PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

I went to visit the town on the PTR and I like it very much. My only regret is the lighting ambiance I guess. It’s very Day time, yellow/green, and while I understand why I miss Teldrassil ambiance.


The yellow plants feel like a weird holdover? Still, overall feeling relatively positive about it, yeah.

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Are you okay?

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I keep seeing him say “the fans” but I don’t know who these people are.


Yeah. Who the hell is ‘we’?


The argument against this is that the night elves need to have some sort of settlement there that is mentioned in post-BFA lore otherwise they have no settlement there, and the Grove of the Ancients doesn’t count because an ambassador of the Horde Council and his nature-loving guide weren’t slain on sight by Onu, which clearly makes Onu a filthy neutral and the Grove of the Ancients a filthy neutral town.

Though going by that logic, Azuremyst, Bloodmyst and even the Exodar are all neutral locations, as the draenei granted Zekhan and Rexxar access to their lands and even gave them guards to protect and guide them.

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Because that´s exactly what you want. You´re not going to be satisfied with anything that isn´t epic victory and restoration of kaldorei empire from 10000 years ago.

Are these night elf fans in the room with us right now?

Also, bit weird to say how night elf fans have been waiting for 20 years for portrayal of this epic Arcane night elves when until Cataclysm, night elves didn´t even have mages and were the most anti-Arcane of playable races.

Of course, this just leads me again into my 100% correct theory (thanks for proving it by presenting yourself as an example of this person, btw) that many people fail to understand that night elves now aren´t night elves from 10000 years ago, as back then “night elf” also involved groups of elves that became Nightborne, naga and high elves (+ their offshoots).


Anduin was allowed into Orgrimmar for Saurfang’s funeral, so pretty sure that’s a neutral zone too now.

Can’t believe the Orcs don’t have a capital city anymore :pensive: Neutral Zone ONLY.


So was Teldrassil. Tauren went to the Cenarion Enclave in Darnassus.

You’re all expecting consistency from Blizzard writing?

Lmao, even.

The fans expect it.
The fans!


Honestly, I think it’s pretty consistent.

Just because a town associated with one faction accepts visits from diplomatic dignitaries from the other faction, that doesn’t mean that the town is suddenly neutral or no longer aligned with its original faction.

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Yeah, I was being a bit facetious. It’s more that the disconnect between what we’re told in game, shown in game, and told OUT of game is very real/three entirely seperate things, and it gets very frustrating/boring having dealt with that for… how many years now?

More than anything I’d just like to get an expac out that doesn’t show clear signs of rewrites without proper planning or time to develop.

The last one that really felt like that to me was MoP (and for all I know that’s nostalgia talking), but it’s really felt like a problem in BfA/Slands/DF. Legion’s rewrites and stuff were less egregious overall but since they hurt my boy Wrathion the most I’m still salty.

Y’all can’t tell me that the BfA trailer and the actual storyline we got was meant to be congruous with each other.


Be your own hero, Elenthas. He was never the one.

Even that had supposed niggles with Jaina “being bugged” in the purge and the supposed scene of Aethas being threatened to stay quiet about the divine bell.

Its honestly fristrating, Blizzard have a solid setting but there’s so many fumbles and cuts.

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I’ll take my “Alliance were supposed to be the aggressors in BFA, thanks to Genn, and then lead into an Old God plot and next expac” idea to the grave, and I will STILL defend that it would have been better than what we got, EVERY damn time.


The whole Worldsoul Saga thing means that the broad strokes cannot be altered for the next three expansions. The War Within must lead to Midnight which must lead to the Last Titan, all of which requires a specific chain of events that we don’t know everything about.

The details might get rewritten in a rush, but the primary narrative is locked in for the next several years. They can no longer dump entire story arcs that they had planned because they’re in a rush to get the next expansion out, not without it looking like they’re pissing on Metzen’s great vision, which would cause a riot among his diehard fanbase.

Possibly, but Metzen is back, and in charge now, and he at least had the original epic vision of the night elves that got lost during wow’s development.

You have to remember, that blizzard decided to push the horde races heavily after classic’s launch, the night elves being placed on the alliance was a casuality of this…as it dominated the narrative being the main reason why night elf portrayal has been seemingly negligent.

  • We saw little to nothing of Tyrande - from classic to legion - only a cameo in MoP
  • We saw little to no action from the Sisterhood of Elune - none of the star casting priest units from Wc3.
  • We saw 0 wardens
  • We only saw a brief Demon hunter involvement in TBc - far less than the expansion title suggested, then mostly ignored.
  • We saw 0 development of the night elves’ expected resumption of arcane usage and civilization - yes this was always on the cards after the legion returned- and the reason for isolation and arcane prohibition ended - people who doubt this need to read the lore.
  • We saw Cataclysm - slightly advance the story, with highbonre mages, mlafurion’s return, sentiensl in action, druids – however:
  • Malfurion did very litlte to nothing.
  • The sentinels were heavily Damsels in distress
  • The shen’dralar did nothing, butt heir new students got humiliated too
  • The druids don’t even show up to hep, we meet them in Hyjal, and they have some minor roles

While Stormwind and Orgrimmar, even Lordaeron got vast improvement remakes, Darnassus and Eldre’thalas stood untouched.

