PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

That looks alot like those Auchenai Deathspeakers who went hostile after Murmur arrived in Auchindoun! Those guys you meet in the Bone Wastes in TBC.

As there is no official lore anywhere declaring that these Auchenai are now accepted members of the Alliance, my Alliance characters will be killing any draenei that they see with this new customisation option on sight and I encourage all lore-abiding citizens of Argent Dawn to do the same.

None live who assault the holy Auchenai.

(Vigilants are cool because they’re 40k Dreadnoughts/Wraithlords)
(but also I’m of mixed feelings about adding them to standard draenei forces, since “big magic robots” is kind of a belf thing and belf/draenei are already ‘opposites’ so it’s a bit on the nose to do that too)

Have blood elves done anything with their spiky arcane golems since Burning Crusade, and have the anima-powered blood golems that had a cameo in Warlords of Draenor ever done anything of value?

And let’s be honest, every ancient race that exists on the brink of extinction has every reason to use magical constructs on the battlefield.

The blood golems got deployed as an elite enemy for Alliance to kill during the Nazmir faction assault alongside other BElf forces.

They were also deployed at Suramar.

Between those and Talador, they show up pretty consistently whenever the BElves are doing stuff with their actual forces since they got them in ToT. I assume we’ll see more of them in Midnight.


This cracks me up to no end, but I suppose if they have to create a “this was totally on purpose take our word for it” plot hook there are worse examples.

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I mean, it will probably tie in somehow, on the other hand crackpot cultists, either fantasy or Real World, do tend to sound Absolutely Certain in a ‘trust me bro’ kind of way. It could be hot air, or much more vague.


Him targetting Silithus to stab C’thun was a vaguely popular headcanon/theory from the moment the stab happened, so if they want to ‘canonise’ it then sure, why not.

If he’d waited until VElves got recruited he’d have stabbed Stormwind instead.

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Always figured the location was random, just so happen that face of azeroth was turned towards the tip of the blade at that moment.
Like imagine if he had to forcefully turn the planet like a ball to find the exact spot he wanted to stab.

Danuser, you cannot keep spamming the word Order everywhere hoping that eventually the playerbase forget that 80% of the races are due to the Titans, and that life on Azeroth only managed to bloom after the Black Empire because of Freya and Eonar. Gods I am so tired. Also why does this random Hermit speak like a wowpedia article, incredibly grating dialogue.


Same reason Wrathion had a moment in this patch where he read like the comment section of a Wowhead article.

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Wowhead has covered this too now:

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This could mean one of two things.

One, maybe Danuser is still able to influence the overall narrative by injecting NPCs that follow his cosmological takes and frame current events in a way that suits his personal interpretation of the setting.

Two, maybe Metzen is on board with Danuser’s reinterpretation of the game’s cosmology and is happy to incorporate it into his upcoming story, complete with treating the information we were given in the Chronicles as Titanic propaganda.

All I know for sure is that this sets the dark precedent of locking lore and items with lore behind the FOMO post, even if it’s just a cheeky easter egg.


There’s not much new to it though. It’s only logical that a twilight cultist would describe the titans as careless, ruthless beings to be overthrown, and an Azerite blade wouldn’t be what he wanted to see, not to mention the small replica of the sword looming over the head. As of Xal’atath’s staff, well… it’s not like we didn’t know she’s up to something already, or was there when the Black Empire still stood.


I imagine its much more likely that most of the story team are still largely playing in Danuser’s tennis court atm (this is after all his expansion to write from start to finish if Metzen is focusing on TWW-TLT). Whether they will still play ball with this afterwards or scrap it come TWW remains to be seen, but I hope its scrapped and burnt to ashes personally, alongside everything this man has written for the setting.


I wouldn’t dismiss the context here either, which is a crazy madman rambling about the cosmos with a background in Twilight Occultism and Old God insanity.

At the same time it would still trek with Dunguser’s world building, ie. there’s no actual morally good cosmic force, everything is a 3D printed shade of morally grey


At the same time, it’s not like a member of the Twilight’s Hammer would have a good opinion on the titans or Sargeras himself. Sargeras did make it his mission to remove the void’s influence in the Great Dark Beyond through scorched earth tactics, so, it’s not really new for a void cultist to have a problem with it.


Reflecting on hero talents, I think they’re fundamentally a bad idea. The names suffer from a “square flavor, round mechanic” syndrome (as seen with San’layn and Mountain Thane), and they fundamentally suffer from having to give flavor to talent trees mechanically derived by placing them between specs; a very clear example of gameplay-driven lore.

I also suspect they’re going to have the same problem as Shadowlands covenants: a fundamental conflict between flavor and optimization. “Aesthetically I like X but the guide says I should choose Y because it’s optimal!”


That’s probably why they made them talents, something that is more ingrained in the community as a “this is the spec for X Y and Z.” vs “You will get to choose your covenant hurr durr here’s an ability that does nothing.”

Covenants suffered from more than just ill fitting flavour or aesthetics. The system would not have been as donkey butt if you could have swapped them on the fly, something that I imagine they will let us do with hero talents.

Just go into X spec for a dungeon, then go back to romping around in your flavour in the open world since nothing matters there.

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You should simply always pick what’s fun and flavourful and ignore the concept of ‘meta’.