PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

She regained access to her wardrobe she left on Azeroth.


I think she looks younger in the new concept of Art than other pieces I’ve seen of her. - But it’s also just concept Art, it is more to show off a different look than perhaps be as 100% accurate as it should be.

They probably wanted to appeal to nostalgia with a very traditional high elf ranger during Legion. Having played through the Unseen Path story recently, it’s evident that the writer for hunters was very interested in elven rangers of all varieties and that same writer went on to become the lead narrative designer before Legion was over. I wouldn’t be surprised if he pushed hard for the return of Alleria.

Except the issue was that Alleria ended up being written as anything but a traditional high elf ranger for 7.3 and her appearance in the game doesn’t really match that at all. Finally, with the War Within, she’s gotten a redesign that is ideal for what she is - the first void elf.
The white is a great touch to differentiate from all of the other void-affiliated characters to show that she isn’t defined by her ties to the void and that she still her independence.
However, she’s still a little edgy with black as her secondary colour, all of that asymmetry and a lot of cosmic purple trinkets, to illustrate her ties to the void and the subtle influence it has on her.

It suits her story a hell of a lot better than the old nostalgia-bait stereotypical-elf-ranger look.


I’m on board with anything that gets rid of her ridiculous thigh-hole-strap leg things.

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Alleria is still an original Farstrider of Quel’Thalas. All Silvermoon rangers would still look like her. If the Blood elves didn’t take on the red for their new name sake.

Original farstriders where all green themed. :nerd_face: Sorry. I had too

Isn’t that the entire point?

Oh look at that another fem fatale! Whatever shall the forums think of this?

Personally I get more of an “athletic and queer” vibe from her, but that may be just me.

She also looks younger on that art than in previous depictions.

I’ll take it over some of the cursed BG3 yassification mods

Pretty sure there were complaints, when this picture was released, that she looked to masculine, and not like a female at all… :thinking:

On another note;

With the Kaldorei Darkfallen having a place in Bel’ameth, although in the outcast tower, does this mean that the Undead Night Elves now have a place on the fringe of Kaldorei society, and thus within the Alliance…

Or is it akin to how there are Eredar, secretly, working for/with the Draenei, without being an actual part of the Draenei and Alliance?

Personally, since they are pretty out in the open, and its solely Night Elven Dark Rangers, I am off the persuasion that they actually rejoined their people, like the DH’s and DKs in that tower

I have no idea what this means :frowning:

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If they were fine they wouldn’t be relegated to the exile tower on a far away island instead of brooding in Stormwind City, where they are still absent (unlike the new warlocks who were added in the previous patch).

I mean Highborne are also in and around that tower, and as far as we know, they’re fine with both the Night Elves and the Alliance :thinking:

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They’ve also been present outside that tower, unlike Night Elf Dark Rangers who have been either camping Lordaeron City’s ramparts or lurking in the Emerald Dream/around Amirdrassil.

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They’re not lurking come wednesday, though…

From what I saw in the preview screenshots, they are in and around the tower in more numbers then the Demon Hunters and Death Knights and its still in a Night Elven City.

Sure they might not be guarding the ramparts of Bel’ameth, but they are clearly not hiding away either

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I’m sure that’ll be a reliant reasoning for letting them mingle in the Cathedral District (not that the average Stormwind RPer cares)

Ah, yes. That was exactly the reason I was asking about the Dark Rangers status with the Night Elves and the Alliance.

Way to pull a question out of context to score some cheap internet points :+1:

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On one hand I think she looks good aswell, but on the other hand, I liked her longer hair just that little bit better, but that is personal preference.

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I think they can now be considered on the level of DKs and DHs, that being someone who isn´t going to be kill on sight, but also not really welcome among the wider populace of the Alliance.


She still has long hair, it stops at the height her belt is placed!

And Warlocks! Mistrusted but their usefullness for the Night Elves/Alliance is just to good an oppertunity to pass up on them, I suppose?

Putting them on par with the DK’s and DH’s sounds about right, though! (Still wish Darkfallen option was available for Death Knights :frowning: )


You’re right, it is! I just didn’t look properly, and probably got thrown off with the end of her hair being painted a very dark shade of blue. Well, then I have no complaints!