PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Meanwhile, I´m here hoping Sunwell gets blown up by the Void in Midnight.
I don ´t want peace, I want problems, always!


Welp, prepare yourself Indonesia, Suriname, Sri Lanka ( we were there before the Brits), Capetown and other places… the Dutch are coming home. :netherlands: :lion: :sailboat:


Give us your specerijen


Oh yeah, I also forgot New York in the US… we’re gonna need that back too US. Pay up.

( Funnily enough if you go fascist Netherlands in Hearts of Iron 4, there’s a focus that gives you war goals on most of these places, allowing you to attack them. Using the same logic of “This used to be ours, so we want it back.” )


Don’t forget Australia and Nieuw Zeeland :thinking:


What do the natives get back?

Regarding Theramore, it’s been featured in very recent content in the unification of the Blue Dragonflight. It involved a rogue sect of mages called the Sullied Banner who tried to construct a bunch of new mana bombs.
Their motivation is muddled - it’s said that they seek revenge, but it’s also said that they just seek to defend themselves out of fear of the past repeating itself.
In the end, they were captured and defeated. Their leader was convinced by Kalecgos to bring an end to a cycle of vengeance by confronting and burying her grief, and to use the skills of the Sullied Banner for more constructive purposes.

A generous interpretation is that it is an end to the tale of Theramore that finally breaks the cycle of violence and allows the living to move on with their lives and bring about a brighter future, liberated from the bitterness of history.
A more negative interpretation is that Blizzard is just sweeping Theramore under a rug because damn, it happened ages ago grandpa, why the hell do you still care about that crap? Move on already, people who fixate on the past are dumb, just forgive and forget and focus on the new stuff instead. In other words, it’s a cynical dismissal of the importance of Theramore and everything that happened there.

Either way, I see the Sullied Banner story as an attempt at closure for Theramore and if we go back to it again, I don’t think it’ll be very soon.


I’m more inclined towards this version, to be fair. The whole theme of renewal is good and nice, but they pull too hard on it. And yes, it diminished the importance of the events that happened, which is doubly bad because the worst events still haven’t been cleared up in-game. Starting with the inability to visit the ruins of Teldrassil, and ending with the whole Cataclysm limbo.

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It’s unfortunate, if true.

It feels like the WoW writers didn’t know what to do with Theramore, or with Jaina until BfA. Gameplay-wise it was an important Alliance hub in a part of the world that otherwise didn’t have much Alliance presence.

Story-wise you’d expect Theramore to be as important for the Alliance as Durotar was for the Horde, since both nations were founded by refugees who heeded Medivh’s warning, sailed west to Kalimdor, and together, defeated Archimonde at Mount Hyjal. In TFT, I was under the impression that Theramore was basically what was left of the Alliance after Lordaeron fell to ruin.

But then WoW came along and Theramore didn’t really have much of a role in the story. Suddenly the main human faction in the Alliance was Stormwind, despite sitting all of WC3 out, and Theramore’s story arcs were about the leaders of Stormwind (Onyxia and a missing Varian). It wasn’t even important enough to be a reputation faction. The main Alliance hub in vanilla was Ironforge, but then from Wrath onwards, Stormwind started swelling in importance until the Alliance turned from an alliance into the Wrynn Empire and tagalong vassals. Theramore and Jaina were left superfluous and the city was basically put out of its misery in MoP.


Theramore has never been that big a city, though. It’s a great logistical hub, a town of refugees, but Jaina never had that many people under her banner. Daelin’s army, too not the biggest, was enough to suppress any means of opposing him from a position of force. It’s no wonder it wasn’t able to survive on its own until the end, while Stormwind was, put frankly, the last human kingdom somewhat intact and not neutral like Kul Tiras. It had all the resources to rise, especially after Varian was proclaimed High King of the Alliance. What happened after, though, is another story.

I wouldn’t be so salty about it if Stormwind hadn’t overtaken Theramore’s primary appeal: being the Alliance’s maritime power (since Kul Tiras wasn’t part of the Alliance between the end of TFT and the beginning of BfA).

When the Seven Kingdoms were introduced, Stormwind’s defining trait was being refugees. Then they retook their homeland and were left with no defining traits, so the vanilla WoW writers just gave them the defining traits of the other nations: the clergy of Lordaeron, a magic academy like Dalaran, the military might of Stromgarde, the treacherous nobles of Alterac, and the not-helping-our-supposed-allies-ness of Gilneas (thanks to Onyxia’s meddling). The only thing they were missing was the maritime presence of Kul Tiras, which went to Theramore instead, as Stormwind was landlocked— and guess what, in Wrath, Stormwind got a snazzy harbor even bigger than Theramore’s, and cooler looking ships to send to Northrend!

