PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)



Dude wants the blood elves and the nightborne but actually they’re night elves.


Pandaren question but this time it’s night elves.

This is why you always screenshot the bad takes. Or link it with the little ` around it so it doesn’t count as a proper forum link.


I’m really curious what exactly patch 10.2.6 will be about, seeing how the only thing revealed about its features is " :skull_and_crossbones: ".

A pirate-themed patch in a dragon-themed expansion would certainly be… one of the choices the WoW team ever made.

Here’s a very tinfoil hat hypothesis: with all the emphasis on restoration and reconciliation, could we be restoring Theramore next? Only we’ll need to first shoo away the pirates squatting in the ruins, so that, just like with Gilneas, all grievances the Alliance might have with the Horde can conveniently be redirected onto a neutral enemy faction.

Demon Hunters getting a third spec: Space Pirate. In the absence of a Legion to hunt, they’ve taken to space piracy.

They wear two eyepatches on top of their blindfolds.


Pirate roleplay hub in Tel’Abim.

I’d hope for Plunder Isle instead!

Exist, with the weight of your Sins -nods-

I hope not, to be honest. I’d rather have a pirate fleet trying to raid Bilgewater Harbour or Booty Bay than restoring another Alliance place. I don’t think rebuiling everything the Horde destroyed is the best way to write a story of the Alliance and Horde coming together once more.

With that said, i would like to see more cities in game even if they reduce it to a throwaway line. Diremaul getting retaken by the night elves and slowly becoming a small city and focal point in Feralas would be pretty cool.

Always hated that the nations are cities with two villages and, if they’re lucky, a pier.


Yes, please, keep threatening us with good time.

On the contrary, I think it would help a lot. I´d say the greatest hurdle towards factions reaching lasting peace isn´t as much the bad blood from previous wars (we´ve been able to overcome that problem in real world many times before) but rather the issue of one faction permanently losing land while other permanently gained it, especially when the one that gained it was the one which escalated conflicts from small-scale fighting into world wars.

I don´t think the Horde should lose anything (except Ashenvale, it´s kinda dumb that the whole “renewal” thing night elves are doing is happening while orcs still occupy their territories), in fact Undercity/Lordaeron should be restored on similar level to Amirdrassil, but restoring the places Alliance lost to Horde and which aren´t currently occupied (Gilneas, Theramore) or owned by Alliance (Southshore, possibly southern Silverpine) would be a great way to remove these lasting grudges.


Theramore should remain a crater, as a dire warning to anyone stupid enough to bear the flag of neutrality while actively supporting a war effort. Its legacy was a pretty little lie that ended the only way it ever would have.


It’s going to be a questline about Flynn and Mathias on a spy-and-pirate boating trip around Azeroth!

(it’ll be very gay, honestly)


Look, you may be a night elf fan and just playing another toon, but be aware that usually it is non-night elf fans that are just happy with night elves reduction from their epic origins, and comfortable with them just being about one thing and okay with them not being remarkable

This is not an attractive. Every race has multiple aspects to them, both rural and urban. And the night elf fantasy was always more than nature and forests, it was also a vast arcane civilization and a savage hardcore demon hunter fel power crazed group of hunters of demons dedicated to destroying that evil by any means.

The order of Elune was always more than just sentinels, a big part was the female warrior/hunter fantasy that comes form wonder woman type - it is not meant to be primitive jungle people but highly intelligent people in a forest capacity, but it wasn’t the only one we are presented with the high caster temple priest in stunning temples of Elune.

and in all these aspects, whether arcane magic via the legendary Moonguard and Highborne or nature magic by the astonishing druids, hinting by the sentinels or the leading sisterhood of Elune calling down the stars and moon - they were legendary and highly accomplished.

So having a go at people who want to see night elves in more than ruins makes you very much like those blood elf fans largely that just don’t care or simply feel that any form of elven development or civilization and magic belongs to the blood elves and/or high elf kind - and this has never been the lore.

There were two aspects, but this is correct. One - racism. The orcs and the broken were not equal partners with the Illidari, they were very much a lower caste if not borderline slaves at certain times, like the fel orcs and them being bound to Magtheridon through his blood, who in turn was enslaved by Illidan.

Secondly the Illidan novel revealed that blood elves had the highest survival rate among Demon Hunter initiates compared to night elves (which even then was very small!) because of their innate magical affinity that eased the process. Their elvishness is directly in causality with them being able to survive the process which killed 4/5 night elves and only(!) 3/5 blood elves who attempted it.

Also the blood elves had a higher recruitment pool because the Sunfuries were “volunteering” their most prospective soldiers to Illidan. Night elf DHs were recruited exclusively out of individuals who went out of their way to find Illidan.


Is this where we find out that one Infinite Dragon who decided to be a pirate-captain wasn’t the only one? ( Tazzavesh remembers).

I still wanted to see Drisburg in Kul Tiras, the one city on their northern-end that got attacked by the Scourge, inhabited by alot of dwarves and gnomes, and thus abandoned by Duke Falrevere, who then went on to found the Bloodsail Bucanneers.

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Nah, the difference isn´t “night elf fans” and “not night elf fans”, it´s “people who know the lore and want good story” and “night elf stans who just want to always win”.
You are the second, but thinking you are the first, which is just always going to be funny to me, especially when you also add some delusions about modern night elves having Arcane and Fel as huge parts of their culture.


It’s the fictional equivalent of irredentism. Wanting your favorite nation to have all the lands it ever had throughout all of history ever, and also be the bestest at absolutely everything ever and have no flaws and have the largest army and be the object of envy of all other nations and… and… and…


The infallible legions of warrior women (they trained for 100000 years).