PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

If you follow the ambassadors through Silvermoon you would see the Elven guide talks down to the troll ambassador, or outright ignores him.

If you look at those blood elven tourists in Zandalar, you see they insult trollish architecture and culture which greatly anoys the Zandalari guard watching them.

If you do/did the Suramar campaign in Legion, you would see the elves insulting eachother by calling eachother trolls.

It’s quite easy to see that elves and trolls, in general, do not like eachother. Even if they share allegiance to the same faction.

The high elves were the second race to join the Alliance, are humanity’s oldest allies, and have shared alot of tragedy with humanity.

Why wouldn’t they take in the displaced void elves, which are just purple blood elves, which are just red high elves?

I really wish the Horde would get all the trolls playable (through Zandalar).

They’re called the Raventusk tribe :wink:

I’m here for that, then we could get proper high elves and ignore the mistake that were the void elves.

So… void specc for the Demon Hunters?

Based. Nothing short of the complete deletion or villainfication of that race will make them a worthwhile addition to WoW.

Insane that in thousands of years Humanity still clings to the “fight fire with fire” quote even though it is the most stupid and utterly out-of-context quote in our history as a species.

That’s fine, there’s like 5x different options in the lore now (although keeping the Sunwell is the cooler option, Blizzard are cowards if they revert everything).

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Every forest troll tribe is a splinter from the Amani Empire, and the existence of one of them has never stopped Blizzard from writing another. Vanilla alone has like four of them.

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The Amani deserve to not be villain-batted in Midnight. It’s about time the Zandalari brokered a true end to the troll wars and the Thalassians make reparations, perhaps aiding in the restoration of some of the slaughtered loa.


Queen Talanji walks up to Lor’themar who says “what are you doing here” and turns him into a frog with a snap of her fingers, and then all Amani in Eversong Woods migrate to Zuldazar.


Once again WoW is copying Final Fantasy


For me, it’s much less about the whole elves befriending Amani thing and far more about how it would be, in my opinion, very out of character for the Amani to openly side with the Void; no less, when the faction leader of said would-be ally takes the shape of an elf. Furthermore, the Amani in Dazar’alor are one of the factions that Zul and his allies cull before they make their move, so, that might be yet another hint at what their opinion on a void faction would be.

I think that the Amani would be wiped out and the fleeing survivors would ally themselves with the defenders of Quel’Thalas as, if nothing more, a gambit for survival; or if the Blizzard gods aren’t feeling particularly merciful, hitting them with the mindless undeath bat by killing them all and enslaving them to the void through undeath.


Yeah no. That would be out of character for the Thalassian elves. Tho the Amani deserve to be good mons, most trolls are savage, but not entirelly evil.

At most they do an Azhara and allow the Amani to keep the remnants of Zul’Aman in exchange for them stopping any incursions into the rest of Eversong and Ghostlands!


Don’t misunderstand me - I don’t want them to be friends. I just want them to be in the Horde.

Good, let them seethe about it. Let them be mad that they’re having to make concessions to the Amani because they need help against the Void. Let there be barely restrained animosity between the two and bitter verbal snipes as they’re forced shoulder to shoulder.

I definitely think Umbric’s likely to get villlain-batted. Alleria’s new model means she’s here to stay, and one of them’s gonna go.

Umbric gonna be simping at Xalatath’s feet in no time (it should have been me)


My nostalgia loving heart approves of this notion.

Besides the whole Amani thing though, do you guys think that Magister Umbric is going to betray the defenders of Quel’Thalas and side with the void alongside a few of the void elves, with Alleria being left to lead the rest of the void elves that stay? I think it would be quite thematic for someone who had no issues with studying Dar’Khan’s teachings.

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At this point, if the Amani joined the Horde it feels more like they were pressganged into joining rather than out of their own volition.

TBC: Join the Horde? No, fight the Horde. The Horde trounces them.
Cataclysm: Recruited by the Zandalari. Fight the Horde again. The Horde trounces them.
MoP: Zandalari orders them to fight the Horde, Alliance and Pandaren. Get trounced.
Future: Zandalari orders them to join the Horde.

It aint easy being a pine loving troll these days.


BFA: The Zandalari decide to ally themselves to the Horde. Those that are against the decision decide to kill the Amani residents in the city, those that are for the decision end up full-on joining the Horde after the Alliance tries to sack the city.

They have a rough track record.



I don’t care which Horde Tribe joins what Horde, aslong as I am allowed to kill some of them I am good! :slight_smile:

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In ancient Azeroth, their entire tribe went for a suicidal attack to slay a C’thraxxi general… Would literally summon forth the spirit of their ancestors for this complete betrayal no matter how desperate the situation.

The Trolls tribes we’ve fought against sure have been dealt a bad hand each time they show up. Gurubashi were downgraded to mind slaves, Amani and Farakki are literally getting ganged up by the Horde in the neighborhood graciously given by the Zandalari, supposedly there’s only one Dark Troll and Drakkari left. We know there’s as many elves as the story demands, surely this applies to Trolls too… Eventually.


Trolls can regenerate from a lot of otherwise fatal wounds
You wouldn’t think so with how many times they have to take the L.

I assume you meant fatal, though your statement is correct either way.


Yes I did, correcting it.

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I doubt it, to be honest. I’m talking about the buildings in the Trades and Craftsman Terraces. For that matter, I’d love an updated tree tower like the ones in Feathermoon Stronghold and Raynewood Retreat.

New Bel’ameth update.

    “Many Night Elves are now starting to arrive in Bel’ameth and Belanaar harbor to settle in their new homes. In addition to these new hubs, explore other areas across the island to find new night elf cosmetic treasures.”