WoD only saw some marginal improvement. Delas Moonfang, Cordanna Felsong and Highborne making alliance portals - all minor.

In fact for most of that period, Moon Priestesses, Wardens, Highborne, Demon hunters - were absent.
Sentinels were only involved in night elf areas
Druids were the ones seen alll around and almost all pacifist like or kumbayab.

No epic portrayal, no fire and guts, no dangerous night elves, no powerful night elves, the legendary Highborne do nothing, the sentinels look weak, the druids passive, night elves remained in ruins - Darnassus not updated at al. - which is part of the point here, you show defeated and weak night elves, where is the showing of victorious and powerful night elves?

This is poor development, a dis-service to the fans, and it drove people away from wow… then after the defeats of Cataclysm, the humiliation by the horde in Azshara, Ashenvale, Stonetalon Mountain and Desolace where night elves beaten, , totally outshone in every one of those areas, and then humiliated , with only the patch in Darkshore against the Shatterspear trolls the only place they actually get a modicum of victory looking a little like their War of the ancients and WC3 selves

Then there is War of Thorns massacre - which comes after a much better portrayal in Legion -

Legion was the anomaly, night elves look powerful, and the Nightborne too, clearly a night elf sub-race. We see the first druid look dangerous in wow - Thaon Mooncaller - do Val’Sharah quests, Night elven Highborne like Farondis, looked powerful in his quest line as did the Moonguard. THE demon hunters were ferocious and deadly, and the Wardens looked like serious business for a change. Then the Nightborne showed how accomplished in the arcane the night elves can be.

Then it all goes down hill again, Tyrande is not given any memorable role, Malfurion while sounding cunning, does no action, Illidan returns, he is badass but no powerful moment with his brother and the love of his life. The Order of Elune should have been all over Suramar and the Cathedral of Eternal night, yet they are swapped it for Blood elves and Order Halls respectively, despite the Maiev/Illidan roles we got in the Cathedral the scene. [Did you observe how the blood elves became the grand elves instead, more vicious, more gutsy and more powerful -which was what the night elves were originally pre-TBC - it is a destiny swap, rather than elevate the blood elves to the night elves’ level, they diminished the night eves so the horde and the blood elves will shine further, and then forgot that the horde was already vastly more popular and continued the trend.]

Khadgar introduces Azsuna, and Suramar, and you greets the demon hunters, you wonder why Mordant Evenshade couldn’t have done this, being the Highborne leader in lands far more familiar to the Night elves.

All this is showing a reluctance to properly portray night elves, but Legion was by far the best showing.

it’s down hill again, The Night warrior is the Broken Shore questline Tyrande had that was cut in favour of the Order Halls - she was supposed to gain the night warrior ritual then to take on the legion, and gain the knowledge form the archives in the Cathedral - makes much more sense now doesn’t it. as why would Tyrande gain the night warrior ritual for the horde but seemingly forget it for the bigger legion threat earlier?

Night elf subversion continues because the allied race and the city, original hoe of the kaldorei is copted for the horde… why? popular vote, dev vote, it has nothing to do with lore which like every other sub race, places them firmly with the night elves. Could not the Nightborne have gone horde, and Suramar stayed with the Nightfallen? Whom the Arcan’dor heals back to night elves, whiles for punishment Elisande and her loyalists are denied the fruits and exiled, where the blood elves entreat them, out of compassion as race that had once also nearly fallen to the legion, and knowing their arcwine supplies gone, take them to Silvermoon and they are aided by the Sunwell - boom horde get Nightborne, alliance get void elves, but at last alliance get a share of the Suramar questline that is heartily core to the night elf storyline.

None of this happens because of developmental bias - this is a skew in development to bolster the horde that should have changed in WoD, but the developers are so use to it, it seems automatic when it comes to faction matters.

So we get Tyrande in the Darkshore questline

    1. She doesn’t show up in the warfront
    1. She goest ot Arden weald, but where is Malfurion, the actual druid, not involved with the nature heaven and Ysera who is close to him, not Tyrande? Ysera dies trying to save Malfurion. Where is he? Not chasing after his wife who in the legion expansion travails Val’Sharah’s corruption to find him…

this is not quality writing - lacking consistency, needlessly shifting direction (again) and kinda betraying the fans of the group and their expectation, and is at contrast to all the good work that set up legion.
Then enter Dragonflight…why does Malfurion have to take Ysera’s place and not be involved with the Emerald dream, Ysera who is almost completely absent from most of the questlines?

This is all poor sub-par development and it’s exactly this up and down quality that is putting people off and annoying fans.

It would at least solve the main issue of world peace, which is the fact that it exists between an aggressor and defender, where the aggressor didn´t have to face any consequences because it was all blamed on one person while ignoring that overwhelming majority of the people supported that person until the end.

If Alliance was the one to start the war (which it didn´t even if you look at the post-MoP small scale fighting as the start, as the NPC text of Alliance guards on Ashran suggest Horde were the aggressors there), we´d be in a scenario where each faction escalated small-scale fighting into world war once, making the whole theme of “let´s focus on peace instead” far more sensible because it would be two equally responsible sides saying it.