PTR Spoiler/Discussion Thread (Part 2)

You write in assumptions and im sorry to say allot of them about me… And why i wrote that reply that I did…

I didn’t want us all to go down memory lane and down our parents up bringing of us. What we went trough and what was done right and wrong in our upbringing…

How our parents told us our stories as children.

But you can tell that a mom is at the helm of our story writing since Shadowlands. The story is just told in a much more child friendly way. The same way a Mom would tell you the same stories as your dad.

Thats just the vibe i get from Dragonflight. Its not a bad story or anything. But it feels allot more sensitive.

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Since the long-winded version didn’t seem to make my point clear, I’ll say it plainly.

Drop the gender stereotypes. Please.


Did males write the story before dragonflight yes or no?

Like i am sorry but come on…

What a peculiar character.

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I haven’t even unloaded my Kathleen kennedy and star wars aresnal yet. You haven’t seen anything yet.

You underestimate his power!

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Yes, but plenty of them also wrote Dragonflight.

In order to support your point that Dragonflight was written in a more “female” way, you’ll need to provide evidence that women write in a certain way and that there were more women working on Dragonflight’s story than there were working on previous expansions.

Alternatively, you could accept that your point is built on your personal belief that there is a feminine way of writing and that Dragonflight is written in a feminine way, rather than being built on any sort of hard evidence. But if you do that, then I hope you won’t mind if other people care less about your opinion due to it being built on feelings rather than facts.


Gilneas’ culture and customs were pretty different from most human nations, at least until the Ashvane Company was introduced. Some folks (I am one of those folks) like human RP because of how diverse humanity can become in a fantasy setting while still being human.

As a somewhat exaggerated comparison, imagine if you wanted to be a mag’har orc but every time you entered combat you turned into a lion which doesn’t really gel with the orcish idea you had in mind. You could then just make a regular orc and put in your RP description that you are mag’har.

Still cringe.

I don’t mind at all… But I do hope we all remember the theme and type of story we used to get. Until allot of harrasment and awful things done to female epmloyees at blizzard where uncovered to us all…

And the level of estrogen and female power we have now sure comes from somewhere xD

And i am not being mysagonistic or anything. But its obvious why this is… Cracking down on male employees being awful to fellow female employees at blizzard. Should have been cracked down at Blizzard.

Making our story telling all female in telling is not the right way. Is just my opinion.

No. You’re just being really, really weird with a very meandering ‘point’?

Good or bad writing or types of stories are not the pervue of any one gender. Claiming that is just utter nonsense. Which then leaves the question of ‘What even is your point’?


Call it meandering and everything between the skies and the stars. This is just Skullfoxs opinion.

I think my point was made pretty clear. Regardless what you try to turn it into now.

Well, that is going on Ignore. So just begging people to now not Quote, please and thank you :slight_smile:


Thats what we do when we can’t deal with others opinions after all.

Ignore the Troll(Vulpera) and embrace the spoiler discussion!

I do wonder if they’ll add more stuff to Bel’ameth in future patches, although I won’t complain if they don’t.

I think it looks pretty fine as it is, love the space between everything, feels very natural and that fits the Night Elves!

Size-wise… I think its bigger then Darnassus, just less filled up!


I think the general vibe about the story of DF and generally all the way back to BfA has been “This is mediocre story-telling” and to more recently “This is at best innofensive and at the worst of it, very weak.” None of us had associated feminine or masculine vibes to the writing as a whole.

I do resonate with your take that it’s like a Mom telling the same story as your Dad but with toned down elements and less bombastic/rule of cool that often made the previous way the story was told to be sometimes highly engaging.

However the story is a team effort. So I’ll blame all of them, not just the public face of it whether it’s Danuser or Metzen or Afrasiabi, when its utter trash and dissapointing.

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Your right Rayo… And you seem like a way more rational and reasonable Pera than I am. :pray: Sorry to leave you like this… But I am already labeled as a troll so.

You’re not owed anyone’s time. Ever. That’s the first and only thing I will say on the matter.

Honestly I have a hard time seeing exactly where more stuff would fit in on the ground level. Who knows though, a few years from now Blizzard might pull the rug from under us all, making Amirdrassil a truly gargantuan World Tree the likes of Teldrassil - city in the boughs and all.

I won’t lie, seeing the Night Elf assets as they are today, a Darnassus 2.0 would rival Suramar in majesty.


And if you think that. Your all free to always just… Not reply to me.

Its actually that simple

It is, there’s a missive that drops from the purifiers about their objective in the graveyard. They’re digging up the corpses of Gilneans who were afflicted with the worgen curse to purge their bones of the last remnants of the worgen taint. The Scarlets believe that for as long as worgen are allowed to be buried in Gilneas, they’re unable to turn it into the new holy land of the Light. Exhume the bodies and redeem them in the Light.

Redeeming here meaning purging their bones in holy fire, as one does.