them to just remember the Tauren.


10/10, i forgive everything


Interestingly as well, several Horde NPCs scattered around and it appears everyone is friendly-tagged for both factions.

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Calling neutral Cenarion Circle tauren “Horde” seems like a stretch to me, to be honest. But yes, there are some of them across the island.

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Gilneas City has been filled with human and worgen NPCs. It’s still a work in progress, as some are named “Unknown” and some are texture-bugged.

Interestingly, while most of the zone is still named “Ruins of Gilneas”, some parts of Gilneas City instead display the zone name “10.2.5 Eastern Kingdoms - Gilneas”. I hope they won’t make the zone even more of a phasing nightmare than it was at the best of times.


The Archdruid himself visited Darnassus whilst it was still there.
(Mr McRunetotem that is)

Ew a child!


He also mentions his people, under Tyrande’s own judgement will be allowed to roam Amirdrassil however.

Also a minor pet peeve but I truly dislike how neutralified all the druids have become. In Classic-WotLK Hamuul was THE Horde Archdruid, the Advisor to Thrall and Cairne and someone who helped with letting the Forsaken join the Horde. But ever since Cata he’s just a generic neutral Druid who sometimes LARPs being Horde (whilst sucking up to night elves all the time), thus eradicating the Horde’s 1x Notable Druid character and their 1x Horde Archdruid.

Edit: talking with Hamuul on a Horde character clarifies that the Horde as a whole is allowed in Bel’Ameth however you do get a debuff noting that the Guards keep an eye on you.

rando nelf-child gets a unique model before half the Horde leadership and people will still crow Horde-bias.

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Why is she striking that pose, is she training as a monk or what

Now this is something Highborne RPers can work with!

And thanks for making that list! :slight_smile:

Love the child model, finally we do not have to rely on BE or NB child models! :frowning:

One one hand gotta get used to seeing Horde in my city! Can’t wait until I can RP in Nighthold on my NE-Highborne on the other hand :stuck_out_tongue:


Oh no, not a debuff.

I saw some early stuff about guards attacking horde players if they went into specific areas but I don’t know what happened to that. It felt like a pretty grand idea to edge into a more open world for players without the factions losing their identity. For example, what if horde players were allowed in Boralus Harbor, it being the trade hub into the wider world and all, but if they went anywhere past the steps leading into the city proper the guards would simply murk them.



Faeline Stomp has been renamed to Jadefire Stomp.
Faeline Harmony has been renamed to Jadefire Harmony.
Way of the Fae has been renamed to Path of Jade.
Fae Exposure has been renamed to Jadefire Brand.

Good, good. Erase what’s left of the legacy of Shadowlands.


Not like those savages can read!

Exactly what did the Horde, or Cenarion Circle, do to “help” the Kaldorei make this refuge?

At best it was the Kaldorei and the Green Dragons, no CC or Horde involved.

Still disgusting. I guess they’re preparing us for a neutral Silvermoon and Gilneas.

Can’t wait for a neutral Thunder Bluff tho, it’s a sanctuary according to the tauren, even allowing in Forsaken refugees since vanilla :slight_smile:

Not really a rando nelf-child, that’s the last child from Darnassus I think, from Elegy. The child that Genn and Mia saved before the portals closed and Tyrande blessed or something.

I guess she’ll be an important character at some point then, maybe?


Finel, yes.

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Not specifically Blessed by Tyrande, i thinks?

Tyrande did name her and adopted her, so she certainly isn’t anything close to a random NE-child!

She’s going to be thrilled to have the Horde in Bel’ameth, I think… They only killed her parents, burned her home down and then had her be a refugee for several years of what should’ve been a carefree childhood. I am certain Blizzard will address this point somewhere in the near future! :melting_face:

The more I think about it, the more I dislike Blizzard allowing every Horde race ti entef Bel’amath. Wish they would grow a pair and say only Tauren’s are allowed, since they did not partook in the War of Thorns and the Burnijg of Teldrassil, unlike any other race😩


The more this patch is shaping up, the more it seems like it will be a good time to retire Lintian, at least for now.

Mordent Evenshade in Bel’ameth is talking about opening an arcane school due to an influx of promising young students. This basically was Lintian’s long-term plan, though scheduled for many years from now: to learn enough in Dalaran to open a school back home. She has had a good run and can become a semi-NPC teaching the next generation of adventurers.

But it’s too early to say definitely. As always, actual RP has a tendency to take my characters’ stories in completely unexpected directions.

If you talk to Hamuul as alliance, he says his people are allowed to be in Amirdrassil. And the only horde we see, are Tauren of the runetotem tribe.

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