Stormwind is by far the blandest human nation, going from “generic fantasy kingdom in exile” to just “generic fantasy kingdom”, yet they steal the spotlight from the other human nations just by existing.


The other human nations were in ruins, self-isolation or blatantly undeath when Vanilla started. They stole nothing that someone else on the map could have claimed by that point, even if I agree that they could at least have mentioned a contract with Kul Tiras to supply the ships for the Alliance fleet or something like that. Stormwind was rebuilding and growing because no one else was there to do it in some other way, and it’s only logical to try to get everything under one banner if no others are available.

This sums up your stance more than anything else you’ve written here. You refer to this as a “cause”, and you’re writing as if Night Elf greatness is something that you have to fight for and strive for. You’re not asking for a compelling story, or a logical conclusion, you just want your favourite race to be the very best and coolest, and to have all the awesome things they could possibly have.

The fact that you find it weirdly important what someone’s forum avatar race is, and that you’re demanding that people need to be on night elf avatars if they want to be happy about night elf content, is so weird.

Friend, it’s okay to disagree. It’s okay to want something specific from the game, and to engage in a discussion online. But you’re setting this up as if it has clearly defined sides (those with night elf avatars and those without), and that you need to fight for the “cause”. I don’t think this approach is going to lead to any actual engaging, enjoyable debates, whether here or in dedicated threads. Maybe try a different approach.


My main was my Nelf Hunter through Legion and a chunk of BFA. I don’t swap to them because 1) hassle, 2) the forums remain bugged and don’t display either heritage set correctly, and that bugs the hell out of me.

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Is it time to bring out the NE Stan copypasta?

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I’ll do it for you, even more because I’m a HMP:

Okay wow, you’re really sinking so low as to insult a genocided people who have suffered nothing but punch after punch by Blizzard since they were introduced in WC3? All Blizzard ever does it spit on night elf players, killing our immortality, world trees, lore and people all for the benefit of privileged Human Male Paladins like you. I’m so sick of you HMP’s mocking the night elves every time something bad happens to us and quite frankly it’s unacceptable. And yes, us not getting a brewfest stall is a punch to the face. Apparently there are so few of us left that we have to outsource our products to a ‘crack squad’ of void elves, the antithesis of all that is night elf second only to HMP’s. This is why subscribers are tanking and people are flocking to Classic, because of how Blizzard treats the night elves like garbage, especially post cata. It’s not funny, so take your human male paladin privilege and human potential elsewhere. Going through the indignity of following an 18 year old human boy is bad enough as it is without scrubs like you rubbing it in.


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I presume you mean the US natives? All of wherever they lived in the US I guess.

You literally won Darkshore, you got Ashenvale Back, the Night Elves were the focus of half of BFA and Shadowlands and a third of Dragonflight. You get a new capital city zone made with brand new assets and soon to be on a quiet continent which is IDEAL for RP. Night Elves have two sets of heritage armour (BFA Season 2 PvP and the new one).

But a man complains “THIS ISN’T ENOUGH.”
Who are you? How did you get on this forum?
I love playing Night Elves, I’ve played one since Cataclysm in some shape or another but BY ELUNE its playerbase are the most insufferable across Warcraft with how it approaches itself and the BOUNTEOUS lore you are given year on in year on out.

I really wish the Elfposter stereotype wasn’t just a jaded cynical joke but IT REALLY ISN’T.


As our more sane native nelfposters have pointed out, each one of those points comes with a caveat.

Pyrrhic victory that reduced Darkshore to a wasteland that’s unpleasant to live in, according to Exploring Kalimdor. They hate that.

A lot of posters on this forum seem to believe that night elves won’t have meaningful possession of Ashenvale until any Horde presence is deleted from the forest. As of Exploring Kalimdor, the Horde still exist there and local night elves still clash with them, so they hate it.

More like a tenth and it was a pretty bad tenth with story developments that they hated.

More like a tenth and it was a very bad tenth with story developments that they hated.

This is about right, but again, it was a mediocre third with story developments that they hated.

But it’s not on the continent that they want it to be on, which was enough of a reason for them to hate it until 10.2.5 spoilers started to come out, then the reaction changed to “okay maybe it is nice but it’s still on the wrong continent.”

War front armour is a pain in the backside to obtain and they hate the night elf heritage quest.

As of 10.2.5, a consensus has been reached that can best be described as “okay, this is not actually bad, we’re willing to accept this as a compromise if Blizzard never pays attention to night elves ever again so we can enjoy this gift in relative obscurity and stop receiving new lore that we’ll inevitably hate.”

People like Starstride are just weird outliers that I might have summoned to this thread to remind people why the nelfposter stereotype exists. I shall atone for my sins, I swear.