PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

You speak of elves while the rightful heir to thrones of both Ironforge and Shadowforge has been a generic dwarf baby in a crate-looking cradle these past 14 years. I am starting to think Dagran Thaurissan the Second of his name is a changeling baby.

I know there will be a change to the situation with War Within but damn. Oh, and Thargas bloody Anvilmar is still stuck in Cataclysm timeloop outside Dun Modr. And somewhere in that now-forgotten era is Kurdran Wildhammer, as well. Oh, and has anyone seen Vanndar Stormpike in a while?

I am hoping to see some heroes of dwarves and gnomes in War Within. Enough elves, it is time for the subterranean kind.


I sincerely agree.


By now, Dagran should’ve made an appearance in the approximate age bracket Anduin was in during Cata/MoP.


Deep Elves, got it :+1:

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He died in the Draenor expedition. Where’s Falstad now is a more interesting question, though… and the answer is HotS.

IIRC, he is mentioned in a pre-Shadowlands timeskip short story or book as being Anduin’s age during Vanilla, but I can’t remember exactly where. I’ll wait for Telaryn to read this.

I thought it was said somewhere that Stormwinds trait was having the whole classic fairy tale knights saving maidens and what not.

It’s not in the Warcraft 2 manuals, at least.

Might have been what they draw their inspiration from when they revisited the place in WoW, because I am fairly sure wows lore was as generic as it comes in warraft 1 and Stormwind was not even relevant for 3.

In Warcraft 1, Stormwind (then called the Kingdom of Azeroth) was basically a generic fantasy human kingdom.

In Warcraft 2, which introduced the rest of the Seven Kingdoms, each of them received a distinguishing trait that was noted in the manual. Stormwind/Azeroth was the mightiest of the human nations before the Dark Portal opened, but in Warcraft 2 their sole notable trait was fighting for their lost homeland.

Then they retook it, so in Beyond the Dark Portal their notable trait was being the first line of defense against Ner’zhul’s Draenor Horde. But after Draenor was destroyed, they lost even that. And they sat Warcraft 3 out. Not much to draw from.


Kurdran is still alive, you can meet him in Outland.
Neat little fact: All the people who have statues in Valley of Heroes are still alive, while the people who wrote the epitaphs on those statues are either dead or undead (exception being Falstad who wrote Kurdran´s epitaph).

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My bad. Never played Outland too much. But if so, then yes, he’s conveniently forgotten. On second thought, if they took Sabellian out after all these years, Kurdran may be back too someday.

He also fought in the Twilight Highlands in Cataclysm.

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Dagran was born in Vanilla (Year 25) when Anduin was 10.
It’s now Year 40 (as of Dragonflight), likely 42 when TWW comes out, making Dagran 15-17. Anduin is 25-27.

Dagran shows up briefly in Before the Storm at Moira’s side, where Anduin guesses his age as ‘between 6 and 7’ (he was 8, close enough) and then again in the pre-DF short story of Wrathion’s, where he’s at the Lor’themar-Thalyssra wedding making friends with Arator.

Is this a red shirt guy joke

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Boo, I thought it would be next week.

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Another week before Dragon Riding in old world?
Feels bad :pensive:

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It’s all vague stuff but eh, mildly interesting thing for people using the sargeras sword mog in silithus.

“Unique customization for Draenei”

What does that mean?

A skin colour.

I am disgusted but not surprised.