PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

clearly not when they keep doing the secret salute at every loyalist they come across

Well they do it to the Champion of the Horde, anyway.

He’s not been purged yet, I assume, since Sylvanas still had loyalist-specific dialogue at the end of Slands.

Sounds like Thrall just rounded up a few scapegoats to throw to the wolves to get Tyrande off his back. Playing politics again, how very…human…

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They were purged “down to the roots”, specific wording.

Yeah like the Scarlet Crusade


The beauty of terrible writing is that you don’t have to respect any form of consequence or worldbuilding. It’s like in the Picard show when someone mentions offhandedly that there is a galactic treaty banning androids. But anyone’s who’s watched more than two episodes of any Star Trek realizes that means nothing, it’s just words crowbarred in to serve a specific story. A galactic treaty, signed by everyone in the galaxy banning robots?

Now you make me think about those old Imperial Japanese soldiers they used to find somewhere out in the jungle or on an island, who thought WW2 was still going on.

Also love to see Gilneas is getting actual NPC’s living in it again. I admitted I was a tad worried we’d reclaim the place, only to then have the city remain as empty as it was. Definetly looking forward to host that little event of mine when the questline’s done with.

(Lintian, I am probably going to take you up on that offer of help with it, so will probably try reach out to you soon.)

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I must’ve missed the dark banned episode where Thrall captures all the forsaken and has the shadow priests scoop around their noggins for secret loyalties and rewriting their preference in leadership like how the totally not totalitarian blood elves totally stopped doing years ago.


Thrall is about as trustworthy as any other orc.

Warsong Clan in Ashenvale? He allowed it.

Forsaken attack on Hillsbrad Fields, Southshore and Stromgarde? Didn’t bother him.

Forsaken plague attack on the gate at Icecrown? Sylvanas just had to blink her red eyes and he believed her innocence.

Garrosh’s attack on the Alliance in Icecrown and general warlike behaviour? Just a slap on the wrist.

Goblins occupying Azshara? By his orders.

Gallywix remaining Trade Prince? His choice.

Guys responsible for a lot of the problems the Horde face(d) and then peaced out, only returning to save Orgrimmar and refusing any accountability.

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Cenarius allowed the orcs to be there peacefully and how the conflict between the night elves and the Warsong started is left dubious like Stormpike vs Frostwolves.

The Alliance was using Southshore to funnel troops and supplies into Lordaeron and attack the Forsaken and the Frostwolves during Onyxia’s facade’s reign to keep the army away from Stormwind itself, with the towns of Southshore and the Hillsbrad Farms swearing fealty to Stormwind and Khaz’Modan personally.

Stromgarde, on another hand, was taken over by ogres and trolls, and didn’t fall to a Forsaken attack. By the time the Forsaken reach there, the Stromic only hold a chapel inside the city and Refuge Pointe.

The Forsaken plague attack that was followed with Varimathras and Putress betraying the Forsaken themselves with Thrall and Sylvanas going there personally to retake the Undercity from a summoned army of demons, with the Alliance declaring war on the Horde over it anyway, and Thrall berating Sylvanas for even creating such a weapon in the first place and sending the Kor’kron to basically take over the Undercity.

Garrosh’s attack on the Alliance in Icecrown happened after the Alliance had declared war on the Horde in said Wrathgate scenario.

Thrall wasn’t even the leader of the Horde by this point.

As per my previous email,


This is really good. Metzen is actively involved in narrative and story discussions for Season of Discovery and wants it to be treated as respectful to Vanilla whilst fleshing out more of the vanilla-style world and lore. He can’t stop winning.


I mean, Thrall did pretty explicitly NOT let the Goblin Player Character, and all affiliate NPCs, kick Gallywix’s head so far inward that it’d be coming out his rear backwards, which was exactly what he deserved by that point.


Season of Discovery has been a blast ngl.


How can he have? He was dead/stayed in the Dream until his resurrection in Cataclysm.


Another unpopular opinion, but Bel’ameth being neutral and this tendency of gradually opening the borders makes it amazing for the races that can and do enjoy their neutrality IC. That is, pandaren, dracthyr and helves/belves. It absolutely sucks to be unable to visit half of the world as a neutral character unless you make two copies of them. Which is impossible for the dracthyr now, for one, and I have no idea why a Healing Wing that’s been seen fixing Draenei isles or Darkshore wouldn’t be allowed to aid in restoring Tirisfal or other Horde territories.


It doesn’t help that while the pandaren had a philosophical split (albeit one that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense in retrospect) the dracthyr weyrns…kinda don’t? Like is there a difference in beliefs/attitude between the Obsidian Warders and the Dark Talons?

I was going to compare it to “it’s the difference between the Farstriders and Blood Knights” but even that difference seems more extreme than what the Dracthyr factions got.


I do not think so. The only reason they split was because they needed to contact two factions instead of one. It doesn’t even make a lot of sense that they’d swear their alliegance to the Alliance and the Horde, since they really did not have anything to gain from it.

It’s a bit weird for a faction who, for all the talk about being the perfect soldiers, seems to be just seeking greater and greater amounts of freedom. You’d think a soldier should seek purpose in discipline, commitment to a cause, and so forth, yet the dracthyr are much more about exploring the world, enjoying life, and freedom in general.

It does make sense, but the opposition of the Huojin and the Tushui has nothing to do with the factions, it’s pure phylosophy. Followers of both can be found in Alliance or in the Horde, as well as those who don’t adhere to either. And it’s aside from the true neutral types like Earthen Ring shamans, unaligned adventurers and almost whole population of Pandaria.

Yeah that’s more what I meant. Huojin vs. Tushui works ‘fine’, but Huojin (H) vs. Tushui (A) doesn’t.

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With the weyrns, one plays offense, one plays defence. They then end up in the respective faction consistent with this geopolitical reality.

It’s actually a plot point how the grand army is effectively disbanded and they’re free to roam. They were raised to be soldiers but they’re actually more than that. The weyrns as such end up as little more than areas of expertise and political clubs.


The best defense is a good offense so idk maybe the Alliance is just stupid.

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