Especially glaives.
Flashback to MoP ending. The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. Or, you know, 3 years, sometimes the Wheel turns a bit quicker.
I really don’t miss the war crimes olympics, that’s for sure.
While I generally agree, painting is at just “her loyalists” is a disservice - the dialogue indicates that “Sylvanas’ Horde” in 8.2.5 outnumbered by the Alliance forces and the Rebels together.
The ‘invasion’ of Orgrimmar was a last ditch effort.
Alleria Windrunner says: King Wrynn. May we speak?
Anduin Wrynn says: Of course.
Alleria Windrunner says: Our sister is patient. She knows we have precious few soldiers left. While we lay siege to Orgrimmar, she will whittle away at our numbers.
Alleria Windrunner says: But Sylvanas is not the only threat we face. The Old God has been freed. I can hear his whispers… sense his unseen tendrils writhing all around us.
Anduin Wrynn says: I know, Alleria. What are you suggesting?
Alleria Windrunner says: Sylvanas commands what may be the only army capable of defeating N’Zoth. For the sake of Azeroth… perhaps we should stand aside and let her.
Anduin Wrynn says: Your sister will not fight for us, Alleria.
We don’t get any real info about why the cult of the damned rank+file formed, or legion cultists, aside from the generally inferred point of “they want power”.
Primalists could be the same, whether dressed up in claims of justice and overthrowing the status quo or otherwise. Some of the primalist NPC dialogue when you engage/kill them gives hints, which is frankly more than we had before.
Is it perfect? No, but if the criticism is that we don’t understand what motivates “the troops”, the Primalists I would say generally get as much as some other generally liked villain factions.
Honestly, I was always really confused by the “Sylvanas’ army is absolutely yuge compared to everyone else”, as if her forces weren’t in the same, bloody conflict as everyone else. It’s always failed to make much/any sense to me that the Alliance (nominally the more populous faction) was on its last dregs, while the Loyalist Horde remained the only team ready to put up a fight vs the Old God bugs.
Would it make more sense if the potential-rebels were typically the ones sent to the bloodiest battles while her more known loyal forces were kept in safe reserve?
That was never stated, but it could be a reason.
I´d disagree on Cult, as we are shown path its founder took. Even the “they want power” motivation is better than what we got with Primalists though.
Overthrowing the status quo, when we don´t even know what that status quo is meant to be (for mortals, dragonspawn and Incarnates have perfectly valid reasons, 10/10 there).
That did come to mind, but it didn’t seem like Sylvanas was particularly invested in sparing lives, since her boss had an army rivalling the Legion’s anyway. There was never anything definitive that I can recall stating that she was being very pointed in her troop deployments. Sylvanas’ side were embroiled in battles at Darkshore too.
Maybe it was a meta commentary and there were way more loyalist player characters than rebels. Sadly I don’t know if they ever released such information (also I doubt that was the case, since the loyalist path was hilariously underdeveloped and tacked on).
Could be that the Horde actually just really liked Sylvanas as a general rule. Before the Storm indicates that as a general rule they were in favour of her. They were fine (including Saurfang) with kicking the ongoing war back into high gear with the invasion of Teldrassil, Sylvanas stood by the Zandalari even after Dazar’alor - a sure sign of HONOUR - and when Baine turned out to have murdered a bunch of soldiers to interfere with a military operation she imprisoned him for doing so.
She didn’t even invade Thunder Bluff like they said she totally would. For all intents and purposes Baine got rescued by a bunch of Alliance invaders, the traitor Saurfang, and Thrall…and she didn’t retaliate against the tauren at all.
Whether legitimate or through propaganda, could be that Sylvanas was just generally preferred by the Horde masses over rebels siding with the Alliance.
“She was losing the war” - even if it’s true - doesn’t seem like a very Horde reason to turn traitor. It is, legitimately, a dishonourable move to do such a thing.
Considering her army could grow with every kill, I honestly find the notion she had the superior numbers to be the most reasonable one from that period of the story.
and since those raised never really had a choice but to server or die, (they do be gaslighting them hardcore upon raising them) I would imagine most if not all the newly made forsaken she could have gotten would side with her.
I believe there was something about most Horde following Sylvanas in 8.2.5. They even comment in cinematic that Horde rebels are really small in number.
there are only 2 ways to end conflict between NE and Horde. first Thrall gives Tyrande Sylvanas head as he promised (which is impossible). second we need someone like Calia who is literally the bridge between Forsaken and Humans. However, I have no idea who it could be. Maybe Malfurion and Vol’Jin team up and appear in the emerlad dream patch?
[screams into a pillow]
How… What? The Dark Rangers are still in the Horde??? Or are we talking about the Dark Rangers that took part in the War of Thorns?
Dark Rangers that still serve Sylvanas.
Calia should show up in Dragonflight to talk about how she nearly married Deathwing.
Maybe she can marry the new Earth Warder instead.
Did they ever actually find out that he was Deathwing in disguise? I thought he just disappeared after getting clapped in his dragon form by the renewed aspects.
I don’t think they ever found out sadly. I’m mostly joking but also want excuses to keep Calia [The Pallid Lady] away from the Forsaken.
[The Pallid Lady]
I will never get over this god awful title.